Cats are shit tier pets and just get hair everywhere.
Kevin Watson
Crusaders gay so it's a given
Gabriel Perez
Depends on what type of cat you get. My exgf had two cats, one was a total bitch and hated being picked up but for some reason would let me pick her up but nobody else. The other cat was relaxed all the time and you could flop him over your shoulder and he wouldn't care.
My cat used to be very relaxed since he grew up around 3 young children, you could accidentally pull out his whiskers and he just wouldn't care. Now he's older he's a lot more needy now. He's not happy unless he's in some way touching me, whether that be on my lap, sitting on my feet or laying on my keyboard. He's an old boy so I want to make the last bit of his life good.
She’s getting dicked by chad and has already forgotten about you. Stop bringing her up.
Jackson Reed
You guys are really reaching. What's next?
Crusader: "The sky is blue." Anons: "uh I just looked outside and the sky is black you fucking retard, kys."
Jacob Smith
Cats are beta though
Colton Campbell
Fuck cats, answer my question from the last thread What should I use as a second compound? Deca? EQ? Tren? DHB you guys memed hard about that a few threads back? Or should I kill my liver with an oral?
Dominic Jenkins
How else do I mention I interacted with two cats regularly that don't belong to me without it sounding really weird?
Remembering her doesn't bother me at all. It's just simply the fact that I spent the last 4 years of my life and literally my entire adult life with her and so I have a lot of memories and experience where she was a primary participant.
What are you goals loser? I know nothing about DHB at all other than it's pip city.
What are your goals and what else are you a'runnin'?
Easton Young
>do their own thing, they don't even need you but Grace's you with their company >low maintenance, will literally wash themselves >kill small animals and brings them to you
Sounds pretty metal to me
Dylan Jenkins
>What are you goals loser? I know nothing about DHB at all other than it's pip city. Bulking loser Only considering EQ cause it's low side effects, but that's not a huge deal. They have ai and shit for that
Ryder Wright
Hah. At first I thought the girl in that photo was sitting forward in a skirt and he really weird fat knees/legs. If you see what I mean it'll ruin it for you.
Gabriel Miller
It'll be my second cycle so just test 500mg/week + something new Im not opposed to just upping my test dose too Bulking btw
Asher Taylor
If you're using test as your primary compound, EQ would be a good choice.
Justin Sullivan
Have you used other compounds? I would say try an oral, bulking on dbol is awesome. You could up the test too.
Lucas Mitchell
>300mg of tren ace everyday.
Somebody stop me I just ordered 50g more. I need 2.25mg of Prami every night. My cock is thicker. I’m literally a furnace if I eat carbs.
Julian Rogers
Any specific reason for it being a good choice aside from low rate of side effects? I've read it isn't very powerful for bulking No, just test. Orals sketch me out because of liver toxicity. Do I do anything during cycle to prevent damage or is it all post cycle recovery? All I find when I Google it is shills selling their liver support products and milk thistle. Obviously blood tests would tell me if im healthy, but if im not what do I do?
Michael Davis
Last I heard TUDCA was supposed to be great, that was years ago people were talking about that though.
It really isn't a big deal at all, if you abuse orals for years on end and drink heavily then yeah you'll probably have a problem eventually. But with your fresh little liver a dbol cycle will be totally fine.
It's for sure less damaging than having one beer a day.
Anthony Perez
>having a good day, in a fine mood >gf comes gome >suddenly angry as fuck
Not sure why I'm angry but her presence really pisses me off recently. I resent her but not sure why.
Hunter Rivera
You should probably get out of that relationship
The unless would be if you moved in together recently or if you're in just one of those phases. Sometimes when you spend all of your time with one person, even if they're your favorite person, sometimes they just get on your nerves.
Hudson Williams
Cool cool I'll probably go with dbol. Haven't drank since I was a teen. Ive never bought a legal beer lol Any positive things you think about her? Why are you with her?
I go through phases where I love her utterly then hate her abs being near her makes me mad. I thinks it’s triggered by perceived slights or disrespect.
Jacob Sanchez
>Hate her abs being near me
Have her gain some weight breh.
But really, only you know the deal. It could be that you don't like her anymore (whether or not you love someone, I think breakups should be based on if you still like them) or it could be just a phase.
Are you running any gear that corresponds to your feelings? Like if you're blasting a bunch of tren right now I'd say don't blame the relationship.
Eli Moore
Can I get them source for dat dere juice? Im planning to do oral only with the max dosage a human can take. Not going to take asin and PCT btw. Also reddit sucks
End your suffering. Get bleach a gallon of bleach and vinegar then mix them together
Jacob Rodriguez
What's a good PED for somebody who has no real business using one? 26, been lifting once or twice week for a bit over 2 years, have an okay but not excellent diet. I'm obviously not going to get the most out of it, but I'm curious about what sort of difference it would make. What's something easy/safe to take just for the heck of it? I really don't need mega-gains, since I'll probably lose most/all of it when I stop, so weak SARM shit would be fine.
