Current physique & goal

Haven't seen one in awhile. Post where you're at, where you hope to be (in X amount of time), & how you're going to get there.

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If anyone is curious, OP is at 2B & would like to get to 4B by the end of the summer without gaining much, if any, fat before getting there. Currently eating at a 500 calorie surplus, doing a muscle split of chest & tri, back & bi, leg & shoulder every other day, doing abs on every off day, & forearms, calves & traps on my weekend off day.

what mode is this (flexing obviously) and how long until buff or carved from here?
t. 10 weeks of lifting.

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4B is obviously ideal

Currently around a 2D, trying to be a 3C or 4C

1D with a goal of 4D

You'll need gear

is there a female version?

A2, wanna get to A3 before the year ends (natty hardgainer)

2D going for a 4B it will take some time but I'll get there...

do I have to roid for 5B?

This is me rn. I was a straight up alc and quit drinking 3 months ago. Been gradually lifting more and more. Reasonably would like to be at C4 or B4. I need to eat cleaner and do more ab work.

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Im a 1 or 2 D. (I'm fairly strong. Lift at work, gym. Play sports. Just 6'1" and 134kg )

Ive lost weight doing cico omad. Going to keep that up until i drop to 1B or so, then bulk to a 5b or 5c

do pull ups your machiney faggot

I'm getting there, I'm too fat atm.

all right bro, keep up the good work sorry I called you a faggot

it's okay man, i appreciate the feedback.

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3c to 3a by end of summer

I want to marry someone who's 3C (thick), 4C (carved), 5C (bearmode), 4D (T-Bone), 5D (strongman), or 5E (SuperOx).

looking at the (shitty) pick I don't know if C3 or D4 (look more or less the same as me both)
going for C4 husbando mode

currently somewhere near B2
my body isn't really here
going to be doing a nice /fast/ing cut next week before my vacation hopefully I can be somewhere near ottermode

Kinda between 2A and 3A. My back, shoulders and chest are coming in well now that I'm hitting higher weights but my arms are taking a while to come in. Approaching 10 weeks lifting now. I also have a very small amount of belly fat covering my lower abs below my belly button. Any tips on getting rid of it? or any tips in general would be appreciated

lookin good! keep goin, desu



Not sure what mode I’m at now, but I’m aiming towards bear mode. Lost a lot of fat, but can’t seem to put on more muscle.

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Let me know when you're done, and we can fug user.

Keep going user.

Tell me plz

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Do more cardio. I have a similar body type, maybe a little bit bigger upper body.

Also shave that goat tee.

bear mode

keto like a mofo lose the man titties get the knee better and lift a fuck ton of weights with my crypto rich free time.

We're all gonna make it bros remember buy SKY

pls don't do keto user, it's a meme
but I applaud bearmode efforts

I actually do do cardio. I played rugby in hs and underclass college i biked 5 miles today and did 6 on treadmil yesterday and 5 and 6 before that respectively maybe that was a bad pic

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I know

But his is realy gyno i think from albuterol as a kid and other steroids for reactive airway disease. Likewise i also have like actual genetic conditions

I'm at C4 and I want to get to B4

I believe I have to do cardio and/or change my diet

stay at c4 user, pls

What's so good about being c4?

I want to show off my obliques but i cant really do that

I don't think the gyno is really that bad t b h.

If you hadn't said anything i probably wouldn't have noticed. What's your height/weight? Almost identical to me in terms of physique. I'm 6'4 234

i'd like to say i'm at 3B but idk, what do you lads think
>pic related, it me

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Im 5’10 217-220

because c4 is hot
n-no homo


Are there any other versions of this chart?

Like prob a 3.5A or B

nah, just SARMs. currently running ostarine for the first time in 2 years atm, on week 5 @ 20mg ed

But SARMs are like a stone's throw away from steroids, kek. I'm sure you looked great without them user.

>large, vascular biceps
>cut chest

i looked alright but i need more size if i want to be anywhere close to my goal build
pic related, this is from february of this year

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Want A3

How I get thighs like that?

I actually think you look better here. You look natty, and that's always appreciated, but maybe that's just me. Either way, I'm supportive of your goals user - be safe.

