Want to become a Stacy any tips ? Atm I am losing weight on the 4:3 diet which I love and have been on for 6 months...

Want to become a Stacy any tips ? Atm I am losing weight on the 4:3 diet which I love and have been on for 6 months. I plan to continue it as I find it easy to work into my lifestyle. At the gym I’ve been using the machines all over but I am pretty lost as to what to do in particular.

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Read sticky.

Can't help you till you post full body nude due to people having differing anthropometry.


As above but not seedily. Post amd we can critique.
Personally i think machines are only majorly benificial if you have problems that flare when using free weights like stabilization issues ect. Also and this is me grouping here. If you just got on every machine for 2 or 3 sets while on your phone or resting a substantial ammount between sets you wont notice a lot.

Also keep in mind that a lot of IG stacys are angles, lighting, tan and blemish removal/filter/photoshop. Just run your own race.

bw upper body
ss lower body +hip thrusts and sldl
don't lose too much weight depending on your genetics
and this

>those hips

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what? is there a woman among us?!

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Yeah I’ve been on Jow Forums for a while I don’t generally post just lurk.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

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go for skinny fit mode
do this with cardio and low bf
when you're there, if you're not happy with the result, you can decide for something else

Literally just stop eating and start running

cut more. more more more

just keep losing fat for now, jeez.

>that gyno
also, where is your penis?

I mean since you did follow through..
>track calories
>eat around 150-200kcal below maintenance
>be a vegan because it's trendy
>4 days a week of slow long cardio sesh (40min+)
>0-2 days of HIIT a week (depending on your stamina and recovery)
> 2 days of hitting lower body parts (squat deadlift)

done ur a gym stacy, if you want to be a life stacy you need to get a good job and do all the listed things above while simultaneously dominating the workplace and your social life

your body looks fine i wanna bang

Haha thanks user. I’m going to keep working on improving and any degrading comments I’m going to use as motivation :)

Just loose weight right noway you're borderline thicc/fat category

Also post side pic

Thanks !!

Be attractive

I don’t have one ?

There definately is potential from your hips and your breasts dint seem to be holding excess fat so they wont shrink too much. I would deffs say you need to most importantly be consistant. I have had a few clients with your body shape turn out really good. What is your cardio program like? Do you have a program as such
>no not trying a sales pitch genuinly trying to help
Im OP in the current CBT thread so you can see i know my shit (kinda)

My face is decent ?


double trips... excelelllenmteee

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At the moment I’ve been doing trail walks but no running everyday for 30-60mim. That’s it though


Clearly not enough if you're on Jow Forums

Hahaha if I could I would prove you wrong but then my face would be on the internet

Cool !!!

Thats not too bad, so how were you before? Do you have stats or a before pic? How long have you gone so far?
Also. Whats your typical gym workout (machines)

classic user

Literally just don't cram your face with shitty food all day

For starters, you have tons of potential and a significantly good "base" to work from. Definitely in the "Stacy" realm, but don't get hung up on that since this will still take a long time and a lot of work; you should be doing it for yourself at the end of the day.

Start cutting calories and weight, immediately. Low-carb, high protein, and plenty of fruits/vegetables. Focus solely on eating on a deficit and embrace being borderline obsessive about your in/out. The quality of protein and other macros will determine how quickly and how well you lose weight and work on those "stubborn" area.

I don't disagree with but this will get monotonous very quickly. There are a lot of BBG plans online (and often shilled by Instagram thots) but Busy Bee Fitness is probably one of the better ones and her content is pretty wholesome. busybeecarys.com/collections/all
Above all else, have fun with it.

I don’t have a before pic because I was too ashamed although at my highest I was 75kg. I’m 65 now I think ? (Haven’t weighed myself). When I am at the gym I start off with 10min brisk walk/ jog and then move to the machines. I do 3 sets of ten of the shoulder press, chest press and then the lat machine. Then I go to the mats where I try and do 4 planks lasting 30 seconds each because I am weak. Then on the mat it’s doing some leg raises and bicycle crunches. On leg day I generally just go along with my friend because it’s really easy to build leg muscle and not a concern of mine

Cool I will definitely give it a go! Thanks so much user !!

wtf I'm gay now


This is something you don't see everyday

Have a goal in mind and make it specific, so you can remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing. I guess you could call it like a dream board or something, but this will keep expectations in check.

There's a trashy infograph that floats around here that's pictures of ottermode guys with low bf% and screenshots of slut larp'ing or something, but that's the idea.

Yeah strength in legs isnt an issue but if you want that stacy booty remember to isolate your ass and try to emphasise the 3 muscles to give it a nice shape.
As for the 3x10 is a bit bro science-y if you want more strength (lots of my clients want to do pushups unassisted or a pullup ect try to do more slow strength work lile 4x8 but if its more a tonning thing try some supersets they will also help you lower vody fat because of the cardio aspect and do 3x10-12 as a superset.
Anything else you are concerned with? Questions? Im in a waiting room and bored as all fuck


I hope your eyes are ok user

Really helpful thanks !

