'wow, I'm wasting my life being fat and playing vydia!'

>'wow, I'm wasting my life being fat and playing vydia!'
>lose weight, stop wasting time with vydia and get Jow Forums
>nothing changes except getting laid, which is overrated

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>except getting laid, which is overrated

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true but being miserable and Jow Forums is 100x better than miserable and fat

>time spent on vidya is wasted
vidya has it's place. you -can- waste time with it, but if you have wise and disciplined playing habits, it can be amazing.

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Its about being healthy, not the vanity this board worships:

Eat Vegan
Exercise Moderately
Stop Masturbating
Fear God
Go outside
Meditate and Contemplate daily

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The ultimate s.o.y.b.o.y. post

Yes, I have become the basedboy. Literally slammed a cartoon of onions milk this week to end my 8 day fast. Took the opportunity to retrain the taste buds and it tasted amazing. Your meme's don't effect me. I'm laughing straight to the bank with this so-to-speak. Think for yourself.

>tfw no qt3.14 ginger to knight me

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>nothing changes except getting laid, which is overrated
>which is overrated
seems you haven't fucked much

>'wow, I'm wasting my life being fat and playing vydia!'
>stop playing vidya
>literally nothing to do all day

what am i supposed to do with all this time
i cant spend 14 hours at the gym everyday, im not piano man

please elaborate.

I rarely feel like gaming is easily justified for the time you put it, yet I do it anyway way too much. Maybe the odd philosophical story game is worth, but largely its just a time sink I could do without.

75% of the satisfaction from getting laid is the approval and social bullshitpoints you get for it lol.

gaming is great to keep in touch with friends

for example, one of my best friends moved to another city to study there, we only see each other like twice a year now.
but we still hang out in teamspeak at least two times a week and play some games together.

its great because it allows you to bond with your bros at pretty much any time of the day, no matter where you live.

Find a hobby. Buy old shit and restore it, read books, go hiking, get a motorcycle, start writing, do arts, start cooking different dishes, educate yourself, meet new people, meditate , start gardening, grow your own food, go bicycling, start swimming, go find wild berries/mushrooms. Learn a language. Holy shit the list is endless. Just find something you enjoy

ok yes, my brother is about to move to another city next year and I have already thought about how I'll probably still talk to him on teamspeak daily. This is a great reason.

>you have 14 hours of free time
Get a job? Christ.
Even if you're rich as fuck or unskilled or whatever, just find something that seems pretty easy to do/enjoyable and apply for it.

enjoyable jobs literally dont exist where i live, only bottom tier wageslave shit. and i literally get more money from unemployment benefits than i would from working one of these dumspter jobs. it would be outright retarded to do that.

>getting laid, overrated
Have you considered men?

you were supposed to get fit not Jow Forums you dun goofed

>leeching off welfare just because you think you're too good for minimum wage jobs
I just. Wow. The lack of shame.

>Contemplate daily
I contemplate suicide daily, does it count?

>do nothing
>collect ~400 in unemployment gibs
>in addition, govt also covers health insurance, rent, utilities, and a bunch of other expenses

>work min wage
>make ~1100
>have to cover insurances, rent, utilities, and all the other shit myself

i'm not the one who came up with this retardation, but i sure as fuck won't be one of the suckers getting exploited by it.


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You should look into other cool things like permaculture and hunting.

>Eat Vegan
Fuck of you nigger Christian kike.

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It's called being smart, why should someone work if it's better for them personally to not work? The only incentive to work is money, if you get more by not working that incentive is gone.

user, why not work under the table and collect govt money? Plenty of farms and construction jobs pay in cash

i'd rather not risk jail

>'wow, I'm wasting my life being fat and playing vydia!'
>lose weight, stop wasting time with vydia and get Jow Forums
>nothing changes.
now thats me

>playing wow almost every day
>eat&sleep properly
>text with several woman at the same time
>getting laid sometimes
>still dead inside
Its not like i didnt know at the start, but it still hurts to know that i will never be satisfied.

