How're you holding up Jow Forums?
How're you holding up Jow Forums?
>5 different grills that are into you, text you
feel nothing
Read 2:03 AM
I'm ok. Keeping a positive mental attitude. Working slowly but surely towards my goals. Realizing that I'm human and that it will take time and dedication to achieve what I want. Learning to be compassionate with myself if I falter at times.
Life is a journey not destination anons.
fuck off
I asked her out today. She said "we'll see".
So not great.
>implying everyone life is as bad as yours
You must be new here.
On a cut and took some pics of me in my boxers. I think i look good.
I have no girl to send them to. I was going to whatsapp them to my friend but its weird. I already texted him 5 times with no response yesterday.
Im lonely.
Take your "I'm a loser boo hoooo" blogs somewhere else
Pretty good. Getting back into doing a lot of cardio and somehow its making me more Chad, like all of my social interactions have been better since I started running consistently
Got a date for Tuesday from a girl I knew in high school. Have no clue what we're gonna do though
>deep vein thrombosis does not allow me to work out ever again
hold me brehs
what are you talking about?
It was caused by Paget-Schroetter Syndrome.
Doctor said my vein got little chance for recanalize. My arm is weak and hurt when i take little weight.
I just need a job, everything else is alright.
You on any anticoagulants?
Didnt have the best day yesterday. Aside from just a generally bad day at work, i managed to accidentally shit my pants. At work. Luckily only the underwear was affected, but i threw them in the dumpster so now I'm down a pair.
Gonna get a new job, start riding my bike everywhere, and stop eating foods that make my bowels go crazygonuts.
browsing 4chins, so you know i'm on a low point . Why do i look for girls only when i'm at my worst?
Did he mention any surgery options, I'm so sorry bro.
Im after 6 months anticoagulant treatment.
red flag, get over asap and move on.
seriously, thats a shitty answer to give, and it means she just doesnt care about you
Problem is, the last time she gave me that answer a few months ago, we went on a date literally 2 hours later. So I genuinely don't know if it means yes or not, since it has before.
she's checking to see if chad's busy tonight
You need to get off Jow Forums more mate.
You sure about that? I do the same thing. If one of my girls is busy that day or can't come, I go with the next girl in line
literally this
Your post doesn't even make sense lad. You ask them to go out, they tell you they're busy and then you ask someone else instead. That's not at all "doing the same thing".
And yes, I am absolutely sure you need to get off Jow Forums more.
As in, I have a number of female orbiters and a oneitis. If the oneitis is unavailable, then I take one of the orbiters out
Are you under the impression that makes you Chad mate? Deary me.
What is Chad exactly and can Chad remain Chad well into middle age?
Chad is just a man that doesn't really give a fuck and just lives his life. So yes.
Holy shit, being this much of a brainlet. It's saying that there is a pecking order.
This user is lower on the girl's pecking order. He's currently on standby until the other guy can get back to her.
I, too, have a pecking order. I'd rather be with the ones at the top, but if they're unavailable, I go with a lower tier girl that I have on standby.
when do gainz start to roll in?
i've hit the gym 3 weeks ago, eat a shit ton of protein and am literally sore everywhere
See, I'm reading this over but you still just sound insecure and bitter that your oneitis (Chad doesn't experience oneitis by the way) doesn't like you. And the fact that that lad landed a date with his, triggers you. So you screech memes into the void to try to either save face or simply placate your own fragile self-esteem issues. Either way, you need to get off the internet for a while. The memes are dictating your reality and making you retarded.
inb4 "p-projecting!"
Keep at it, they come in when you deserve it
My first noticeable gains (ie. someone other than me noticed them) was after about 2 months.
For the record, I'm and the girl outright broke up with her boyfriend and rejected two other lads just so she could confess her feelings to me. She's written me fucking novels of "I have feelings for you" texts and we've already been on multiple dates. I feel bad because I was hoping to spend some more time with her but she's busy as her parents are leaving for Portugal on Sunday. She has already told me if she can't make the date, that I can come over to hers on Sunday after her parents leave.
