Why are so many guys with intense labor jobs fat? Like farmers, construction, roofers, etc. They're constantly moving...

Why are so many guys with intense labor jobs fat? Like farmers, construction, roofers, etc. They're constantly moving, heavy-lifting and so much more for long hours but so many of them are fat. How is it even possible?

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They eat too much.

Bar-b-cutie and Hardees

Is anyone else having to do nine fucking captchas to post

They met the minimum requirement for the profession that they apply for or fail into gluttony after making "bank" since they notice they can literally buy anything

You can't exercise your way out of a shitty diet. They probably crush 6 beers and some fast food after work. Learn from their mistakes.

This, essentially, also copious amounts of drinking.
0 captchas for me, as always, buddy.


I am a tradie and this is it 100%. Pie, chips, coke, chocolate for lunch every day.

Drink. I used to work demolition, the pay was really good, work was really physical was able to eat like 4k calories each work day and still keep fit. Most of my coworkers however were fat or overweight. Issue was that they ate more than I did but more importantly they drank most of their pay, they would go out after work each night get dinner and have like 8-10 beers each and then do the same over the weekend when they weren't working. If they weren't working physical jobs they would have been morbidly obese.

Farmer here. Half of the year we are in tractor cabs and the other half we work hard as hell. We need something filling and packed with calories so we don't Peter out. A lot of farmers that are skinny are on caffeine and nicotine.

Eat shit+ most of those jobs nowadays involve far less lifting than you'd imagine.

Most farmers are sitting in tractors and doing jack shit physically for hours. Yeah they do lift something but for a lot of positions it might be less than 20 minutes a day.

>How is it even possible?
It's far FAR easier to consume calories than it is to burn them through exercise.
Do you know how long you have to do intense cardio in order to burn enough calories to equal 1lb of fat? 5 whole goddamn hours of constant heart pounding action.
Meanwhile a burger or a large soft drink is like 1/5th of a lb or a whole large pizza is around 2/3rds of a pound's worth of calories.

Can't be bothered cooking so they eat junk food. And they eat a lot of or because they're too tired to care.

OP here. I made this thread because I just started a physical labor job and the work has made me more hungry than I used to be. I don't eat junkfood rarely at all but since I'm getting used to the hours I've been drinking Redbulls x2 a day, 4 days a week (but a shit ton of water). I don't want to be fat.

Over-caffeinated, over-fed and undernourished subhumans with chronically high cortisol and insulin resistance. Many also really shit mental health due to spending all free time rotting.

Actually pretty much the same as all other wagecucks.

Pie and a Big M for lunch, beer after work, as little exertion as possible outside of work and maybe a sports match on the weekend.

You run out of things to do with the money so you buy cool snacks n shit

Physical labour= more hunger and tiredness.
After a long day, it's easier to crack up a beer and warm up a pizza. If people that worked manual labour actually eat healthily, they become pretty jacked.

I worked in manual labour for two years, i ate a lot of shit, but sometimes i actually tried hard some months to eat more protein and fewer calories, and i never exercised, just jogged. But when i came into the gym, i was surprised how strong i was, my squats and deadlifts were above average for a newbie, but benchpress was average.

No they wouldn't, they're overly stressed and fucked up. Work is abnormal and bad for the human body.

Not all trades are equal. Framers are always in shape. Drywallers are in shape, or big dudes who carry all the sheets. Rebar guys are either tiny or over 250lbs. Sparkies do little to no lifting.

They high a high stress job that overloads their bodies with cortisol. They also usually have shit diets and will drink every night to make life more bearable.

wtf are you retarded?

Yeah, if you look back into the fucking industrial revolution type of work in 1820, that's fucking bad for you. But manual labour today, at a western civilization is not bad for you, learn how the world actually works k thx

Working at all is bad, doesn't matter if its an office job or manual labour.

I'm in an intense labor job since two months ago and I've already lost 4kg. I'm a social sperg and a nervous wreck, so I kind of consume myself when I'm not in neet mode.

Eating too often

Yes, our species, the human sapiens, is actually not genetically programmed to use our big brain and our body to do anything. We're actually retarded and thinking and moving is bad for us.

Well, when you think about it, everything is fucking bad for you. You are slowly dying second. You are slowly but surely decomposing.

Just lol if you think pre-agricultural hominids did anything for 8+ hours pretty much every day. They were all stronger and bigger brained than modern humans.

>how is it possible
Same way powerlifter are fat. My dad (farmer) is fat (150kg) because of lots of beer, fat, and grits. I still can't out lift him in the real world though, hell pick up a 80kg sack with one hand and throw it onto the pickup like nothing.

75% of guys with intensive-labor jobs I know are alcoholics. That plus eating memedonalds at lunch every day will fuck your shit up

cause you cant outwork a diet of 711 taquitos, monster, steak and beer

W-what? How did our ancestors eat, if not by running our prey to exhaustion? Please go on.

FPBP. They do enough to make them hungry, but generally not enough to actually burn a huge number of calories, then they stuff their faces with enormous quantities of shit food and drink like fish.

>Running prey to echoing
No ones taken that meme seriously in 50 years, outside a tiny number of tribes humans are almost exclusively plants and the meat they could scavenge from dead things and other animals leftovers. It's only after we invented spears and other weapons that we started realy hunting, and that's only like 10000 years ago, even then only the upper class had access to drag meat, most poeple still only ate what they could find already dead.

>we only started hunting like 10000 years ago
you are beyond retarded. There are cities in Syria that show evidence of being inhabited up to 11000 years ago.

Not to mention they have found stone heads from what they believe to be arrows that date back to 64,000 years ago.

8/10 bait made me respond

Oddly, this isn’t the case in my experince at all. I’ve been an electrical contractor my entire life & oddly every guy working for us except for a 6’4 man-bear and myself the Jow Forumsizen are skelemode. It’s very bizzarre. It’s universal to other construction trades I’ve been exposed to, too.

I had this place called JUMBO near my previous job. I think I reached about 240 lbs at one point cause the food was cheap and so fucking good. As soon as I left i came back down to a normal 165 lbs.


I've worked manual labor jobs, and I've had friends that worked manual labor jobs.

The people that didn't drink excessively were skinny. The people that drank most nights were very overweight.

I'd say drink zero sugar red bulls or get caffeine tabs to save a ton of money which is what I did

Even Adam worked pre-fall

the system really needs to break, asap