Nah I should get to sleep. But this has been really helpful and I know what to work on now so thanks so much !!!!

Here's a program I've started my gf on since a month. It's a routine for a female goal physique, so focused on glutes hams and some corework. She's was totally new to working out but has been doing well on it. She's been losing weight while working out 3-4 times a week consistently and already starts getting a better shaped butt while ab lines are slightly appearing as well. (Mind you she was only 57kg when she started)

you definitely need someone to help you with the form at the beginning so ask a PT or a friend or some other people in the gym that know what they're doing to help you out.

This will achieve a much better result than machines. Track your progress. Remember form is most important but you also want to keep increasing the weight whenever possible. After you get down form you should aim for a linear increase of weight at least the first few months while working out.

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Start doing ass exercises at a calorie deficit.


Really just follow any gym program and eat on a deficit.
Your not that far away.

>not just giving her a beginner routine

What is the F?

If you love the diet, it is not working.

To failure. When your muscles give out and cannot complete the exercise anymore.


what you press to pay respects to his gf's gains because routine is shit

Who even does that? I'd rather do a few intense sets instead

oh fuck lmfao

snap snap city bitch, 10 10 10s on your titties bitch

hi liz.
also your problem is eating bread. Bread is one of the worst things for you. I'm not even a healthfag I smoke weed, but what I do know is that those empty carbs are a no-no.

Severe gyno and micropenis. Never going to make it brah

Are you from Aus femanon?

WTF bro?! Where is your penis???? You look like a girl!

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Which is why i said she will need someone to guide her. My gf who had never lifted before could do most exercises with good form after only 2 weeks. Only thing still difficult are good mornings and deadlifts when she goes beyond 50kg.

this is the least helpful possible reply


Way more women than you think.

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Just lose some body fat, gain a bit of muscle to show definition once lean (don't just end up skinny fat)


How long is a while.

you remind me of my ex so much it makes me sad to look at this picture

Never change, Jow Forums

Can we get a full back shot?To only better help you and recommend routines of course...


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The progression is shit. The routine is shit.
>all those accessories for an absolute beginner
>""""squats (ATG)""""
But really what is most damning is
RIP hip abductor flexibility
Stop trying to re-invent the wheel and put her on SS or SL

>At the gym I’ve been using the machines
Well, there's your problem. Get a beginners routine from a good source on the internet, check on youtube how the exercises are performed. Do them.

And do away with more energy than you take in (food)

That you don't understand it doesn't mean it's bad. I said nothing in detail about the actual progression. Also I didn't say we don't do proper warmups and stretching after exercise. So go fucking suck a dick faggot.
Girls have different physique goals. Ss is not written for aesthetic goals or girls specifically.
Btw post your body

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>talking shit about SS

Hello summer, a bit early I see

Seriously, just eat decent and do some cardio and some ass and stomach exercises. You're just like tons of other women, who could have a great body with a bit of effort. There's no secret and not even much work for you too do, just some discipline and dedication. You are huge and have the frame for a hot body.

>I said nothing in detail about the actual progression.
Because there is no progression in your """routine"""
>girls require different routines
>didn't say we don't do proper warmups and stretching after exercise.
>he doesn't know about the crunches
>it's a I've been lifting for a few months and believe I know more than rippetits or others who have decades of experience and actually get paid to do what they do episode
I see

Oh sorry did I insult your religion.
It's good what it's designed for. Which is strength progression for beginner athlete's. Different goals buddy.

Post body

I bet you did 3 months of SS then got mad you didn't look like a roid monkey. People like you shouldn't be giving out advice

Think I know what I'm doing :^)

now post yours

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>no legs
>flexes a 'cep
>flexes everything
>upper body only w/pump

Still waiting on your pic bro

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Sure faggot just let me take off this suit while I'm waiting for my case to be called
>those "legs"

I just googled 4:3 diet and I can only ask what the actual fuck. This is some next level eating disorder shit.

yes, this is absolutely necessary

>being this BTFO

where is her picture???

does anyone have an archive link?

Oh boi you sure showed me. I can only imagine what muscular kind of ripped demigod to must be. Totally BTFO me man. So unfortunate you just aren't able to post a pic. But I definitely believe you're not some fat neckbeard. Hahahahahahahahah.

someone repost the roastie whore

Completely blown the fuck out. user rekked your shit, user. So assblasted that you make shit up about being a lawyer, or it's probably parental custody case. Who do you wanna live with big guy, mommy or daddy?

>he doesn't keep a shirtless pic on his phone
Never gonna make it

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I found her.

She has some fat to lose, but actually could end up being pretty hot in a few months.

Why you guys gotta be so hostile to chicks, especially when they post nudes??

It's the ones who REFUSE to post nudes that deserve hostility. This girl was bangable (not great, but definitely alright) and likely to get hot, and shared her body with us.

They get b& for posting nudity too sometimes