Face Fitness

Post your face exercise equipment and current routine

Attached: Face Exercise Equipment.jpg (558x850, 127K)

the fuck is that?

Dr. Mew inspired face-pulling equipment to reshape a face into handsomeness. Proven to work.

you use it to reshape your face


Imagine spending days and weeks and months of your life crafting this dumb looksmaxing shit while people that are uglier than you are go out and pound poon on the reg because they don't give a fuck lmfao

Is that a ribbed condom?


OK, I'll ask it. How the fuck does this get used?

Nothing like running shoes and a jump rope

Pic related, routine: 1xsleep with it till wakeup

I'm not actualy are it made my face better, I got it because I grind my teeth, but since I started using it I've noticed my bottom teeth that used to be behind my upper teeth are now in front of them.

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>being this insecure

jesus it must suck to be ugly

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Answer me ffs

It's literally keeping your mouth shut and not being a slack-jawed faggot.

What the FUCK is going on in this thread
Wat is and where do I get one
And will someone explain what's goin on in ops pic

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tried this when I was deep into lookism. doesn't work, probably dangerous

You take the latex finger cot and put it deep up your nose. You then inflate it. I don't recommend it. I noticed no difference.

I use Honey as a facecream every morning and night

Honey is the best face cream

so now you have an underbite. congrats on looking like a male celine dion.

Is this bait? Your bottom teeth are supposed to be behind your front teeth..

>Proven to work.

This goes in your ass right? No homo.

Pls be bait.

Hey OP can you tell me where you found this picture? I was unaware that NCR was available to do at home and was about to travel to the UK for a professional session but if I can do it myself I would rather save some money.

Bumping for this

hope that no one ever get this ugly
holy fuck

is there a pic/video of it in action?

Dail reminder that mewing Works
>be me
>lower teeth slightly behind uller teeth
>start mewing, constantly pushing my lower teet over my upper teeth
>do this for 6 months
>now lower teeth always a good 0.5inches in front of upper teeth, even when resting

We are all gonna make it

Garbage tier bait

this is what it looks like to have your bottom teeth in front of your upper teeth. it is called an underbite which is a literal deformity, you dumbfucks

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>When you are on so much soi you think having a chin is a deformity

it’s called a Class III maloccusion, which is a bad bite. also clearly uneasthetic.

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>bottom teeth protruding over upper teeth
made it!

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Mirin that jawline

he has a chin, not a jawline. huge difference.