You should really refrain from the whole Jow Forums "SHE ALREDY BANGIN CHAD DUNDERCOCK" shit. It's really unhealthy.
How long did she take to go from breaking up with her ex to dating you? You could just be the rebound. We've all been there
Shit. Just had my first weightlifting meet. Snatch went well. First clean and jerk attempt I didn't get low enough under the bar. Second attempt i fucking power cleaned the bar into my face.
She's had feelings for me for years. Her now-ex even told me that she told him like four months into their relationship that she had caught feelings for me, but she suppressed them to keep dating him because she felt like it would be unfair to drop him so early because of someone she had only met a month ago. I'm as far from a rebound as its possible to get. I am her oneitis.
We'll see mate, good luck. Just look out for red flags that she has this kind of dating pattern, looking at other men.
>This kind of dating pattern
>Caught herself becoming interested in a classmate so distanced herself emotionally and romantically from that classmate and continued a relationship that lasted another three years
Mate. Stop posting.
Half asking for advice/half just needing to vent
>dating girl from my gym
>I get needy and start acting beta
>she asks to just be friends
>like a retard, that first week I try to talk her into coming back
>it doesn't work
>she'd walk right by me at the gym and wouldn't even look at me
>get angry
>start ignoring her too
>no texts, no likes on her pics, walk by her at the gym and don't even look at her
>it's been over a month of me ignoring her
>notice she'll look at me when she thinks I can't see but whenever I look back at her she'll look away
>wednesday morning I post a funny video of me in an IG story
>she sees it immediately
>in the afternoon I go to the gym
>she's there, sees me leave
>as soon as I set foot outside the gym I get a message from her
>it's a reply to the stupid video
>I reply with "What do you mean?"
>she leaves it on read
>today as I'm leaving the gym I walk right by her
>ignored her completely
So, what's her game? Why does she look away and pretend I don't exist even though I see her mirin all the time? Why did she message me and leave me on read?
I made it through another semester of university without failing classes. Got mired by a girl before the semester started, and now she's been my gf for about four months. Gonna invest in some homegym shit since I'll be away from my uni gym for the summer. My girl's willing to start running with me, too.
Overall my situation's done a total 180. We'll see if I can keep this going or not, but it looks like I'm finally headed for a slightly less shitty time in my life.
She wanted you to be an orbiter, but you didn’t go along with her plans. And now she’s trying to pull you back in. She’s toxic to you. Focus on your lifts and your own well being
>girl reaches me to play a videogame with her
>next day ask her out
>ignores it
>some days later see her and casually asks if shell play the game
>say she needs to study and will stop for now
>later she playing it
damn am i that boring
Had a threesome with my gf and other girl.
It was nice.
Just drop her bro, it’s not you, it’s her.
Good luck bro
I know this is autismo af but I swear if she starts pulling shit again I'm just gonna tell her something like "You should already know me well enough to know I'm not gonna be playing these games. When you feel like you're done message me and we can go for coffee and talk like adults. Meanwhile, if acting like I don't exist makes you happy, go ahead, more power to you, but don't expect me to crawl back."
Felt like absolute shit today. Had a dream about my ex and it brought back all those feelings I had. For whatever reason, first thing I did when I woke up was I looked at her facebook. First time looking at any of her social media shit since we broke up. Seeing any kind of pictures of her just instantly ruins my day. I have a lot of mixed emotions about her - some good, some bad. Either way, just realizing that she was the one that broke up with me made me feel totally alone today, like I'll never have the same sort of connection I felt we had. It wasn't even super serious, it was just one of my first actual, somewhat serious relationships so I was new to all of it. If I had a bit more experience before I met her I'm sure things would have gone much better. I've gone out with a lot of girls since then but none of it feels the same. I'm rambling at this point, but today has not been a good day.
Small lump in stomach, whole area feels dodgy as fuck, think I might have a hernia Jow Forums. Doc told me not to run or lift until it gets examined but I'm going running tonight anyway because it stops the panic attacks.
These are dark times.
