Have you ever wanted to get girl from 3rd world country? I just seen some threads where anons asked that they want to have, like invite poor girls and present good conditions to them to make good wives maids out of them, you know.
So, i live in shithole country, and really, here are many of girls that dreaming about finding of foreighn husband to move away to the 1st world country to him, to live good life, in good environments and, with good people around, not like here, and being a good, lovely, obedient housewives in return.
But, the main barrier is the language, of course. They mostly speak russian here, and don't know english.
Then, maybe i can help to someone? Anyone interested in this?
Have you ever wanted to get girl from 3rd world country...
Hmmm thats sounds a little too good to be true user
in america latina most of us are sick of it, we just want to leave this shithole, we don't even care
most of us, though, also have the same problem
1st world countrys aren't for us though, as i fear we will only be useful for very few things
Why u think so?
I dont know, but hypothetically, how would you go about setting people up to date?
no unless you chain them to a radiator as soon as they find out who you really are they'll leave you and find someone better
you basically just brought chad a new fuckhole
As a translator. To help people overcome the language barrier.
Well im sold, how do i start my free trial to get a 3d waifu my good sir?
Wtf are you talking about. I mean regular girls like my friends that i see and talking with everyday. I'm not a criminal.
You can add me in discord "Wavey#0483". Presently, i'm only asking if people even interesting in this, and wanna discuss this, but if they are, i may start.
So, what are your thoughts?
When they're in Russia they only want Chadkovitch.
When they're here they only want Chad.
It's simple. They just use beta bux to get out of their shithole so they can divorce you and fuck Chad.
I thought about it but they're all gold digging whores that won't love you
>mail order bride
you understand that she'll divorce rape you the second she gets her citizenship?
Which shithole country? Soviet diaspora for sure. Belarus?
You don't get my intentions. I'm talking more "refugee" like girls about, who are not intersted in guy that much. Anyway, my point is to find really good girls, not like that you described.
Yes, i agree that you can't force love, and truely, main theme here is more about "petting", maybe.
And where and with whom she will live?
>B-b-but leaving would be betraying your country
>And what about your family? I couldn't spend a day away from my family
>Plus no other country on earth has this beautiful landscapes (they think that no other country on earth has trees)
People legit have told me this when i talk about leaving my LatAm shithole. Textbook crabs in a bucket mentality
exact same thing
emphasis on the family part
user start with me. Set me up with a qt pie. I'll work on learning Russian as well.
So, the major question: if girl is poor, would you help her to move to you (visa, ticket)?
>So, i live in shithole country, and really, here are many of girls that dreaming about finding of foreighn husband to move away to the 1st world country to him, to live good life, in good environments and, with good people around, not like here, and being a good, lovely, obedient housewives in return.
as someone actually in the developing world i can tell youre a first world fatass jerking off some dumb fantasy.
dont be memed into thinking the devleoping world is traditional or whatever the fuck nigger. traditional culture is imploding everywhere and this is obvious to anyone with a brain. the big difference between comfy 1st world countries annd the shithole's of the world is that people in shithole's are adjusted to reality and much more materialistic. guaruaanteed if you marry a third world girl she will try her hardest to manipulate you (ESPECIALLY SLAV GIRLS. DONT LET THEIR CUTE FACADES DECIEVE YOU) and likely succeeed if she doestn't then shed divorce you
This, 3rd world girls are just like american roasties but poor and dumber
Maybe. But what you think about beaten domestic hikki girls, afflicted by violent surroundings?
I exaggerated a bit with 3rd world, maybe 2nd.
That's what my dad did
It's the only reason I was born.
Post some Russian cuties that need husbands and I will consider your offer op.
Yes, but I want a brown, preferably Arab, Muslim wife from a 3rd world country. I dont want some slav gold digger
As long as there's sex. I already have a dog I can pet.
There is no race or ethnic group that doesn't have gold diggers.
A friend/neighbor got a Ukrainian wife (mail order bride) through a agency that does exactly that.
Married for 7 years now, she's a 7/10
In the house that she takes in the settlement
As a slav, I can confirm this. Don't fall prey to your fantasies guys.
That's kinda obvious, yes.
I want to do it for free now, and specially qties for user.
How cute are we talking? Because literally every woman is a gold digger
Yes, tastes are different, but at least i'll try.
Okay, if you are a nice guy living in 1st world country and want to "pet" CIS-girl (being redy to pay over her relocation, if she is poor), add me on discord: "Wavey#0483", for help.