His arms are slightly above average in terms of size, but his chest is not anything noteworthy. I look shockingly similar to this(I have better traps & I guarantee I have better legs, though) & I've been training for about 9 months now - mostly strength work with a maintenance diet.

Normal isn't the greatest classification, but he's not great looking nor does he look bad. Looks pretty damn normal to me.

I think thats his only pic

machines are more precise. so they are better. you old cucks dont know anything about biology, so why speak?

Kinda at a B/C 1 would like to be at a B 3

>what do?
Any info helps, I’m having trouble starting. I don’t know what to do.

I’ve just been walking, doing 20 push ups, sit ups, squats, and jumping jacks the last 5 days just to help me get back in shape a little. (I’m skinny fat and out of shape lol)

Any advise on getting to a B3 and what a good deadline could be?

Like I said, new to wanting to get Jow Forums

You have a gym membership? Access to any weights? Lifting will be the easiest way to pack on muscle.

currently 2C, trying to be 3C by the end of my bulk, end goal is 4/5B.

I don’t have a membership yet

Starting a new job next week so after I get bills payed I’m going to join a gym. I was also thinking Cross fit or API. I like being couched


D5 or C5

have a fucked up meniscus like me and train around it by front squatting 2x weekly

I am and . Not sure what you mean

C1 going for B2/B3. How long should it take for a guy in his mid twenties? I'm 6'2" @ 206 lbs, btw.

Depends on your bones, if you got thick wrist and ankles, probably no roids needed. 4B is readily, but not easily, reached natty by almost any man.

>machines are more precise
>more precisely retarded

>10 weeks lifting
>anywhere near decent

>machines are more precise
and that is exactly why free weights are preferable to machine work, you don't get the benefit of having to stabilise the load on your muscles.

I am 2C want to be 4C/4B.

I'm carved and I want to be buff without roids in 3 years. I also want a 1300 total by then and 1400 in 5 years.
You must have played sports or had some kind of labor job because you have great potential. I mean stupid good genetics for aesthetics for no having lifted before.
This user is correct.

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want b3 or c3

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>losing 1kg in a month

>thhinking the speed in which you lose weight mattters
dont understand this mentality desu, im not on a timer, as long as its going down its fine

Id like to believe I'm a B4, but I highly doubt it. My arms are 17", all the other ones I qualify as got smaller arms.

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id say A3

i was 92 kg (180cm) two years ago.
i am 2B right now and my end goal is 5B or 5A in 2-3 years

current physique: 3.5B

goal physique: 5A

3A or 3B. Goal is 4A

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I'm at about B2, want to be B4-5

believe it or not but there are some people who want to see their maximum potential so they dont have time to cut till they're 65
you only get older buddy so dont waste time

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i'd say A2 with a little more fat

That was surprisingly wholesome

Started at A1 one and half years ago.
Currently on the brink of going into B3.
Goal is B5 by eating really clean at a surplus, keeping up with the exercises in doing now. I hope to get there in two years.

2B just with bigger back, chest and arms. Used to be 2C.

>tfw c3 goes to my gym and is full homo


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B3 here, wishing I could be a superox someday


2B rn hoping to get to 4A, I'll prolly make it to 3C, cut down to 2A, bulk up to 3B, couple more cycles and ill make it brahs

delts looks pretty good keep it up

9 months A1 to 2B

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nice, post pics? I'm three months in and around a1 still

I'm between 2b and 2c. Aiming for 2b. Looks best and performs best. 2c looks like shit, like someone cut up a rectangle

How do I achieve this

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currently 3B, working towards 5C

1C, goal of 3C/4C

2D, shooting for 4C


>long until buff or carved from here?
at least 3 more years of consistent hard work and diet on point but you won't look like any of those unless you start pinning

why does 3C look more muscular than 4C?
also, I'm either 3B or 4B, not sure.

Started this year at A1/B1, now at A2/B2, GSLP for the rest of the year should take me to A3/B3 and then I'll likely move to PPL to go even further beyond. Pretty happy with my slow and steady progress.

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>being coached

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>I've been strength training for almost a year
>he looks pretty normal to me
no shit? the point is that even after you discount the 75% of men who are overweight fatlards, even in the remaining 25%, the majority of them do not look as good as that guy. he's clearly got several months of lifting under his belt, which is not the norm.