Yo I started eating much healthier a month ago and my cum smells RANK now

Yo I started eating much healthier a month ago and my cum smells RANK now.

Seriously I'll toss the paper towel I cum into away and my whole trash bin will reek of bleach.

It's disgusting.

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More sugar. ie fruit

Why the fuck are you building a sperm bank in your trash can?

Do you wipe your greasy ass and throw the shit-soaked paper in the trash can?

what else are you supposed to do?

get up from you room and walk to the bathroom with a cum soaked paper towel? also they're not flushable.

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I'm now genuinely curious what people do with their fucking cum after they're finished. What has /fit done to me?

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Imagine eating that peach...

I'm cum a ton. Shit soaks the tissues I Wil it up with and there is still excess to wipe up. I like to take a deep wiff afterwards because the smell is amazing. Like salty pheromones or something.

I just cum into a small garbage bag. Though if you don't have foreskin you might not be able to hold after cumming and have to cum directly into it

Yeah imagine all that dried up semen reconstituted by bodily excretions and sweat sloshing around in her gash, just stick your tongue right up there and get that first taste, Worcestershire sauce? Kombucha? Faintly milky, and very salty.

Cum into toilet paper, that's flushable.

but i can't keep toilet paper in my room without it being painfully obvious why it's there

i keep paper towels near some cleaning supplies

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>All women are sluts!!!1!
Kys incel

Gotta eat fruits, citric acid based, shit ton of water, celery, etc if you are worried about the smell or taste. Anything with a fuck ton of fat in it will make you smell gamey. And any supps you take will also affect it. Before when the wife and I were long distance I'd eat a fuck ton of vegetables, pineapple, celery and the like and she said that my cum tasted sweeter and smelt kind of like chestnuts or almonds.



fuck that mentality... you seriously only form this "women must be pure" attitude when you're a HUGE pussy

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If Branden Fraser died after this episode he would have died a legend. Instead we have had to witness his descent into nothingness.

Yeah never mind that shit - gimme the sauce please

After fap or after sex? I usually just fap in the bathroom. I got used to doing that when I still lived at home because you could lock the door easily destroy the evidence and it just stuck even after moving togeather with my gf.

With gf I usually just cum inside and she takes some toilet paper from or nightstand drawer that she covers her vag with and then she waddles into the bathroom to clean the shit up. I usually follow up and wash my dick.

I don't even feel like my cum smells but I still like to keep my shit clean.

Cum into the garbage can.

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go and get a piece from the toilet then????

I started eating lots of pineapple and now my cum tastes much better, much easier for me to swallow

You missed the point.

Fap naked, cum on self, shower

kek'd hard

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>I'm now genuinely curious what people do with their fucking cum after they're finished

tell her to leave

try aspergers

not to sound too much like an r9k incel reject, but how do women wear shit like that then honestly expect us to NOT objectify them?

It's like serious sweetie, you're cooter lips are showing, and you don't expect men to notice? get the fuck out of here.

>Collect in hand
>spider man web shoot it into toilet

These pics are gross. I dont wanna see fem bulge

hahahaha what a virgin

i jerk off into socks. it dries and smells like cotton candy, then i wash the socks when they become too crusty to use comfortably.

You really think anyone's falling for that?

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>letting your cum get anywhere on your body

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Please tell me pic related has happened to you

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nah, i toss em under the desk as I'm using them, not back in the dresser

define "healthier" plz

Stop masturbating.

Made the switch to Subway, diet soda, and Special K snacks.

>Not eating it for protein
Its like you dont want gains.

No joke I do that pretty regularly. Jow Forums and a really perverted ex gf has ruined me

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The secret is to do that god tier cum thing that was floating around on here for awhile, drink a half gallon of water a day, lay off drugs, lay off meat, and edge to tranny self facials for hours and you'll drown yourself

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No one else cums in their underwear? I end up washing them, cums right off huehuehue

lol you're fucking flithy

I just cum on myself. The skin gains are worth it.

so do you have one soft spot on your stomach or are you spreading it all over your body and face

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I used to do the same with my underwear as a teenager. Shit does not smell like cotton candy. Parents noticed that they whole upstairs smelled like stale cum.

You can't compare jizz to shit.
That's like getting triggered that someone blew their nose and threw it in the trash.

yuck, that's me from 6 years ago.
Then one fateful day...
>mom found the cum sock collection

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I can smell the 25% bodyfat on you

Just fap in the toilet and cum in the bowl

>he doesn't have a cum-slurping gf that licks every last drop


unironically, i eat it
no evidence, free protein, tastes decent

Is it an American thing to cum in socks? Fucking disgusting. use toilet paper you mutts

For a while when I was still in highschool I'd jizz into used water bottles that I kept in the bottom of my wardrobe. Usually Powerade type ones with the wide mouth to make a bigger target. Well after cumming into a bottle maybe 5-10 times over the course of a week to the point it approached being half full it would start to smell. Not just like cum but something else. Several times I ended up leaving them longer, up to a month or more, out of laziness or not having a chance home alone to get them to the rubbish bins. At this point the cum would change, becoming very watery and usually going somewhere between black to green. The smell was... horrifying, I don't even know what to compare it to. Kind of like that mouldy fleshlight I left once before throwing it out, but worse.

I wash the onahole

i cum on the floor and wipe the dribble on my roomies bed lmfao. the floor stain is getting a bit obvious, its yellow and our carpet is blue

My life goal desu.

It's crazy how many people on here do this. It started for me when I was 13 and realized I could self-suck and I was flexible enough to practically deepthroat myself. I'm not the only weirdo.

very nice

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>not having a wank while you take a shit
>not using toilet paper to catch your load and then flush it
I’m disappointed in every single one of you

I live with family, so I can't flush post-poop-pre-cum because then I'd have to flush twice and you cant fap with the smell of your turd half a meter from your nose.

Plus wild girls really like cum kissing

>can’t fap with the smell of shot in the air
user what you need to do is but the VIPOo that’s on tv, spray it before and the nice fresh smell is stronger than cum and shit combined


>grab toilet paper after before-bed piss
>nut in toilet paper
>flush it along with the morning piss

I used to be normal and cum in toilet paper and flush it.
But since i’m reducing porn and stuff i’ve gone full retard mode and i do it in my underwear because i’m thinking i don’t need toilet paper since i won’t cum but i trick myself into doing it anyway.

Also got a gf that doesn’t let me cum inside (she’s aftaid of getting fat from the pill) and rarely lets me cum on her and even with a gf i end up cuming on myself or my underwear since i like fucking with them lowered.

Cum in shower during stealth fap
Cum in bellybutton during self indulgent naked fap when no one is around
Cum in wife’s hair because lol
Cum on wife’s back most of the time
Try really hard not to cum on bed because wet spot

>don't expect men to notice
That's the whole point.

rub it onto my shorts or t shirt

Before i started nofap I use to cum right before sleep onto my stomach and just slept and it was dry by the morning

you are supposed to eat it not throw it fucking dyel

haha, they are. I'll turn the shyest "purest" girl into a slut like nothing. Girls are human too, before they get shitted up on antidepressants and birth control, they also have sex drives.

I use a condom when I fap. Easy to get rid of and I get practice putting one on

eat more fresh pineapple,mango and papaya