Unfortunate lad, I had one too. You'll be out for at least a month. I remember trying to pick up a mug the day after my operation and I couldn't do it. If you get keyhole surgery you'll hardly have any scars though.
i did i guess, not gonna keep going after her if she doesnt want to do stuff
just gonna casually talk to her when i see her in person i guess just felt weird how in one day she asks to do stuff together and literally on the next day she starts sorta ignoring you
I'm lonely as fuck.
Women are stubborn like kids, she'll ignore you as long as you ignore her BUT don't cave big boi, keep it up, if she's worth it she'll come by her senses, more like sense of smell from those BRAPPS
I've been thinking about getting into the IT field because I'm just tired of working as a bouncer and a bar tender. As of now, I am studying for my A+ cert. I plan to get a help desk job and then maybe get another IT cert once I'm done. I've also bee looking into some basic programming like html, css, and java script. Idk I've seen a lot of college drop outs working in the tech field after learning all those languages, so maybe I can too.
Really hope I can push through all this bs in my life. I'm getting too old to be working these shit jobs.
Posted in last night's thread, but I still haven't slept in about two days so may as well post it again
>gf of three years unexpectedly walks out on me
>Says she just wants to have "fun" (we know what that really means)
>Says she doesn't want a relationship for a long time after this long one we just got out of
>Did everything for this girl
>She was talking to new guys DAYS later
>Is now a couple with her best guy friend
>She called me earlier this month saying she was sorry and regretted everything
>Said she hoped we'd have a future together, I naively agreed
>They were already seeing each other at this point, I didn't know til two days ago
>She saw this guy the night we broke up and smiled at him in front of me
>My friends sent her screenshots of me venting to them, I said I dodged a "lying bullet"
>She posts a picture of him and her in the dark with him on top of her, caption quotes some of the things I vented to my friends
Never felt such a 180 betrayal so fast before, and I'm sincerely sorry to any other anons who have ever felt this. No one should have to feel this way. No one should ever feel like the person they loved more than anything in the world lied and replaced them so easily, then had it flaunted in their face.
Shit sucks. So to answer your question, not good OP. Gym was closed today too
>It's pretty clear to me that we're not friends, user
>we're obviously more than friends and I think we're supposed to give this a try
>Okay, wanna do something on Sunday?
This is like the third time this has happened to me. It's fucking killing me.
Having talked to a few girls I know about their break-ups (they always broke up to ask me out), women check out of relationships months or even years before they actually do it. That's why they seem so unaffected by it. Because they broke up with you mentally months before they ever got around to actually breaking up with you. In her head, it wasn't days later, it was 6 months and some days since you two "broke up". It's retarded as fuck, but that's how it works.
>She posts picture of her being fucked or whatever
Okay, so you dodged a liar and a whore. Lucky you. Delete her from wherever the fuck you saw the picture. No point in expending any more effort or thought on this girl than you already have.
Best of luck mate.
>girl i dont really care about riding me this morning
>stare at the ceiling as she gets off on me
>wondering what my ex is doing and if Ill ever see her again
I can confirm this.
My gf of over 3 years left me and fucked another guy within days...and were official a few weeks later. No doubt in my mind she checked out of the relationship months before she actually ended it with me.
>tfw no gf
Anyone else holding out hope for a 2 0 1 8 S U M M E R H O L I D A Y G F?
Once you’ve been through enough bullshit stupid fucking cunts, you just get used to it.
It’s really sad and pathetic to say, but I literally have no expectations for girls. I’ve been constantly stood up by girls left and right, been lied to constantly, and been played by almost every single girl I’ve tried going after.
At this point, I expect them to lie to me. Once you realize this, life becomes a lot brighter my friend. You start becoming much more humble, and when someone who appreciates you finally comes by, you’ll finally feel what genuine, reciprocated love feels like.
I haven’t felt it yet myself, but when I do, I know I won’t take it for granted like what this girl has done to you.
Thanks for the words m8. I already blocked her on everything instantly after seeing that.
It just hurts to think that I found a girl who wasn't like that, but you know how it goes...
