I'm balding
I'm balding
be a man and deal with it
same bro ahaha
Just shave your head, user. Its honestly not that bad if you just accept it and handle it with confidence. The worst part of balding for most guys is they can't accept it and keep doing awful shit like comb-overs or haircuts meant for people with a full head of hair. Just shave it off, it looks good on most dudes and shows you have confidence and have accepted that, like tons of other dudes.
Build test grow a beard then shave that shit off your head. If you're bald without a beard I feel bad for you.
Hi balding, I'm dad.
Stop that
c o p e
my hair started falling out when i was 18, buzz cut or at most a short fade and you will be golden. I'm blessed with a strong jaw but cursed with a strong brow and thick eye brows, gotta be thinned or i look like a retarded cave man
This. And be ripped. Being a big, bald guy is pretty badass. Being bald and skinnyfat just looks extremely beta
my hairline is halfway up my head. im pretty sure id look wonky as fuck bald and i can't grow a beard. do i just go for it anyway and focus on lifting? otherwise how should i kms
if that is you bald is 100% fine. just get some sunlight and you wont look like fuckin gollum
get a tan my dude
no that isn't me, probably misleading to use that pic mb. pic related is me. i know where i am here and im willing to suffer jabs but if im helping other balding anons i suppose its worth. id appreciate opinion on whether its safe to shave it off or not. seems inevitable tho really.
Im 18 this shit sucks
this. nut the fuck up
shave it all off my dude. you have the head shape for it
I don't know if you have the best head shape for it, but it looks normal/average and nonbumpy. A buzzcut will still make you look normal IMO, you don't have to shave down completely.
My head shape is weirder and I have pointy parts. I also look like a fucking alien also due to head size (99th percentile of head size at age 18) even though I am in great shape.
Money can buy alot these days!
Am I balding?
just do what I do: ignore it, wallow in your own self-loathing and just add it to the long list of reasons why I could never look at a mirror or have have my photo taken without suffering a panic attack.
You'll know when. Trust
Unless you have severely bald family members I wouldn't even bother checking for a year or two. I would guess you have 10+ years, maybe never bald
Wh*te people are a mistake
"Balding runs in my family"
But you know what else runs in my family? Not exercising, not eating particularly well, not practicing semen retention, not taking any supplements or looking out for micros
I wonder how much of the Le Hairloss is Genetic notion is a cope by people who never once even tried
>eating well
>semen retention
All stupid placebos designed to make you think you have power over something that is genuinely 90% genetic.
Like if you started balding at 20 there is simply no amount of exercise that is going to save your headmop.
Especially not any of that nofap bullshit which has barely any effect on you or your general health. What little effect it does have is based on laughably flimsy pseudoscience that's up there with gluten-free and keto diets. Even IF nofap had any sort of long-term effect on your body, it would actually be detrimental against baldness. Those with the unfortunate balding genes have hair follicles that naturally convert testosterone into DHT at a much higher rate than non-baldies - increasing the testosterone supply would end up accelerating that process even further.
I mean, I literally am speaking as a non-balding full-haired male from a family with a bald father, balding cousins my age, and a balding younger brother 2 years my junior, who also practices everything mentioned above unlike the rest of the aforementioned. Helluva placebo!
Never gonna make it smdh
Nice anecdotal evidence bro, but actual scientific studies have shown that genetics really are the overwhelmingly biggest determining factor in these matters. Lifestyle does play its part, but it's negligible. Also, stress levels are more directly linked to balding than exercise.
>Never gonna make it smdh
...not that you care about actual scientific studies, it seems.
Get some peppermint oil and an eye dropper. Every day when you shower, put a regular amount of conditioner in your hand, then add 6-8 drops of peppermint oil to the conditioner. Massage into scalp, and let sit for 10-15 minutes while you shower and clean your body. Perform this every day for at least 2 months. Can also rub conditioner+peppermint oil into beard.
Kys but unironically
>nigger hair
Better being bald
>...not that you care about actual scientific studies, it seems.
On the nose, I truly do not. Any error, any bias, any *agenda,* can produce any result desired. Studies do not determine truth. And more importantly lack of study does not determine untruth. Well done studies with large sample sizes that tightly control for their desired variables can be good guides, but they are rarer than Muh Science dogmatists like you would like to believe. Google "Replication crisis"
Not that there have been any major studies about semen retention anyway, and the health benefits of keto are well established and I'm actually surprised you're disputing them
And I'm not saying genes play no role or that they aren't even possibly the single biggest factor in hair loss, but throwing up your hands and fatalistically saying "muh genetics" and doing nothing to help your situation, as many normies do, only hurts your situation. Because things other than genetics do cause hair loss, and they might be preventable with minor changes on your part, but you'd never know.
keep your hair or listen to bald cucks and roasties telling you to own it and shave
You need to shave your head, but you also need to take HGH and do TRT. People who shave their heads usually look like beta males, but like Joe Rogan, when you take HGH your head and neck grow like fucking crazy. You literally become alpha.
>I'm balding
Don't worry, it's just moving to your back.
hahahaha ur gonna look like a fucking cancer patient. Put on some weight jesus