User have you found the one? The girl of your dreams? Or is it just a meme?

user have you found the one? The girl of your dreams? Or is it just a meme?

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That's the problem with me, I think I found her but I'm not sure if it's just going to be a joke and she'll leave me.

I say it's just a meme

I thought I did, but she hasn't been on for 9 days and I'm pretty sure she's ghosted me. I just don't get it since she said that she was in love with me when she was drunk.

I haven't but she found me. When I'm sad, I'm glad I have her. But when I'm happy, I think I could do better and don't like her

no, i thought that a girl was one but she got away from me twice. maybe not the one but i liked her. she is married and has a kid now.

Dont worry user, you will find something better maybe a good tier waifu? Who knows...

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No. We were together for 3 miserable years and 4 months after we broke up I found out she had a one night stand with some Chad while we were together.

I hate women. I'll always hate women. Theres no such thing as "the one"

ouch, did you ever notice any red flags?

Tons, I didnt care. I thought I was in love.
I remember I told her sometimes I thought about killing myself and all she had to say about it was "hows that supposed to make me feel?"

She was histrionic, couldn't hold down a job, controlling, demanding, and mean.

The guy she fucked kept hitting on her and despite me telling her to block his number she didnt. Shed say "dont worry"
Then I found out she went to the movies with him and didnt tell me (now I know she went and fucked him). I was so beat down at that point I didn't even argue. She sucked the soul out of me.

'Tis but a meme, my frend. The world is only what you make of it. Girls live their lives just like we do. Not a single one of them was made for you, just as you were not made for them. The best you can do is go out and find someone that you like. If she likes you back, you can try making her "The One", but there's never any guarantee.

Thought I did, but I'm probably not their one. And it really hurts because even if I wanted to get over her she's literally so perfect for what i wanted in every way

Hey man, Its ok not everyone is like this, she was a bitch to you and you deserve better, its time to move on

No she is not, if she did that to you, she is not the one, like you said there is not a "one" keep in mind there are others

>She liked guns
>Liked video games and anime
>Liked outdoors and going on adventures
>Loves physical affection
I moved too slow and didn't pull the trigger soon enough, she moved on. Found out from a mutual friend that she was waiting for me to do it but lost patience.

I did move on. Then this came to light and I'm right back in it.
>not everyone is like this
I'm not so sure.
All of my friends have had long term girlfriends cheat on them. Not one of them have ever cheated however.

I've never known a good woman.

I guess you're right, if she cared she probably would have put in more effort. Once she got friends im left behind to hope and wait and thats stupid of me

>have you found the one?
I've been seeing a girl for a while now but I don't think she's the one. She's too different. Too extraverted. Too normie-ish. She's nice though, and really cool too. She's not the prettiest (I'd say she's a 6/10, maybe a 7 on a good day) but I still like her a lot and she likes me back, which worries me. I don't know what she sees in me and my paranoia tells me she has ulterior motives.

Try to romance her if you do feel something but be careful user, some girls can take advantage, if you realise that you trully like her make it count

i have. we've been together 2 years and its the first girl i can say i genuinely love. its not easy but its possible bros, good luck to you all

See you when you end up like this poor nigga

i feel bad for that guy but not every relationship is the same or ends up in ruin. hope he can move on and find someone decent next time too

I've given up on that a whole decade ago. I just want any girl at all who'd love me.

I found her when I was 16, but we were so far apart it didn't matter. She recently graduated art school and is doing well for herself, so far as I could tell. She was well off before going to school, the job and 'education' were probably just to not feel useless. Either way I wish her well in whatever she chooses to do. I can't stand looking at her facebook, it brings back too many memories.

I found her but im too much of a pussy to even talk to her irl, so we talk on discord. I'm also too much of a pussy to even ask her out

>I've never known a good woman.
And it's because there are none. You've learned and its okay now user


cute, sweet, kind of mean, likes BDSM, artsy, cool, dresses weird, likes the same fetish stuff i do.

Is completely repulsed by me, thinks i am an ugly disgusting freak, and will run at the sight of me

And then i hear this stuff about how women behave to men they are with. It makes me realize.

you know, us ugly guys, that women find hideous. We get to see women for their real selves. If women find you ugly, they dont even bother to try and attempt to put on that fakie nicey nice act. They let their disgust flag fly high. i have only know a hand ful of women i would call nice human beings.

Average and handsome guys go through life believing women are sweet little smiling flowers til the Mask Drops, when she cheats, or steals, or takes them to divorce court, Then they finally see what us ugly guys have to see.

I'm glad robot women are around the corner, and even if the feminists succeed in criminalizing robot women,

good luck criminalizing something like Joy from bladerunner

Fio is top tier great taste user.

Don't make me laugh faggot
Isn't even a meme also.

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