*Blocks your path*

>*Blocks your path*

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this is great preworkout
my girlfriend made me a fat stack of pancakes with half a tub of this last night. just finished it off this morning

I eat my quest bars dipped in this shit

great for bulking. I eat 2 slices of toast with some of this on it every night. IDGAF what Jow Forums says, still have a 6-pack

I enjoy eating my nutella from the jar with a spoon

Anyone else?

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This + Cookie Butter

My nigga.

>derails your cut

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*eats the entire jar in one sitting*

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this stuff makes me want to die after eating it. its so tasty though

tasty the last time i tried it but full of chemicals and other artificial shit that's best left undigested outside of my body

This has to be a meme right? It’s good but I don’t understand why everyone loses their mind over it. It’s about as annoying as muh epic bacon on everything meme


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its my guilty pleasure, every saturday during refeed i get some fresh buns, lightly smear PB on them and then chocolate spread on top, cold milk to drink, its glorious, bulking superfood right there

What the fuck

damn why is this shit so expensive? I haven't eaten it in so many years, instead I get some ghetto poor version of it but it's nowhere near the same

Hazelnut shortages

>peanut butter
>isn't a perfect cutting food

>those "snacks"


Haven't eaten that shit in years.

Hazelnuts and chocolate cost real money, unlike your nigger-tier corn syrup, flour and vegetable oil that make up poor people foods.

I eat this on my pp&j that i eat most mornings. How bad is this?

Non sei l'unico, amico.

Its 90% palmoil of the worst Kind and 9%sugar

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Even worse

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toast with nutella is so god dam good ahhhhhhhhhh

going to have some now

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good thing you not eating al of it then

literally eating processed and sweetened garbage just because of advertising.

>Craves sugar
I have reason to belive that OP is indeed a fatass

rate dinner

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no thanks i don eet carbs

Das it mayne



Literally useless excessive calories from sugar and palm oil, 100% peanut butter is way better

There is a special place in hell for you animals.

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this. Nutella is to be enjoyed on either a spoon or a crepe. Eating it with bread is unnatural and disgusting

but eating it on bread as a breakfast is literally how it's been advertised on TV since forever (as far as I remember)

Nutella is fucking great.

absolute bloatmaxx

Explain to me how you bulk but still have a visible 6 pack.

Also tho nutella on toast with cut up strawberries or banaan on top


Because he's probably straight outta auschwitz mode

That is a filthy bulk

FPH thread?