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You got laid faggot. Fuck you nigger.

discord.gg/mE5WpW Jow Forums discord

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I'd say it's more close to 90% if she's not exceptionally good looking and/or good in the sack

there are literally no niggers who are vegan
who cares, probably morally superior to faggots pagans and tipping* athiests
you fucking fit braintlets think veganism is pushed by the jews when its completely the opposite. people who are vegan are generally more concerned with their health - and no jew would want a health goy, they make more money when you a dying from shit like pic related.

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This accurately describes my transformation

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Getting fit is important but so is getting money. Actually health and money are the only things you need in life, everything else is derived from the too.

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Get off wow and get a job...its your moral obligation as a living creature on earth to have a function and provide something.

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mb that's the case with one-night stands or just general thottery, I only have experience fucking my gf so im guessing that doing the same girl repeatedly is gonna give diminishing returns approval-wise

ngl a part of the reason I want to fuck my gf most of the time is just to get rid of my hardon, like I'll get really horny lying next to her but im kinda aware that sex isnt as great as my boner is telling me it is.

> Get off wow and get a job...its your moral obligation as a living creature on earth to have a function and provide something.
I have a job, im a soldier, but dont know what to do to satisfy myself. Payment is fairly good, holidays and freetime are insane compared to a normal job and the only thing i do after work is laying on bed, read or lift. Even got friends here, but I feel still empty.

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I'm sure women are falling over themselves to have a chance at fucking such a go-getter

95% of the satisfaction comes from actually being in love with the woman, but people have destroyed the conditions for those kinds of relationships to ever form

> 95% of the satisfaction comes from actually being in love with the woman
Damn, that hurts, because its true...

Depends. Sex with a condom is overrated. Ejaculating (unprotected, of course) inside a girl's vagina is the greatest feeling in the world and the primary reason we exist.

yeah that's what I mean, I don't care about the orgasm as much as the fact that she's willing to share her body with me

when I hear people talk about their sexual experiences these days and how many partners theyve had or what they've done drunk or as a bet I get sick to my stomach.

society is sick, sexuality has been ruined.

please post your body. I really want to see what you look like after an 8 day fast and a refeed of liquified onions.

Its not, just when you love her, the whole act is insane, from kissing at the start, carry her into bed, kiss all the time, undress her softly to the cuddling after sex instead of use her and turn yourself disgusted away, because it meant NOTHING!
It was just masturbating inside a womans vulva.

very underrated reason for gaming. i've probably kept in touch with most of my friends regularly just because of gaming.

look at this faggot

Stop playing wow. I'm serious. I used to feel like my life was going to waste when I played regularly. After a "fun" session you might feel like it's worth it but it's not. At least that's how I felt once I stopped playing. I genuinely didn't feel any more shame of myself and I only focus on my real me, not my virtual me, and only chase after the objectives in life I value the most.

look at this loveless virgin

casual sex causes the problem in the first place, that there are few worthwhile women around

hmm why do you think you feel empty? What do you do as a soldier..like what is your day to day>?

>work more for less
T. The Jews

Its easy to say, but i think i miss a worth woman in my life, because i had one once and shes gone, so nothing can fill the hole..
Also my day to day is not always the same, sometimes march, sport, shoot training, train to fight in different situations, learn about weapons etc etc

>getting laid, which is overrated
Try having a relationship, its better.

For real, quit wow

Never let a women be your endgame..YOU should be your endgame. Become the Übermensch. Become your own god, however you want to define that.

>Never ...

>however you want to define that.
Which is it?

> I don't need no (wo)man.
Life is your endgame, desperately lonely larping is not.

I suppose a women or women could be your endgame...but in the end it will be shallow.

>desperately lonley larping

Sure Satan, you just exposed yourself with your trips

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Haha, the cope on this loser. Yeah, women don't fuck criminals and the unemployed ever, better stick with your STEM degree, maybe you'll find a used up 32 year old whore one day that wants to settle down.