Polacks aren't subh-

>polacks aren't subh-

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>bombing 6 people
>wondered how he got beaten up
ROO at it again

Poor nigga.


>date 2014
>biased source

wow, i wonder if this isn't just a bait thread.
>implying the same wouldn't happen to a white guy if he went to a questionable part of cameroon.

low iq op.

How many polacks does it take to moderately beat 1 (one) black student?

I wish I could meet god and punch him in the nut for creating Race

>going to poland as nigger
>not expecting wpierdol

Attached: polish hussar.jpg (960x768, 68K)

you misspelt wypepo

You want some too kurwa?

Attached: polish businness man.jpg (194x259, 6K)

I have no way of proving it but I suspect that on a global scale, blacks attack whites at a rate of 100x that of which whites jump blacks. This is a pretty conservative estimate, btw.

fucking based

t. 10% polish

>Poles in 2005 complained everyone was xenophobic and discriminating against them

>Poles in 2018 are le based bois aryan brotherhood fuk moosloms and brown pppl

How many times does he have to teach them this lesson?

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>going to kurwaland in the first place

Literally why? It's a shithole. I'm glad I left.

I'm actually going back britbongia is just grey and sad and wet and shit and feels pointless, money is better sure, it's easier for a job and you can get by with any job but it just feels like slow suicide

Use your jukej work history to get a visa in a better country. You think going back and being surrounded by "bog, honor & ojczyzna" types is not a slow suicide?

I've lived in UK for 12 years and I'm either moving back to Poland or to Switzerland. The only thing I'm glad I got out of England is my uni degree. It's getting worse and worse here.

Poland Ball fags be like

Poland is basically a nation made up entirely if Chavs. Disgusting people. Poles have more in common with negroes than they would like to admit (namely low iq and terrible """culture""")

>ITT angry zachodziarz's and tumblrfags
end your lives

Do it again and we gonna se Poland-France border on Elbe

sadly, we are full

Damn hooligans, always causing trouble wherever they stride.

It doesn't mean that it's from 2014 that it can't be used as a proof of racial violence perpetrated by extremists - white or not.

>Entire ethnic group treated like shit by parasitic migrants and rich westerners exploiting them
>They lash out

shouldn't have been black, then

>is just grey and sad and wet and shit and feels pointless
This, i have no idea how some people can live there their entire lives, lived there for a year and that was enough for me

Attached: 1528972171003.jpg (750x750, 137K)

>be polish
>see this thread
>implying that extremists can't be found in every country
>implying that this approves to majority
kek kurwa,

Attached: 2NVa1qm.jpg (600x600, 13K)

The "god honor homeland" part is over exaggerated, I'm more concerned about financial stability and work opportunities. That was the main reason I left 2 years ago. Minimum wage in Poland means living with parents or poverty and struglling to survive on your own.
In UK minimum wage at any job you can easily get means I can save up more than half of my wage and still have money to live, go to gym, get nutrition, clothes or whatever.

stop paying child support to immigrants, I know a pole that get's more money from your goverment that she would get in pooland on minimum wage.

But I'm not a parasite. I speak a few languages and have a masters degree.

Ironic. The club's name is literally "The Chocolate". Sebas are pretty chill nowadays. He had to do something to get wpierdol.

Poland is hilarious racist.
What the fuck did he expect?

all NEETs get more money from the government here than minimum wage anywhere in the world

Well that's just plain stupid