Everything I touch turns to gold then to coal

Sit down my friends, I'm going to make you cry today
Gonna start this from deep bottom so it can't sink much further
>I'm a piece of shit, have schizoid personality disorder and am bipolar
>Everything I touch, turns to gold, then to coal
>have qt 3.14 in college mirin me for 2 years
>She has a blessed voice, decent height, blonde hair, cute face,is khv, has a childish body and is from Italy; she's as pure as they come
>didn't make a move on her because I thought she was too pure for me. didn't want to ruin her as I ruin everything in my life
>the autismo kicks in, it's subtle, but it kicks. my brain had already decided to ruin another thing
>two months ago I compliment her randomly, because she was really cute that day. she thanks me and none of us think nothing of it for the next month.
>I like cooking, and I often post photos of my cakes on social media
>A month later she replies to one of my pictures, and we start a convo. She's obviously hitting on me, and I didn't want this for her
>Somehow I manage to drag the convo for another month without spilling spaghetti
>get close enough to the point of sending heart emojis
>this thursday asked her out, she said no.
>Continue talking but it seems as if something is missing
>send her a good morning and a heart on friday
>she never replied again
It doesn't end here, though. I was kind of expecting that no, and it actually made me happy, because it meant she was PURE
>stalking her on instagram today, because it takes a few days for the vibe to go away, even though I'm schizoid.
>friday night she supposedly liked a ton of erotic stuff on instagram
>in 2 years I never saw her acting in this way
>the absurdity of the posts is such, not even the whores like them
I guess I broke this one too.
It's my fault.
I'm so sorry.
After a lame experience with an aspie like me she's surely going after that chad cock.
I can't help but to think I should isolate myself from society once and for all
Sorry mangs.

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Its not your fault you fucking weirdo
not everything is about you god damn

A blurred pic of her, but you can sense the floral atmosphere

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This behavior is aberrant for her.
I'm 99% sure it's my fault

according to your story, you complimented her, had a conversation, then got rejected. she moved on naturally and you did not play nearly as large a role as you think. get over yourself and get over her too

You're really not that important to this girls life, and it's been two years, people change. Get over it.

>whore isn't overtly whorish
>autist op thinks she must be pure
>spends over a month talking to her without making a move
>meanwhile she's going to BDSM events and getting railed by multiple old men every night
>op finally makes a move
>whore obviously laughs it off and ignores him
>autist god complex makes op think it was his fault the 'pure' girl is actually a whore
woah epic story lol cool

what a fucking strange post man... there is absolutley no correlation between your actions and she coming out as a sexual being.

You are not schizo nor bipolar, you are just a narcisitic fag. Lmao at your life.

There's only one option, user. For your sake and for hers. Since she's coal now, do what you must...Call her out for being a degenerate. She'll recognize the chad in it and she might change her ways too.

it's been two days.
Her behavior changed drastically in two days.
This is just too fishy to be ignored
That's not true at all. I can confirm her virginity, and it's not even hard to do so, her friends are everywhere.
She literally went from a church woman to a sexual posts liking roastie in two days
I'm a bit narcissistic too, because mental disorders overlap and it's possible to have several at once.
But there is some correlation, because in two years stalking this girl I've never seen such a thing

Typical schizo

I do this exact same thing I have a cemented beleif that Im not good enough for anyone and would only drag them down because Im also a schizoid with major depressive and my last therapist strongly suspected I was on the spectrum. Everything we touch turns to dust so we try to touch nothing and admire it from afar

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How do you think I should do so?
Even though she's acting like a degenerate now, she's still the same cute woman I was talking to last week.
Do you think I should openly talk to her about the nature of her likes ?( which would expose me for stalking her, and risk me being called a creep)
Or do you think it's better to initiate another convo, then make some comments about sex to see if I can get any sort of info directly from her, as to what sort of thing she really likes?
Also, is it really possible to make her go back or is she lost?

>schizoid personality disorder
do you even realize what a fucking joke you are kid? no i'm not reading your stupid normal faggot story any further than this.

Indeed friend, but as it seems, this struggle is too much for me and I can't contain myself from interacting with things.
Well, turning into a wizard/hermit is always an option

Then don't post on my thread.

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Maybe realise that you just don't know her as well as you thought, because people don't spout all their sexual interests to people that openly?

Why would you be capable of changing her like that? It really doesn't make any sense.

But what do I do with all this data I gathered?
It's 2 years worth of work, this can't possibly go to the bin just like that
Maybe, sending hearts and shit then rejecting me awakened the thot in her?
Regardless, it's a fascinating development, but for the worst.

Women always conform to the male. Call her out as you would a common degenerate, good sir. As though you're speaking to what you are, literal trash. Be undeniably certainly the case. And when she comes around to the concept of bowing your alpha-ness, deny her. DENY HER user!

If I were you, I'd say: "I regret ever taking a liking to you. You've made your true nature manifest on Instragram--and since the deed was done you're a degenerate in my eyes and in the eyes of God, the objective." That'd be how I'd handle it.

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Christ OP, move the fuck on.
This obsessive 'data collecting' is just you being obsessive and egotistic.
Figure out that you're not the center of people's worlds and you don't know everything about them, and you most likely won't.

The chances of her bowing to me are slim, my actions are mechanical and predictable
But I'm confronting her anyways, not to fight or anything, that's one thing I'm good at.
Just to ask what the fuck does she intend to do next, or what were her intentions.
She will most certainly spout all of it.

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You built that up like I was gonna have my heart ripped out. You're just a fucking sperg like everyone else though.

But I was the center of her world
I'm not so retarded as to not realize every glance she laid upon me every time we met, you know?
>her body language was always so obvious
>It was not just her who was being watched
>She watched my every step in 2 years.
How do i know it?
>I asked about specific details of my past and about times i met her
>she remebered my appearence 2 years ago, and also every time i met her after, she could tell the locations and specifics.
>She even went further and commented stuff like "you looked nice that day"

Don't get me wrong, I don't crave a relationship with her, I live alone and never call my parents or anything.
I'm just perplexed that things turned out the way they did.
If she stayed a good puritan lady that would be just fine by me. No relationships, no sex, no kissing, no nothing. I even mention I was happy after being rejected.

man you guys gotta stop putting women on a pedestal. Treat her like you would any other nigga and mock her. She doesnt want to be treated like your mom grow some fucking balls and stop being a nice guy

reminder that your elaborate fantasies about her personality and how her mind works serve you mostly as a prop in your personal narrative, and likely dont reflect her reality at all.
cuz, you know

>I tried to fuck a girl
>she didn't want to fuck me
99% of the stories nowadays here are so boring. Who cares about some girl, there are plenty more out there.

You perfectly know it's not your fault. You can't predict a girl, it might be another chad who corrupted her

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