Last day of uni work

Should i smoke some weed to get the creative juices flowing? Will it kill my gains/brain?

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Just make sure you trust the advice of a group of 30+ year old virgins who have nothing but large squat numbers and horrible depression to tell you what to do.

>said the guy who can't give any advice
My experience is it doesn't make you "creative" but you can try

Exactly what I was thinking...

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>did a bunch of LSD
>weed hits like acid now
>friends at parties hand me a joint
>literally spazz out
>want to just take off my pants and start jacking off on the spot

why is this happening?

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Do it once om a while. Put it behind studies/job, socializing and working out on your priority list. Weed is very habitual and makes you lazy and fogs your brain og you overuse it. Don't choose weed over other stuff. Might be cool for a while, but not worth it in the long run.

dumb stoner

has anyone here fucked a girl like this? i wanna hear stories

well said user

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they taste and smell like shit. Weed roasties are the absolute worst

nasty as fuck smell like cheese and hemp and don't care about shaving for weeks on end, avoid at all costs

You might have triggered schizophrenia

so am i fucked?

how do i live with this?

do i even bother to tell anyone this?

i don't want to be stuck in a mental ward?

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You’re actually fucked if weed insets schizophrenia. Enjoy your eventual mental breakdown in five years. Have fun on drugs.

>wont ever experience those first times i got high again

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Getting high will not hurt you...stop building up fear in your mind!

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>smoking weed

never gonna make it

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Just don’t smoke weed, jackass.

Just don't ever do drugs again. I had a similar problem to you. Was scared I was losing my mind. Stopped drugs completely and was back to normal in about 4 months. Hallucinogenic triggered psychosis is real. Better to stop tripping and smoking weed before it gets worse.

honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

That depends. Are you already a creative person? If you are, then any experience, including a drug experience, can be the seed of something new.

On the other hand, if you are mediocre, then you'll just be another mediocre pothead.

>will it kill my brain
Probably not.

>Will it kill my gains
Not if making progress is important to you. Don't skip workouts to get blazed. Don't fuck your diet because you're high.

They smell awful, have abysmal hygiene, can never remember anything you tell them and are more irresponsible and lazier than the average person.


knew one in highschool who would routinely get raped at parties when passing out. explained that maybe she shouldn't go to parties or drink so much, but she couldn't process that information.

saw one on the street a few years ago with a really horrible vocal fry, wasn't wearing shoes downtown. feet were black and calloused, wearing baggy shitty stoner clothes. smelled like B/O. hair was greasy.

I’m not a pol poster but weed is degenerate. I let it derail my early 20s. If I could give you advice, avoid all substances. Life is best lived sober.

jeez man chill out. you're not fucked, youre not gonna develop schizophrenia. just lay off drugs for a while youll be fine

stfu he’s fucked and now in the FBI list for school shooters. tick tock roasties

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If you smoke once per week you are not harming anything.

What this guy said.

You can trigger schizophrenia but unlike the popular medical opinion it can be shut off without pumping someone full of anti-psychotics if that is what is happening.

Also, LSD teaches your brain to work in a different pattern and weed has a tendency to bring out repressed traits. I had a similar thing happen from mushrooms. You will be fine.

First time I got high
I was cutting, on keto
Did not cheat diet.

After becoming
A regular pot smoker
I gained hella weight.

Just my opinion
But restrict your weed use to
Once a week, at most.

When done responsibly
Used as medicine, not drugs,
Life is easier.

Ahahaha had similar experience when I was in my teens.
You're fine man you probably have some low level anxiety that is now brought up by weed since the bad trip.
You dont have schizophrenia but you probably wont be smoking much anymore. I used to be a massive pothead but hell I havent smoked in 9 or so years. Couldnt give a fuck desu got whiskey and charlie OI oii

you can't shut psychosis off, just mitigate its effects. sure, you can become aware of your symptoms and actively deal with them, not 'following the rabbit down the trail', but it takes a lot of willpower. if you don't have the will power to not smoke a joint here and there, you're probably going to have a rough time.

LSD doesn't 'teach' your brain to work in a different pattern, it fucks with its normal, functioning pattern

>dude weed lmao
none of the symptoms he mentioned have anything to do with anxiety, weed in general causes a certain amount of anxiety. people like you are why i vote against legalization even though I don't really care or have an issue with weed. i bet you're the type of faggot to make people wait in a game because 'brb smoking a bowl', too

Very nice symmetrical face. Dat hair doe