Red meat = big gains (and cock)

Red meat is based as fuck for making gains.
Proven time and time again to be the best protein source
Just picked me up 15 lbs of top sirloin, u mirin?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>u mirin?
Of your upcoming heart disease and atherosclerosis? Yes amerifat, I am

Alteroschlorosis and heart disease is only limited to fat slobs.

Love me a good beef roast or steak. But chicken is by far the best source of protein. It’s also more versatile. And cheaper. The only downside is that chicken fat will never taste as good as the fat and gristle off of a steak.

aren't whey and eggs better?

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>sewer snake

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Not for creatine. Creatine is kinda a red meat supplement

Based redmeat poster.

I eat a 300 gram steak atleast 4 times a week for dinner. Grass fed rib eye only. Nothing slabs on muscle better than red meat. Costs me like $14 AU for each steak but its well worth it (also I'm not a poor cunt).

i eat 400-500g of steak daily
dont care what any of you vegan niggers say red meat is goat and it's not even close

This reminds me of how much I enjoy using beans. I love making burritos and three-bean chilis with brown rice, black beans, pinto beans, light red kidney beans, tvp, and nutritional yeast. Tastes amazing.

so so youre saying i im going to die ?
fuck , well it ben fun boys
why did i eat eggs and bacon and steak and chicken and tacos and all them tasty meats ?
oh yeah vegans die too

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But vegans live longer user, and are healthier in older age.

>he's never heard of the multitude of bodybuilders who died from heart disease, stroke, or even that guy who died from liver failure cuz he only ate read meat like pic related

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No matter how right you are some people would rather hurt themselves and others just because it's there right too. Don't sully your intelligence by trying to convince them, it's like tossing pearls to swine

My primary issue is the ignorance regarding agriculture and that so many people are oblivious to the detrimental effects of their eating habits - I'm not talking about self-inflicted damage, but broader environmental damage which ultimately affects everyone else, all other species, and the Earth itself. It's reckless, selfish, and perpetuating the spreading of environmental ills and wealth inequality.

>in a thread about red meat
>posts a pic about processed meat i.e salami, bologna,etc

If you're going to argue a point, please don't be retarded.

yeah, it's sad but just know that the only person you have full control over is yourself.
I trust you've seen Food Inc. I usually show that doc to people who are more open minded about things, and they tend to listen or at least acknowledge they need to change their eating habits

Yeah, I've seen quite a few.
I know Forks Over Knives, and Cowspiracy are good ones too.
I was initially reluctant to give up eggs, but now I have no issues (gave them up last winter).
No issues with making gains and find that, during hiatuses, my muscle growth and development are retained for longer.

Red meat is terrible for your body
There is a reason that the Okinawan diet has the highest % chance of making you live to 100+, low caloric intake as well as some of the lowest amounts of red meats of any of diet

Bluepill fucking cucks, grain agriculture is literally the worst there fucking is for biodiversity and environmental conversation. Why do you think your zog overlords are pushing plants so hard?

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Good for you man. I've yet to give up eggs and greek yogurt, chicken I have every now and then, maybe once every 10 days
Eat nuts, and whole grains but it's a process, you can't change your diet over night, but it's progress nonetheless

Who the fuck wants to live 100 years as a basedboy?

Yes you are correct.
Environmentally and health speaking we should all be eating vegetables as well as bugs for protein, but try convincing that to western culture and they would simply laugh at you

It's all about goals
If you wanna be a basedboy eat whatever you want, it's your life
If you want to be healthy, follow what science has shown to work

I prefer to look like a monster and live for 40 years, thanks.
Do you think anyone who abuse roids wants to be "healthy"?

user, where do you think most grains go...? They're fed to the animals to make them grow.

If they were re-directed toward humans, then it'd be fine, alongside people being more self-sufficient (i.e. growing their own produce), and being less wasteful.

Yeah, I gave up meat in April 2016, then dairy in May 2016, then eggs (and, to a lesser extent, honey) last September. I convinced myself there wasn't anything wrong with eggs until I discovered some hens eat their own (unfertilised) eggs as a source of nutrition. For me, now, it's mostly about avoiding processed foods (even processed vegan foods). I sometimes have vegan burgers, and bread buns (I want to learn to make my own artisan bread), but I mostly rely on beans, lentils, oats, brown rice, and protein powder for the time being.

Beans, onions, carrots, red meat (any cut), tomato paste, let it cook for 3-5 hours.

Start eating this shit and you will ser gains like never before

Or replace the red meat with more beans, or textured vegetable protein? Also, where are the spices user?

Post body, if you look better than me I will go unironically vegan

Artisan bread is goat.
Once you try it you'll immediately notice the difference it's a bitch to make if you don't have a good setup tho

You better do the same you basedboy

>listing spices in ingredients
I'm not a mongrel, its obvious that you're going to add spices according to your liking.
>replace the red meat with more beans or textured vegetable
Yeah but then it won't taste as beastly anf won't give me beast gains, so what's the point?

Man dude you must be some kinda mass monster to be using words like "basedboy" "beastly" and "beast gains" :)

I only just started working out, sooo...there's no value in that. I've got nothing to do this summer, so I'm hoping I'll see some progress in three months - will be interesting to see if it's workable on a vegan diet.

Yeah, it seems pricey too, so might wait until I get a better income.

But when you've got all the flavours and foods, you hardly taste anything 'beastly' because it all tastes the same. TVP and more beans would easily give as much protein to substitute the lack of red meat, would be better for your health, and would give your more nutritional value elsewhere.

>Red meat = big gains (and cock)
brb cooking my gf some red mead

Try convincing anything to any culture that isn't the status quo and you'll get laughed at

degenerate meatnigger this is a fitness board. leave.

