Don't go to the gym for 10 days

>don't go to the gym for 10 days
>first day back literally lifting the same weights, just can do less reps (probably due to depleted glycogen stores)

good meme. Also a meme I love is the 1g/lb protein. I don't eat half that and still look good and lift big, it's ALL about genetics in the end

Attached: 1499730141526.jpg (800x1200, 261K)

Why do I feel like you’re skinny fat doing 5x5 and think you’re the shit

Because he is

8 months lifting 170 lb

140 OHP
225 bench
305 squat
375 deadlift

kill yourself faggot

>this just in, water is wet

Kill yourself OP

Nice digits

Satan went even further beyond holy shit

Attached: This+happened+to+me+yesterday+i+just+couldnt+believe+i+_9bf55ace8dbf93a00816dd7c4963c31c.jpg (398x500, 33K)

So I’m right lmao

post body

8 months of lifting and I mog and fuck out of you. Can you imagine how shitty your genetics are compared to mine? Are we even the same species?

Attached: tank.jpg (1079x1364, 128K)

I'm so sorry

You look like you were constructed from pieces of different people's bodies

holy shit I lul'd

also pretty sure guy pictured could close grip bench well over 225


You look like an opponent in Super Punchout

Attached: BudBundyMarriedwithChildrenDavidFaustinoc.jpg (500x597, 45K)

>that ass

Attached: 1523786564759.jpg (320x283, 29K)

Your neck is wider than your head


Uh oh, I didn't get the particular meme. I guess you should downvote me.

It's clearly a bait pic brainlet

checked based newfag spotter


Attached: ass.jpg (600x578, 60K)

This can't be real. Post more pics

That's a nice looking broad.

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All the fucking retards that thought this pic is legit disgust me

How much do I need to lift to get her to sit on my face

oh my...sniiiiiff

wp satana

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IM thirsty for some ass and pussy



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