Is it possible to survive with only 1 euro per day on food?

Is it possible to survive with only 1 euro per day on food?

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Western or eastern Europ?

Yes. It's called "having friends"

This picture is sickening because it's a child. Fucking Jews

1 kg of noodles is like a euro and you got food for a few days
might taste like shit, but you got something to fill your stomach

Kill yourself


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daily reminder to save these images and post them on cuck threads that the autistic fatties make

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depends in poland that is enough to keep you fed for whole day while in the west it might be harder to pull it off. general rule is that furhter west = higher prices

ramen noodles are about 0.50 euros, 2 ramens a day is sufficient but will get bland

daily reminder to save these images and post them on cuck threads that the autistic fatties make


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Rice, pasta, bread etc
Basic food is dirt cheap


would that be healthy tho?

what can 1 euro get you in poland?

>would that be healthy tho?
nope. you will miss some vitamins/minerals eventually. if you can manage to add 1 egg a day and some milk you could be fine, just missing some omega3

another day, another cuck thread

Only if you live in some Banana African Republic.

these statistics are extremely suspect, 0.15% of women in white on white relationships are murdered? that means that about 1 in 1000 women are murdered which is wayyy higher than the murder rate of any country on earth, let alone the 9% for black on white. makes you wonder if all the other stats are bullshit too.

ramen mean the most expensive pasta you can buy?
A pack of 500gr of spaghetti or something like that is about 0.50 euro. A handful of spaghetti gives you a shitload of it to eat after you cook it.
1Kg of rice can be had for 0.70 euro.

Dried beans are also cheap, but you'll have to soak them and all that, but they are cheaper than the canned ones that are already cooked.

Eggs aren't too expensive either.

Then the cheapest smoked meat you can find. Bacon or whatever.

Problem is you would have to eat like shit for a few days until you got enough ingredients to make something worthwhile.

Forgot the cheap shitty canned sausages.
0.50 euro buys you a can of 8 of those shits.
Eat those with the spaghetti.

You spent 1 euro and still have uncooked spaghetti for a few days, tomorrow you have 1 whole euro for something to go with spaghetti.

After you get the staples (potatoes, beans,pasta, rice) you can slowly expand.
You have canned peas, that will be less than 1 euro.
Carrots are less than 1 euro per kg.

You get the idea.

But yeah, at least at the start it won't be neither the healthiest most diverse diet nor the most filling, but you won't die any time soon.

You can buy essentials like pasta for half a buck, save up the rest and purchase a cheap vitamin pack

>people actually unironcally enjoy watching white women get fucked by nogs

This truly is the best timeline

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buy beans

im a black guy and enjoy watching white women get ran