Consensus is red meat means raw?

>Yeah bodybuilders get heart disease from the red meat, surely it has nothing to do with the 10grams of steroids they inject a week!
Kek vegans brains do not function properly

Eggs are great too for the protein and micronutes and whey for the protein but you can't Chow down on those like a big old steak
Steaks have great micros too B12, creatine, iron, good stuff for people who lift

Butcher here. That's not top sirloin ya dingus. You got yerself a boneless new york strip. Good choice though. Top sirloin is a lot leaner still a good cut. Also get a proper knife for cutting steaks.

Is that a cheese knife?
I still have a Tahr in the freezer

You'll change your mind when you're 40.

this is a steak m8 not a roast
just gonna reverse sear it with some salt and pepper
top sirloin is the same as a new york strip i thought? or is it just top loin?
Also i wasnt using that knife in the picture

thats sirloin u dingus

no one cares about newyork

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OK I'll bite. Veggie here interested in trying some healthy meat a few times a week. What should I start with, some seared steak? The only meat I used to eat was chicken and fish. What meat has the best nutrition? I don't know what to believe anymore.

Its from the short loin. The strip is top part of a t bone steak. Different from Top sirloin or top butt

Literally = colon/intestinal cancer

I could care less about new york. How about club steak? Is that better? Go sniff some petrol ;)

Its not gonna take long until Jow Forums becomes the most stupid board.

yenah noice

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>This kills the vegan

read this
it has basically everything you need to know about cooking a steak better than most restaurants
Also you dont need to buy the meat thermometer they shill i bought a 6$ one off amazon and it works great
huh good to know, so what is the other term for the cut besides new york strip then?

you should consider killing yourself. after all, it will be one less human to waste earth's precious resources upon

oh look I made a picture where you can see organs and it says meat is bad for you.
Must be true.

Salmon blows your chicken the fuck out, gaijin.

no they don’t
>source it faggot

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op here
i eat red meat for most of my meat
although i be sure to eat salmon 2-3x per week for those omega 3 gains

Thanks for the link, I learned a lot. Gonna get some steak right and salt it up. I only have a frying pan so I'll be starting simple.

Definitely do the reverse sear method
Cook it slow to start till it's close to done
Then take it off get the pan as hot as it goes and throw it in for 30 seconds to a minute per side
This gives it that nice sear on the outside with good texture and a lot of flavor
Really though it doesn't have to be perfect if you get a decent piece of meat it'll taste good just remember it's better to undercook than overcook you can always throw it back on

>let me FLATTEN this rainforest so i can plant more barley
lmao dont even pretend you care for the environment, you just want to feel smug

>wealth inequality
but some people are niggers, they should have less money

>all these retards still thinking that red meat, dairy or high carbs are bad for your health

fun tidbit, the Hadzas (tanzanian hunter gatherers) get 80+% of their calories from wild game for half the year, and the other half of the year get 80+% of their calories from honey.
The Masai (an african pastoral tribe) consume almost only meat, blood and milk. Neither of these tribes have any sign of heart disease or metabolic disorders. It's been practically proven that most western diet related diseases come from
>over-consuming calories
>over-consuming salt
>eating too frequently (snacking)
>over-consuming grains and vegetable oils
>eating food that is too processed (refined grains, sugar, food that contains additives)
>not eating enough fresh, raw food

that, and the fact that diet isn't the only cause of diseases. other causes are:
>not spending enough time in nature
>not sleeping enough
>not getting enough sunlight
>not being lightly active throughout the day (spending 2+ hours in a row sitting)

obsessing over macronutrient composition and specific foods is insane and a complete cop-out if you're actually interested in health

>racist bigot accelerates his own demise
Not even mad.

It's being a lazy fat fuck that's the issue. I could compromise with the fatties if they'd MOVE. "Seriously guys, eat whatever, just run a 7-minute mile."

This has been sourced so many fucking times already you dumb DYEL cunt. So sick of retards in these threads.

>It's been practically proven
>doesn't post proof

>not eating enough fresh, raw food
I hope you're not advocating raw meat lmao

>its a reddit comes to Jow Forums episode

>he shows his ignorance again
It's a "redditor" not a "reddit"

Every meat tard ITT will unironically die slowly and painfully with a chemotherapy IV drip and will then regret not being atleast a vegetarian.

Your body won't agree with your delusions no matter how hard you try. And the worst part is, it's all because of the Jews.

mirin hard bruh
grill that shit up rare you are doing gods work
just make sure to lower carbs with so much red meat so you avoid the negative affects ppl always claiming about red meat

>tfw live i europe
>horse meat is 10 euros a kilo
>used to order 200 euros worth of steak
>ate 1kg of steak a day, my only protein intake
>never felt more healthy in my life

u mad vegans?

>being this retarded

ikr you can't help some people but I still keep trying. Haven't seen many other racists desu

wtf why did it change to desu? i wrote desu

Out of the way testlet

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Lurk more

>hides the price of his cheap, fatty cut of meat
>thinks meat boosts test
Out of the way brainlet

>cheap, fatty cut of meat
>calls others brainlets

>All these asshurt vegans ITT
Fucking hilarious

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>i-it's kobe despite being fatty as fuck
>stop making fun of me!
Testlet and brainlet

i have been here since feb why would I come here if not to post lmao

Mate, this shit is valued for it's flavour. It is clearly just disgustingly fatty. There is barely any actual meat there. That IS flavour to normal people. So you can lord your expensive shit meat over us all you want, it's still disgusting and fatty as fuck.

Why do vegan cuck posters remind me of catholicfags
>Le you have sinned and will rot for eternity!!!
Man that steak in your pic is not an everyday driver like OPs pic unless you are rich as fuck