You have 10 seconds to explain why arent you growing beard and long hair for maximum aesthetics...

you have 10 seconds to explain why arent you growing beard and long hair for maximum aesthetics. Dont tell me you fell for the buzzcut meme?

Attached: nikolaj.png (787x477, 448K)

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So you do imply Nikolaj looks more chad in one pic than in another one?

big-skulled Chads like that look good no matter what they do, conversely bone deficient cucks like us look bad no matter what we do.

My hair is shit and my beard is worse

Do you imply that he doesnt? He unironically looks bad on the left pic, he has a strong jaw but thats it. He looks far better with beard and long hair.

Lol at the chad part

Attached: a858b1ca7121bba6756a3ac6e81977ec.jpg (500x708, 69K)

He's got a big oul nose

>huge masc skull with no acromegalic features and good harmony
>not chad
ok kid

>you have 10 seconds to explain why arent you growing beard and long hair for maximum aesthetics.
I'm Asian with Asian hair genetics. My legs are probably smoother than your gf's legs

Long hair is GOAT. I can't grow a beard tho because shit genetics. I'm afraid when I will be able to grow one, I will have started balding, so it's not like I'm looking forward to it..

Okay, I dont really care about the chad meme definitions. My point is that left version looks bad compared to his version on the right

You have ten seconds to explain you don't take your individual facial structure and hair texture into consideration when chosing a style that works for you. Don't tell me you have the mental capacity of a woman?

Beard isn't full enough to have more than 5mm
Curly dry hair
Also it usually looks very good when you're older, not 22.
I'll try long hair again at 30 (but I'll probably be white by then if it continues like this)

>your gf
where do you think you are cunt

Attached: 1524662670177.png (1275x676, 667K)

ok, my legs are smoother than my gfs

Girls don't care, all they see is BONE

This thread is more directed to those guys who are bad looking but still go for buzzcut and clean shave. Almost all guys like that look much better with longer hair and a beard. Of course, if you look like chris hemsworth you can buzzcut or do whatever the fuck you want and youll still look good

Because my beard looks like I glued pubes in random places all over my face. But I am growing my hair out.

>growing beard
shit patchy beard

>long hair
i went bald at 22

Because I'm a faggot in the military and I'm not allowed.

Medium-short hair and stubble is the best of both worlds. Fucking LOL at either extreme, kys

Attached: original.gif (500x320, 1.73M)

he looks much better with longer hair

Attached: Jaime-Lannister-jaime-lannister-30256521-240-187.jpg (240x187, 21K)

beards are a cope for shit jaw and chin genetics

Exactly. If you have a small chin you can just hide it with a beard, its fucking awesome.

Attached: Best-Beard-Styles-Full-Beard-with-Man-Bun.jpg (500x500, 66K)

eh not quite. facial hair looks way better if you have a dominant jaw and particularly if you have thick dark short facial hair. it's only if you have excessive facial hair that it's a cover up.

Attached: 1517896153776.jpg (632x392, 27K)

Because I don't care.

Growing my hair or so I have something to comb over my bald spot. And by bald spot, i mean my depression and not a literal bald spot.

Can't grow beard because asian

>Having a beard

Attached: Disgusting.jpg (600x250, 20K)

A long beard is shit

Clean shaven is shit

A light beard that still shows your jaw line is best

If you want to slay pussy you have to emulate the facial hair of Kurt Russell in Tombstone.

Jesus Christ

all the basedboy pics made me self conscious about growing my beard

I'd rather not look like a goat hearder.

if he wasn't famous I bet you would consider left more attractive.

>tfw el goblino, la creatura, and nappy hair

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.jpg (800x800, 66K)

Chinlets and jawlets use beards like makeup to distract.

I grow a jew fro so no

High forehead + inability to grow a beard. I'd look worse than I do.

Are you underage? I'm only asking because I outgrew my long-haired fedora-wearing redditor phase in middle school.

Not that guy but in a very similiar situation. I always had short/medium lenght hair but decided to grow long hair once I reached 19yo