I'm a devout Catholic who goes to mass every Sunday. I waited till marriage, have a child on the way, and despise sodomites.
I'm also a military veteran, I served as a 13b in Iraq. I pretty much served as infantry. after my experience of seeing a Americans kill an unarmed family with a 50cal, and seeing many "terrorist attacks", I have decide that even though ISIS denies Christ, they are still better the the secular democratic USA.
I pray to Jesus that sand nigger mudslimes kick the faggot loving, pro tranny US of fucking A out of the middle east.
Cool story faggot, you're probably suffering from a PTSD episode though so we can't believe a word you said.
John Wright
I just like to get drunk and post about my life and how I regret serving this country. I do it almost every night. I surprised my wife puts up with it, but I think she knows I have some untreated PTSD and hatred of this nation. I probably should stop once my child is born.
Ether way, I am a Christian, a Catholic fist. Fuck the USA. Fuck Jews and Muslims. I pray to God that this faggot loving anti-Christian nation gets what it deserves, that Trump ends democracy and burns your sacred constitution.
Lucas Rivera
>I'm a devout Catholic who goes to mass every Sunday. I waited till marriage, have a child on the way, and despise sodomites. you're not. you're a degenerate who browses Jow Forums. every single "muh traditional values" fag on here jerks off to loli porn and would sustain severe burns if splashed with holy water.
Alexander Sullivan
mashallah were working on it.
Hudson Clark
Gavin Turner
How is this Jow Forums related?
Also my muslim coworkers unironically consider true lent harder than ramadan because it lasts longer and the sacrifice is 24/7 instead of being able to eat whatever the fuck after sunset
Carson Thomas
Inshallah soon my brother
Jaxon Edwards
literally nobody believes you, mudslime
take your dark ages religion and shove that book up your anus.
15000 unarmed civilians are murdered by ISIS every year
>Christian fast >Health and balanced, you can eat whenever you want but your meal choices are restricted
>Muslim fast >Starve and dehydrate yourself for 10 hours then gorge on food like a pig causing extreme changes in your diet causing your body to change as well
Also in Orthodox Christianity when the fast begins(only specific ones) you're supposed to not eat or drink anything for 3 days AND NIGHTS
Thank you for your words brother. Hopefully one day the world will realize that all we want is freedom of choice regarding our way of life. Imperialism was wrong when it was perpetrated by our ancestors back in the time of the Muslim empire, and it is still wrong today as it is perpetrated by the USA. A global system will be the death of humanity, whether it be a democratic one like the one being pushed now, or a more authoritarian one like the ones my ancestors pushed with the Muslim empire.
Ryan Butler
Alhamdulilla another retard has a mental breakdown about their personal faith on a health and fitness board
Ramadan is less appropriate than BRAPposting When will mods do their fucking jobs
Jose Gutierrez
Faggot don't post the /fast/ tag if you're not gonna post the OP
Jacob Lee
I'm an Orthodox priest believe it or not and you are always allowed to eat fish and drink.Only after midnight until the morning prayer you are suppost to not consume/drink anything.
Henry Howard
Is hangover food a meme? I drank 16 miller lites yesterday and im hungry but not sure if i should eat or if its just typical fasting/grehlin waves shit
Easton Lee
You seem like a cool guy. I’d like to get drunk with you sometime and try to understand a true Christian perspective on the world.
Lincoln Peterson
they tried it on Jow Forums and got BTFO.. now theyre here.. its retarded