Is masteron a meme compound? My source has 250mg tren E for a good price and a tren/mast blend 250/250 for only $15 extra.
Hudson Harris
Kinda. It’s not really noticeable but I always run it if I’m doing high test to keep my shbg in check.
A blend like that isn’t going to hold unless he’s using guiaicol or it’ll hurt like fuck.
Luke Ross
more likely that that blend is either tren only or under dosed as fuck Masteron raws are decently expensive (compared to test/dbol) after all
Ian Green
They’re usually the same as tren. 4/g or so
Blake Baker
19 years old 432 free test Is there any point in me increasing test by a tiny amount (maybe to 6 or 700)? Would it even be possible to go back to the amount my body produces or would I hate myself?
Caleb White
deca feels good brah, never get injured in the gym my guy
Angel Cooper
Masteron is 100% a meme compound. Look at it’s anabolic:androgenic ratio. It’s weaker than test, lol. By as much as 75% in one regard and 40% in another. 100mg of tren would be like a gram of masteron in terms of the overall anabolic profile
Dominic Bell
Why risk damaging yourself to go from low-med normal --> med-high normal. You will have the potential of a natural in the gym with the same (arguably negligible) damage to your endocrine system.
second this blends are PIP destruction
Evan Evans
If you're going to run the risk of AAS and all that it includes you would want results which match or exceed the risk you took. Going up very slightly in natty levels doesn't seem like it's a reward worthy of the risk incurred.
Ian Flores
Only thing is blasting at my age is out of the question, right? Like, that's a big enormous no no.
After taking steroids, is the endocrine system guaranteed to be damaged? I know you said it was arguably negligible but how eexactly does that part work? Like, surely the body will eventually revert to the original test production levels, right?
Nicholas Brooks
if you are so low test that you want to intervene why would you care about damaging your already fucked up testosterone production?
Hunter Morales
I think the reason is because my life isn't incredibly terrible right now. I have things going for me, I get girls etc. so I wouldn't really want to mess that up. With that in mind, if I could have an edge with minimal risk that'd be great, too. I reckon I'll blast in the future anyways, just wanted to see if there's anything I can do at this tender young age of development.
Chase Gonzalez
>I know you said it was arguably negligible but how eexactly does that part work? >Like, surely the body will eventually revert to the original test production levels, right?
Who knows, more than likely you will always be fertile (as is or with the use of hmg/hcg). Will you ever produce test like you did before AAS depends on the amount and period you used them for. Bottom line is every ex bodybuilder is on trt.
Oliver Walker
It's not out of the question. You can do but you run some additional risks. Like you'll stop growing in height and you may damage your still developing endo system for life. But in saying that, males still undergo development until like 25.
Plenty of people have done steroids at your age and younger. Reddit will scream at you saying you need to be 30 and have been lifting for 15 years minimum but it's up to you and what personal risks you want to take on board.
Andrew Campbell
Do you know of any studies regarding damaging amounts of AAS relative to amount/period of use?
That's the scary part. The personal risks vary so much. I've always had the idea of doing "just one cycle" to hit natty peak and call it quits but evidently I'm far too ignorant given that I might damage my endocrine system. I wasn't planning on doing any of this at 19 given I'm too stupid to even get a source, but it's good to start collecting info early.
Cooper Myers
No I do not but some are available. Take anything you read with a grain of salt, the variability in AAS studies is very high
btw you probably wont want to ever train again after you one cycle so you wont maintain your natural limit. Not being negative just realistic
Jace Jones
>I've always had the idea of doing "just one cycle" to hit natty peak and call it quits but evidently I'm far too ignorant given that I might damage my endocrine system Wow you're moron. Stay away from this thread if you dont know what you're talking about. Read the reddit wiki you fuckwit
Got my hgh prescription today so I can fill it tomorrow, 5iu a day for the next few months. This is the first thing I'm a bit nervous about putting in my body. I can handle lots of sides that go away but the thought of getting HGH gut is making me have second thoughts.
How the fuck did you get a script for 5iu a day? Jesus Christ I’m jealous as fuck
Nicholas Powell
From the same doctor that gives me 400mg/week test e and all the thyroid hormone I can long as I check in with him and stay monitored he's got no problems prescribing things that are covered under my drug benefits.
Dylan Green
was meant for Trensomnia has me retarded at the moment.
