Women like ottermode

Why do you want big muscles user? Are you overcompensating for your small penor?

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I want respect from other men more than I want thots

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you are gay

faggot board is this way, faggot

The truth is revealed

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Ottermode does not equal a twink with abs

This is all that matters.
Women will never respect you the way you want to be respected.
It can only come from other men.
It is the way that it is.

I like being able to pick up my wife, hold her up in the air and power fuck her. if people want to be ottermode good for them. Some people like being fat too and that's obviously not for me either. Question is why do you come onto the board and post this bullshit all the time user? Coping with the fact you can't make it? Sour grapes is it? Just be happy being whatever you are and stop with this trash and do something with your free time that is a little more constructive.

u literally described ottermode

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I'm short af so I don't know if I'll ever have a gf in my life so I thought I just might as well get stronger and gain mass

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nice traps

When are you going to start?

My wife likes joocy forearms and big shoulders, i dunno where you get your information but maybe you should consider which women have opinions you care about.

>My husband likes joocy forearms and big shoulders

Only a couple of weeks in and the last time I weighed I was 128 so I'm almost to my goal of 135
>t. Only 5'3

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What's ur routine.

You can go much higher than 135. Aim for the stars user. You're better than this

i like otter mode too. but i like to eat more.

>Women like ottermode
The dudes too.

It's a power building routine with some isolation work. And desu, I don't look very well in my opinion. I need to work on my shoulders and my biceps

I think it really depends on your age. If your over 25 its hard to pull off without looking like a faggot

You are gay

bodybuilt/strong fat fags are the biggest homos

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They look like brothers.

>Seriously regarding and consider what a bunch of meat slobs thinking
I know its a bait but if not you should really change your mindset user.

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being big doesnt mean youre strong

Because a lot of gay men date guys who look like themselves.

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No actual girl in the west like KPOp dudes unless theyre asian or koreaboo

Actually, no. If I wanted to overcompensate for my small penor I would lose weight to make it look bigger.

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>Are you overcompensating for your small penor?
You're damn right

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>being upset at gays
>on Jow Forums

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catch aids pedo

I just want to be as fit as possible, man. Even if I don't get huge I just want to be able to lift my own bodyweight really easily. Doing a one-armed pull-up is essentially my goal [spoiler]once I recover from this fucking surgery[/spoiler]

how do I achieve androgynous kpop star body type?

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Visit the gym once a week. Don't over-eat. That's literally it.

ottermode only works if you have a good face to go along with it. Being a gigantus works better if your face is a little bit more on the shit side.

6'1 and handsome af with aryan features here. Gotta agree.

Whores love me

how much do u weigh?

If your a small framed asian, its better to go with a bigger body then be an ottermode twink

dont fall for the "women scam:

>be manlet asian
>semi competitive in amature mma
>lift heavy
>great at ground and pound
>got "too bulky"
>cut hard
>became otter mode
>got more girls
>got older
>hit the gym
>all my lifts are shit
>fuk it permabulk and lift
>feel great and my #'s coming back

I love eating so I gotta lift too otherwise I'll get gigafat

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No, ottermode is when you big back, fit, bigger muscles than twink bit not as big as bodybuilder, think swimmers.

Why thug face?
It's stupid and ugly

Keto + IF + Cardio

I was focused on taking the pic plus I just got home from a workout and being tired as fuck

sehun is skelly mode not ottermode

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Why would you not want your body to be the absolute best it can be? You don't stop going to school after learning to read and do basic arithmetic.

Before you call this fag a faggot, he's right.
Women want men that are respected by other men and wanted by other women, and one leads to the other. If other men want to be you, a woman will want to be with you. If other women want to fuck you, a woman will want be with you.
Being that women are constantly changing the reasons for wanting to fuck a particular type of man to throw off their female counterparts, your best bet is to gain to the respect of other men as a way of obtaining puss.

Yes that is correct. What's the fucking point of this thread

And you are foolish

>bettering self
I hate normies and their crab in the bucket mentality