Daily Reminder Sugar Is Cancer


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I've cut sweets and carbs out of my diet and I don't experience bloating or feel lethargic after a meal anymore. It's easier to allot calories in other, more healthy alternatives. Best decision I've ever made.

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I want to bet it's the added chemicals in processed foods and not really sugar that does it.
Sugar makes it worse by causing inflammation, so something like soda is the cancer combo.

what about the sugars in fruits? if i make a smothie every morning with 3 cups of fruit in it (sugary ones like strawberries because im a massive faggot) is it something i should be concerned about? should i swap them for other fresh produce?

>I've cut carbs out of my diet

You know, I really hope that's not the case.

sugar is sugar be it naturally occurring or refined, bound to fiber or not, your body will use it the same way except how fast it uses it depends on fiber content

Nope, if it is not bound to fiber it will go straight into your bloodstream.
Keto retards stop saying fruits are bad, they are not.

It absolutely is the case. Following keto, and limited myself to consuming 20-30g of carbs per day and have been doing so for several months now.

>lost weight
>increased energy
>increased sex drive
>improved mental focus

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fructose is linked with higher production of small dense LDL which leads to atherosclerosis

is this true, is fruit bad for you even for one or two meals a day?

>OP provides logical and empirical evidence as to why sugar and carbs are detrimental to your health
>some retard immediately posts a condescending comment completely devoid of any argument, suggesting carbs are necessary

How about you postulate an actual argument as to why carbs are not inherently bad for once. Your types never seem to be able to do that.

Let ne guess, consuming Cholesterol is Not?

as with everything it's all about moderation and you'll be fine unless you have bad genetics


Here's the literal SparkNotes version of it, you retard. Not that you shitmongers deserve it, since you faggots are the ones saying carbs are inherently bad, the burden of proof necessary to reject objective reality falls on you.

thats probably because of your weight loss but throwing away any meaningful science and clinching into a nieche unrealictic long term solution will sooner or later make you weak and the fun part is that you won't think its your diet.
Have you tried a high carb diet before, like a really high carb diet. My guess is that you never ate a high carb diet nor a whole food high carb diet so just like all keto idiots you think that eating processed fat and ton of protein will make it better. Turns out that it doesnt matter if you consume carbs or not because your body will turn other sources into glucose anyway just that your lose out on more energy.

Idiots on this site seem to forget that people who got fat in the first place, ate a high carb high fat diet. If you truly eat a high carb diet there is no fucking way your gain weight if your calorie intake is not over the roof.

yeah but i like it

Do girls like posing with a dozen donuts for some reason?

>First of all, maintaining a regular intake of carbohydrates will prevent protein from being used as an energy source. Gluconeogenesis will slow down and amino acids will be freed for the biosyntheses of enzymes, antibodies, receptors and other important proteins.

That's a fancy way of saying "consume carbs so your body won't utilize a natural process which turns excess protein into glucose".
That is not a good argument as to why you should consume carbs. Why not just consume excess protein? After your body becomes adapted to utilize gluconeogenesis as it was intended by evolution, it can just generate all the necessary glucose from excess protein, instead of pissing it out. This way you remain satiated with less calories, avoid developing poor gut bacteria, avoid constant inflammation, reduce insulin sensitivity and spikes, and provide your brain with a more effective energy source, which also increases neuroplasticity and the development of additional mitochondria.

>Furthermore, an adequate amount of carbohydrates will prevent the degradation of skeletal muscle and other tissues such as the heart, liver, and kidneys

In what fucking way? There is literally no explanation for this.

>Although the brain will adapt to using ketones as a fuel, it preferentially uses carbohydrates and requires a minimum level of glucose circulating in the blood in order to function properly. Before the adaptation process occurs, lower blood glucose levels may cause headaches in some individuals. To prevent these ketotic symptoms, it is recommended that the average person consume at least 50 to 100g of carbohydrates per day.

That's exactly the same as saying "alcoholics should never stop drinking because if they do, they might experience withdrawals before their bodies return to a natural state".

As a side note, this article just assumes the brain prefers glucose to ketones. This assumption makes no sense, there is more evidence showing that ketones are objectively better.