Last girl to ask me out told me that she knew the relationship was going nowhere up to a year ago, had decided she was going to break up with her boyfriend 6 months earlier and only managed to work up the nerve to finally do it when she heard I was single and didn't want to miss her opportunity. Went so far as to tell me she was single before she'd actually broken up with him, which she did a few hours later.
She asked me to take it slow but complained that I didn't kiss her on our second date. Women are weird, insecure beasts and you need to really really work to understand them, unfortunately.
Cut my life into pieces!!!!!!!
I can see that for sure, and that's despite her claiming all the while that nothing was wrong, and acting just as she always had. Why not just be honest?
>have cute gf who is obsessed with me and constantly wants my dick
>have job lined up for september after graduation making 90k/y
>lots of friends and travelling
>fit and decently tall with quite large penis
my life is perfect on paper, but i feel like shit all the time. mostly i hate myself for getting turned on to depraved pornography. it's all i can think about because i feel very anxious about why it turns me on and if what if in the future that's all i can get off to. its literally ruining my life
Same Tbh. I just saw her again yesterday for the first time in like years, I kind of just avoided her and hoped she didn’t see me. Beta bitch move, I know.
Her face looks meh tho
Broke up with 8 month girl I was planning to marry. Feel like it was my fault but I doubt it was, she was mean to me and emotionally abusive at times. Inb4 man up. I loved, sorry bros.
Advice? Self improvement tips? I own a business so throwing myself into work is difficult because I have to really think about all my moves.
Oh man that last double text Ouch
First off, she didn't reject you. She rejected meal prep and the gym. She wants to do something romantic. Ask her to do something romantic.
Aside from that, you probably already fucked up by going with the "lol i was just pretending to be retarded" approach and then double texting like a fucking 14 year old. If you had asked us before you did your second replies, you might've had a chance. All you had to do was say some stupid cheesy shit like "by meal prep I mean dinner and by workout I mean sex" and you'd have at the very least made her smile. That would've been a less autistic way of saying "I was joking". Instead you did that.
Don't do that again.
8 months isnt really that long
user assuming you're 25 or even 30 you can do 8 months another 6-7 times before its even reasonably time to get married
dw you'll find someone, in the meanwhile you can take up golf, go to the driving range with some friends and have fun
Would you guys rather have a gf or a fuck buddy w/o any emotional bs?
>user assuming you're 25 or even 30 you can do 8 months another 6-7 times before its even reasonably time to get married
Is this an American thing? All of my cousins are married already and they're all about 25.
Sex is boring without emotions for me.
shes a worthless whore dude
Depends. A girl like the one you posted is probably pretty likely to cheat on you with a bunch of niggers so its best not to get emotionally invested but just bang her
>just come back from evening bike ride around my town
>see all those young people having fun in groups, chillin
>im lonely :(
getting married at 30 isn't too uncommon.
Gl bro
We're all gonna make it ya hear?
Top kek, mealprep and gym? What the heck
A gf. I can’t do fuck buddies I always get attached.
it's like anons don't learn anything
It's crazy. All he had to do was respond to her reply with "Well, what about dinner and a movie then?" or some stupid shit like that and he'd have had her.
This isn't the first time I fucked up.
How old are you user?
What do I say to her now? Please help I'm an autistic piece of shit.
Yeah but in that one you fucked up by texting a nigger.
If it's any reassurement (is that a word?) my mate failed all of his GCSEs and he works in IT right now and gets paid a pretty decent salary. Enough to afford his own home at 24 and live very comfortably. So you can do it.
Too late. It's dead Jim. Move on.
The worst is being anywhere near a main nightlife area or college campus and seeing everyone in large groups having fun, and realizing your so many steps away from being apart of something like that
Bf told me again today that he's not in love with me, he doesn't like my tits, I'm not that smart, he doesn't want a future with me and I will never find a guy as intelligent as he after he leaves me.
About to be 25 in a few weeks
Damn that's pretty cool. Did he have to network a lot? What does he do?
>with my 8 year old
Getting divorced 3 months later isn't either