Do you still want to get married and have kids, robots?

Do you still want to get married and have kids, robots?

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i do. but the kind of man i want to unconditionally love most likely doesn't exist so im ok with being alone.

Hard to have kids in a homosexual relationship, though.

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oh true xd cuz girls don't exist kek gottem

Yes. Unfortunately, it's not always as easy as it might seem (especially the latter bit). Working on it, though.

What kind of man is that, user?

Yeah but I am a low value male so that won't be happening. Only way I'll get a child is the old OLD fashioned way: rape. I don't want my son to be a rape baby but if I have to kidnap,rape,take care of the girl until she births my child,and then kill her after the baby shows signs of making it I will.

A trap for men in the modern age. Women are no longer fit mothers or wives and will add nothing to your life. Everything can also be taken away from you if she's unhappy or gets bored of you.
I'm an antinatalist and hate kids anyway.

In an ideal situation, I'd try to go into less serious relationship and have sexual experiences before that but I'm eastern European so it's marriage or nothing for me. So yes.

>Do you want to

What I want is not of importance, what is realistic is the question you should ask yourself....always make reality checks whether you are daydreaming or not.

Sure, I've already been living togheter with my gf for 4 years so eventually I will give her a ring and we'll get married.

I'm not sure about having kids this young but I definitely want to have a son.

someone who is open to working through whatever issues we have and try to make things work instead of completely giving up on each other and filing for divorce and potentially hurting our children if we end up having them.

i know life long marriage is a very difficult and almost archaic ideal to have but it would be really nice to marry someone i consider a best friend and to be able to live a comfortable life together

i see no hope for myself...
>if i ever POSSIBLY get a gf to love me,it wouldnt last with my autism
>IF she managed withstand my autism,i dont think she would love my disgusting appearence
>IF she managed to withstand my autism and my despicable body,my nihilistic personality would ruin any chances of starting a family
i have no hope,nor i think i should

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lol no, I'm not getting married.
I'd give a grill my child but I'm not signing a state contract, such things doesn't dictate my life.

I'm engaged and have 2 kids + pregnant fiance

t. old robot turned normie

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Absolutely. Married, kids, I want it all. I've kind of given up for the time being though. I'll try again in a few years.

I want to, but I'm really picky so it'll never happen, though I'll still try if the opportunity arises.

Sounds completely reasonably, but as you said, somewhat hard to find nowadays. Though they do say that many times, women are the ones who initiate divorce, so you never know. Have you been in any relationships in the past? Ones that seemed to be leading to marriage?

To those who are engaged and having kids in the thread, what is even the appeal of coming here? What value does this place hold for well-adjusted people besides laughing at virgins for a quick self-esteem boost?

this gif is freaking me out

then the child gets crushed by birth canal as the first trauma

>what is even the appeal of coming here?
What is the appeal of coming here to anyone?

I can barely look after myself.
How the hell am I going to look after a child?

>Do you still want to get married and have kids, robots?
I do, but my biggest fear is marrying the wrong girl, luckily we have the internet now days, finding someone similar to you has been made incredibly easier.

I do want to get married but I don't want kids

No. The only argument for marriage are the tax breaks that come with it. Beyond that its a needless, expensive formality. Marriage doesn't have the effect it did in past generations. Ive slept with too many wives to fall for the marriage meme

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Mainly I want to get married to get a mother in law and father in law. I'll get to finally experience a taste of what it's like to have normal parents.

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Addicted to coming here.
I am now 26 years old with a stressful career (Sub JO), wife and newborn stressball.
This is the only consistency in my life. Been coming here since gundam 00 was released and I commented on those gay sidebars in streaming sites, which led me to /a/ and the rest of Jow Forums.

You alright there user? Having reality issues?

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>What is the appeal of coming here to anyone?

One of the few places on the internet, where being a socially inept male degenerate is somewhat tolerated. Everyplace else pretty much hates people like that.

Does anyone else get turned on by the idea of rapid pregnancy? Like a girl's body expanding as a baby grows to full size in her womb over the course of a few seconds, then she immediately goes into labor.