Nathan Williams
>wake up tired >feel small af >look in the mirror >look small af >thinking about suicide
Yes, it will always affect your relationship
Hunter King
run away, she will be crazy in bed but nothing good will come of dating someone like that trust me
Michael Morales
Run from anxiety. If they have a legit anxiety disorder and have made zero attempts to seek help like seeing someone to teach them cognitive behavioral therapy then her anxiety is going to completely fuck you guys up. You didn't call? Cheating. You show up late? Cheating. Lock your phone? Cheating. The inverse to that is because she's so insecure she's more likely to cheat because when you aren't around giving her validation she's going to be looking for it elsewhere.. this goes the same for guys. Don't date someone who is not attempting to fix their anxiety with professional help, all you're doing is enabling them in the short term and then when things fall apart her long term outlook will be worse because you reinforced negative bullshit in her mind.
Hunter King
>she will be crazy in bed This. Normal woman will never like that crazy shit like anal, chocking, bsdm, slapping, stabbing, deepthroat ertc
Sounds more like being paranoid
Elijah Hernandez
Its all temporary. You'll be big again in no time.
Cooper Gray
that sounds like normie GAD shit, if we are talking ptsd and all the other fun stuff that comes along with it hes in for a real ride, dont do it
Adam Murphy
Clen when natty
Retarded or not?
Isaiah Brown
You know what? Zyzz > you
Alexander Cooper
Not really
Kevin Bailey
>sounds more like being paranoid
Sir, paranoia is the thoughts that come from anxiety and depression. No, it doesn't sound like paranoia it is paranoia. That's anxiety. If you're talking hardcore delusional paranoia as if people are out to get you that's psychotic paranoia, little different. My field is mental health and addictions and I deal with the latter all the time. Ask me about one of my residents getting stuck in the crawlspace of the building this week to avoid the assassins we just hired.
I also bike to work. That;s the pro for living here. Free cardio
I am also thinking about doing eca or albuterol. Clen seems to be too harsh for you heart.
Jason Robinson
Yeah I guess somewhat it is ptsd not that clingy anxiety. I was reading about a guy who’s girl had night terrors and eventually she broke down and told him about her ex who raped her and allowed his friends to rape her, broke her arm, nose, punched 4 teeth out of her mouth, and tons of other horrid shit.
I don’t even know what I’d do if I found out an ex treated a current girlfriend or shit any girl I even knew like that.
Bentley Nelson
I think you should try bleach instead
Jeremiah Campbell
At what stage of your cut would you take it?
When you're already pretty shredded?
Jordan Anderson
I want to give eca another shot but I responded so poorly, felt like I was about to have a heart attack.
Clen isn't too bad.
Ryan Martin
No, do it at the start of your cut
Xavier Watson
Jeebuz you're a massive pussy
Evan Smith
Next time you use it, break the capsule in half and eat a small meal before you take it.
I wouldn't even take that shit on empty stomach the first time and I weigh a lot more than you.
Isaac Adams
With body dysmorphia? No much like lots of other things we refer them to a specialist. About 90% of mental shit that isn't full blown psychosis like schizophrenia ends up receiving cognitive behavioral therapy. Shit works. Don't fix the car, fix the driver kinda deal.
We just shipped a guy off about a month ago to have electroconvulsive therapy performed and when he returned he was like a completely different person. It was fucking wild how much this dude changed seemingly overnight Motivated, no signs of depression at all. Calm as a hindu cow. No more fidgeting, no more reclusive behavior, no more laying in the bed all day dicking around on his phone. The guy had been basically a NEET for the last decade of his life and last I heard he's working for a landscaping company.
Jose Diaz
Yeah that seems like a better idea.
Thought I did my research and everyone recomends way higher doses on an empty stomach.
Robert Gomez
On tv there was a show about that and there was a guy who suffered from this badly. They just told him just lift less bro and lay of the steroids then you will be fine. HOW THE FUCK YOU WILL BE FINE. Just be skinny and fat like everyone else
Doing gods work
Even for the first time? it's always better to start low to see how you respond.
Jonathan Cruz
Yeah that's about the same as telling a depressed person to just cheer up. Sure you can medicate but the best treatment I've seen in my clients has been cognitive behavioral therapy. If a guy suffers from body dysmorphia explain to him what the fuck body dysmorphia is, what the thoughts are like. What the view is. Have them recognize these thoughts and be aware of them. I think that's why we seem to have such a huge prevalence of mental health issues in our society these days. We're no longer analytical of our own thoughts because our minds are allowed to basically run on auto-pilot. Mental downtime? We don't have it. We use phones, PCs, we don't reflect anymore. People don't know how to objectively look at their own emotions. I mean yes there's exceptions like full blown psychosis when you completely break from reality but those aren't things you can use CBT for.
William Ramirez
>Even for the first time? The internet seems to be filled with massive eca doses for first timers. I actually tried to start small kek.