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Go to a dermatologist. No need to suffer.


Cut out processed foods and sugar, stop being Hispanic.

Now for a real response.

When shaving op don't go against the grain (shaving the opposite the hair grows naturally).

make sure your face is well lubricated when shaving, i mean like super lubed up. rub lotion into your skin before you shave.

stop using razor blades with more then 2 razors. if your skin is super sensitive I would go as far as using a straight edge razor as they give you a close shave but does not cut the hairs under your skin.

If none of these work invest in a trimmer and a Wahl super shaver. not only does it shave super close but when you use electric shave treatment it does not irritate your skin.

Mine used to be worse bro, only legit long term cure that worked for me was accutane

change your pillowcase to a clean one every 3 days
wash your face with warm water and mild soap every night before bed
apply neosporin on every single acne

you can also put peroxide on the spots to dry them out. neosporin kills the bacteria but doesn't dry out the spot

i was on accutane but still get acne. neosporin saves my life

quit drinking soda you faggot

unironically stop washing your face.
i know it sounds crazy, but my skin cleared COMPLETELY up after not washing my face with anything at all for like 2 months.

let me guess, u have tried every product out there? cut out everything u r supposed to. done this, done that, all that u can, and no dice right.

stop washing ur face with anything at all. from now on, just take hot showers, and dont even towel dry off ur face. just let it air dry

Don't touch your face, this causes most acne because of your dirty hands and inflammation. STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE. also drink water only and lots of it

I would pay you like $100 to spend a night popping the shit on your face.

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None of those look like they can be popped

get medicine you retarded mutt. jesus.

OP here
>never drink soda (srsly)
>change pillowcases every day
>drink fuckton of water
>apply moisturizer (noncomedogonic) twice a day after acne wash (twice a day)

I'll admit I do touch my face a lot and my sleep is shitty, but I'm improving these bad habits right now.

Accutane, faggot. Just go for it.

i had acne for five years,always thinking the next month it would be over till i finally decided to visit a dermatologist,she gave me some pills and the acne went away but still got mad oil so now im taking accutane just for that.
dont shave,buy one of those beardgroomers and pass a 1 or 2 in that beard,dont clean shave,spend some time outside,get some excersice,pay a escort and bust a nut,try to be happy with the good things you have while you deal with the bad ones,and always rememer one day it will go away.

tl.dr : go see a doctor

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My recommendations:
* Get an electric razor.
* Get benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid into your face cleaning routine.
* Don't sleep with a pillow at all. You have to let your face "breathe"; otherwise, sebum gets trapped and acne forms, regardless of how clean your face and pillowcases are.

Saving livers for gear bro

For shaving I recommend shaving in while you're in the shower. The steam makes your hairs softer and I've found I have less skin irritation when I do this.

If that doesn't work you can also make your own pre-shave oil using castor or olive oil. It helps with irritation but also gets in the razor so expect to need to wipe it off each swipe. If you want to go all out you can add an essential oil to it.

Hope that helps.


Looks nodular and cystic. You need bacteria control which topicals won't help. Your acne is caused by how your immune system attacks bacteria. Some of us are unlucky and have an immune system that attacks both good and bad bacteria which is probably what's causing your break outs as cystic acne is always around the jaw line. Go to a derm and try to get something like doxycycline which is a pill. Try to avoid Accutane

I recognize that chin, get back to /fa/ faggot.

i think maca would balance your hormones and stop your acne from forming. additionally an adaptogen for your adrenal glands, like ashwaganda. i would also invest in some probtiotics such as the ones from renew life. make sure you get 50 billion + a day.

i think those 3 things would change your life remarkably and would help more than anything topical

i take adaptogens and probiotics regularly and always get skin compliments

stop drinking water or eat anything for 5 days to give your system time to heal it.
it works really really well

because you're too stressed out and your immune system is attacking your skin.
life, job, go to mass, and stop drinking sodas ffs.

Try using a cleanser or use an anti-bacterial and gently remove dead skin somehow, without irritating scabs+acne

>shaving the opposite the hair grows naturally

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nice skin, you look super young. Probably still hormonal

Try this friend
Ill make no promises but this helps me
But problem is 90% genetics
If this doesnt help, quit using a razor and use a buzzer on the shortest setting every day.
24/7 stubble is better than pizza

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>drink lots of water
>don't touch your face with objects, soaps, lotions, etcetera
>to moisturize your face, apply an antifungal, PH correcting, moisturizing spray
>to clean your face, never use soap; only use hot water and an unused, damp, hot facial towelette or baby wipe
>to clean your hair, only use sulfate free shampoo and conditioner
>do not use all in one hair products
>if your face is ever sweaty, use a baby wipe or rinse your face thoroughly with hot water
>do not eat dairy foods
>limit consumption of greasy foods
>for the short term, get on minocycline or some other commonly prescribed anti-acne antibiotic.

Should do you fine.

My skin got a lot better after switching to cold showers and stopped using any products whatsoever. Also stop having dairy.

OP acne shits me the fuck off too - heres what I found worked:
-Remove dairy products. GOMAD is excellent for putting on weight when used in tandem with food but is terrible for your skin. Choose what’s important.
-Remove high G.I. foods // processed foods. My body doesn’t seem to like it when I eat foods that are considered bad
-Reduction of high fat foods. This pretty much covers both of the above, but let’s just say you’ve done both of the above and your skin is much better but not perfect - reduce fat intake. An example for me was reduction of salami and when I was eating steaks I’d frequently pour the leftover olive oil/steak juice that was in the pan all over my steak. It had a very high amount of fat in it ofc.

Aside from those cover the basics ie. multivitamin every day, leafy greens, lots of water, keep face relatively clean and don’t touch your face. Should be good after all that

Not OP but I'm 28 and still get acne.

It's not just a teenage condition.

I started to get a lot of bacne and a little facial acne until my mother showed me a bar off soap that I started to use and it demolished that shit.

It's called Asepxia. They have different colors for different skin types. I'd recommend

I had decently bad acne for a bit there. Then I had to be on antibiotics for almost a month straight cause of some medical shit. Totally shut down my acne, wouldn't recommend it though that month I was neasueous constantly and could barely eat.

keto helped me have much better skin

After you shave (shave everyday, its exfoliates the skin) apply benzoyl peroxide 5%. Let it dry, 5/10minutes later apply water-based aftershave moisturiser. Also apply before bed. I'm 25 and I still have to do this, and it works a treat. Whenever I stop I breakout, so I have to be well disciplined.

Im not implying this will fix your acne but it worked for me.

OP I had the same problem, I just stopped razor shaving... I tried absolutely everything... Buy a good trimmer and shave 2 to 3mm so you get that stubble chad look. Never suffer again. This has been life changing.

Change your bed sheets weekly and shower in the morning not at night

Also when you shower use a washcloth on your face

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This actually works to a certain extent because your body removes scar tissue when you starve yourself

Probably not gonna solve the real problem though which is OP fucking doesn't shower every morning or change his sheets regularly

you need to start washing your face immediately after working out

then sauna for 10 minutes. This will clean your face and naturally exfoliate it, with out drying it out.

then get cold water on your face at some point in the shower after you sauna.

wash face morning, after work out, and before bed.

apply moisturizer after morning shower only.

exfoliate every other day or 2 days between depending on how dry or greasy your skin is.

Does anyone know what to do for reddish acne scars?

teatree oil my dude

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I'm eternally thankful for nether beast turning me onto castor oil
Apply a few drops onto your face overnight and all your acne will be gone in a week, it's like fucking magic

Go to a doctor and get him to do a blood test. He'll tell you what to avoid in your diet to get rid of acne.