>divorce rate near 60%
>courts overwhelmingly favor women
>women cause and initiate most divorces
>women can literally say anything and their word will be taken as truth unless you can definitively disprove it
>divorce and infidelity rate even higher when marrying a non virgin which is all you're going to get in today's hookup """"sex positive""" world
HAHAHA no, I've watched too many people around me be completely fucking destroyed by women all because they decided they wanted to go sleep with someone else

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ive been in 2, the first one was very toxic. he was emotionally abusive and i ended it. the second one i thought could have been something long and serious but he was further along in life than me. i dont blame him for leaving me desu. i have a lot of work to do with myself before i get into anything serious again. (working on my depression and other life issues)

been here a long time already, since 2007 when it was robot9000 might as well stay for the lulz and shitposting

Same sort of. Need the right guy I can feel special about.

Gotcha. Well you've at least got the experience of a good relationship under your belt, you were able to identify and remove yourself from an unhealthy relationship, and you know of something that you want to improve to make future relationships work. Sounds like you're doing all you can. Don't give up hope, user. I'm sure there's a gent out there for you.

So badly.
But women my age don't want that. They want to "party"or "have fun" instead of being "tied down." Basically, they want to get drunk and take in an ocean of cum.
There's no solace. You can tell me that they'll want me once they're ready to "settle down," but frankly, nobody likes sloppy seconds, nobody likes being settled-for, and that's a raw deal. You can tell me that I'll be able to go for the younger ones once I'm in my 30's, but 1. I really doubt it and 2. that's not gonna give me my 20's back. The simple fact is that if everybody starts "settling down" and having kids this late, a lot of us just aren't ever going to see our grandchildren.
Call me an asshole, but I don't want some bitch to jump aboard what I've worked for and sacrificed towards and built with my sweat and blood because she's done fucking around and her clock is ticking. I do all that, lonely the whole fucking way, and my ultimate boon is that somebody who was never interested in me in the slightest during my trials gets to hijack my triumphs? Nah, fuck that. None of these girls want to be by our side during the journey and they all want the fruits of it. FUCK THAT NOISE.
But at the same time, MGTOW is fucking retarded. What, we're just gonna drop out of the gene pool? We're just never gonna have the experience of holding our own children in our arms? Fuck that, too.
There's no winning. But you have no idea how badly I want it. I seriously dream about having kids and wake up to this nightmare.

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>who is open to working through whatever issues we have
including cheating?
where do you draw the line?

i do, i get depressed on holidays as my cousins are older and have kids now. my father's cousin is kind of a neet. she has/ had a job and lived with her parents all of her life.

thanks user, right now i'm just going to work on my issues and bettering myself. whenever that happens i'll definitely try to search again

i dont know how i would handle a man who cheated on me. i dont know if that trust could ever be repaired. thats actually a very difficult question

>i dont know how i would handle a man who cheated on me. i dont know if that trust could ever be repaired.
Believe me, it can't. Consider it being dumped/handed divorce papers.

i just don't know how you can come back from something like that. all i can think of is after every time hes at work or out with friends or away doing something, i would probably think he was with his mistress.

thats actually a HUGE fear of mine, to be cheated on. and it makes me wonder things like if humans really arent meant to be monogamous

>i dont know if that trust could ever be repaired.
same user who asked you the original question

so how can you say "but the kind of man i want to unconditionally love most likely doesn't exist" when you yourself are unsure of what you really want?

I honestly don't think a relationship can work and be healthy with the level of distrust that cheating carries. Moreover, you can never stop wondering whether they've really changed or if they've just gotten better at lying. If they've just learned from how you found out last time and vowed never to do THAT again.
At the same time, I think you're going to get walked all-over like an asshole if you aren't willing to have absolute boundaries. Yeah, you want to go in with the mindset of making it work no matter what, but plenty of people will just take that as an excuse to do whatever despicable shit they like and expect unconditional rewards for it.
I dunno how you win in this one.

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