As explained in the video carbs in general are not the problem but the percentage of carbs that come from sugar.

>muh chemicals are bad meme

Water is a chemical. Antibiotics are chemicals.

This is in reference to:

The human body evolved to recognize and effectively deal with a handful of "chemicals". Nowadays our air, water and soil are all contaminated with concentrated levels of toxic "chemicals", that's the issue. It's a cheap scapegoat to just ridicule the terminology used.

Antibiotics fuck up your gut bacteria and are often used for literally no reason, it would be way more effective to just not consume garbage on a daily basis and fast IF you happen to get an infection.

>Impreved sex drive
>Posts ugly asian sticc

Sure thing user, I hope you are trolling and this isn't your improved sex drive

What any one person finds attractive is completely subjective. Could you provide an actual argument?

Draws your attention to the photo and thus to her tits.

>it's either fat or fart

Oatmeal makes me fart something terrible.

what if he's asian?

Keto faggots are just as bad as nofap faggots where they think their meme lifestyle is giving them some kind of superpowers or some shit

>OP provides logical and empirical evidence
The video literally says that carbs are ok.

>pure, white and deadly
Hehe, just like me

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Sugar, in all forms, including the form of processed white sugar, is healthy. Not just healthy, its a superfood.

Lets examine the reasons why:

First of all, the entire human body runs on energy. It needs energy to keep the heart beating, to keep the muscles strong, to keep the brain sharp. Sugar is the single purest form of energy ever invented by man. It is like fossil fuels for the human body. There is NOTHING close to pure white sugar like this. Most of the worlds best endurance athletes, such as Ultramarathon runner Paul 'Pea Protein' Pestlethwaite and endurance deadlifting champions Robert 'Rich in Fiber' Frank eat pure sugar with every meal.

Second, the way sugar is processed is much healthier than fat. Fat takes a long time for your body to convert to energy, and sugar takes a few seconds at worst. Of course this is healthier for you. If you were offered a mechanism to stop yourself bleeding, that took 5 hours to work, you wouldn't use it, because you'd bleed to death in the meantime. Fat as an energy source is like this, it takes so long to work that you become even more tired in the meantime. I eat 300g sugar a day and never get tired.

Third, human teeth are not made to stay in the mouth for longer than 4 decades. In nature humans do not have teeth beyond their fourth decade. This is why we love sugar, because it fills the role of removing the teeth. Teeth that stay for longer become infested with microbes and therefore kill you. Before we started eating fatty foods, humans actually chewed beyond the age of 40 without teeth.

The meat and dairy industries are lying to you, because they are afraid of Veganism.

Why are you guys so afraid of dying?

No matter how autistic you are with diet you're going to die at pretty much the same age is most other people who just ate whatever the fuck they wanted.

You might get a few extra years on them (which wont even matter since those few extra years will be in your 80s+)


Someone out there will fall for this.

Made me kek

Fuck almost had me

mfw im eating a whole bag of crispy m&m's

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I look at processed sugar at the same way I look at soft drugs and I have cut it out of my diet completely

also: I eat tons of fruit and it doesn't affect my weight whatsoever, you can literally eat as much of it as you want and it will do you nothing but good

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autism exists on every board

wtf are crispy m&ms

Amerimuttmongrel meme sweet food, m&ms are peanuts covered in chocolate and artificial paint.

M&ms dont have peanuts in them normally. There are peanut m&ms though.
Crispy m&ms have a crispy rice center

"inflammation" is the new "toxin." It refers to nothing.

Because I still want to be able to lift heavy and run when I'm 70 and not like you or any other idiot who eats "what ever".
Its not only about living longer, its about living longer and not suffering as much.

yeah what is this inflammation anyways

The delusion of the ketofag is astonishing.
More so than any other fad following faggot.

As long as your diet is clean and 90% of what you eat is prepared by you, macro ratios don't make any worthwhile difference in weight loss.
If you find it easier to eat clean on a keto diet, go for it, but don't pretend that it being low carb is the reason you'll get results.

>refers to nothing


honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

Daily reminder, a little bit of sugar on special occasions every now and then is okay, but a constant injection of it into all your foods, is cancer.

U stupid