how do I make it with dumbells and a smith machine?
>pic related
how do I make it with dumbells and a smith machine?
>pic related
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drop them on your head
Do isometrics and negative reps. Ive been going here a year and im doing fine. Its not AS good but honestly dumbbells are much better than barbells and cables are great too. The smoth should only be used for maintaining PERFECT SLOW form. Go down really really really slow, then explode up clearly dont fucking hyperextend when exploding.
You don't.
You don't. Planet Fatness is a scam, and if you actually want to be fit and strong you need to go to a real gym, not a 'feel good' gym for fatasses who want to delude themselves that they're actually making progress when they really aren't.
The only thing i miss is a trap bar. Barbells are honestly just for people that have partners and if youre here you dont have a partner and should stop fucking with the guillotine.
The only gripe I have with that place is that it doesn't have barbells. Been going there for a couple weeks now. I just put more weight on the smith machine
The only problem i have with planet fitness is the lack of a scale but i have one at home. Theres literally no benefit to other gyms except the olympic mats and trap bars other gyms have which allow for like hack swuats and better deadlifts. At PF the dumbbells go up to 75 if somehow that becomes to easy (i got there once) just fucking do negative reps. Likewise the “lol theres pizza and a lunk alarm” is bs, ive never seem the pizza and ive only seen the lunk alarm go off once and thats because the guy was literally intentionally slamming the weights down onto the rack to make it as loud as possible. Like he literally slammed them not just dropped or anything i mean fully lifted his elbows and drive down with all his might then he walked away with a smug face like “yeah im so strong imma tell everyone the lunk alarm went off on me cu im a LUNK” as he placed his weakling 35lb dumbbells away that he was using for decline bench 10x2
>Barbells are honestly just for people that have partners
You're never gonna make it with this bullshit attitude.
Also checked.
>will never lift heavy because there's nothing heavy there to lift
Post body, faggot. I bet you're DYEL as fuck.
What's with this meme that you can't build muscle at planet fitness?
Im not dyel but i have a lot of loose skin and legit gyno ill show if you want but youre gonna be weirded out.
Step 1: Go to a new gym
Step 2: Use real weights
Step 3: Leave humanity behind
your turn m8 loose skin and stretch marks are a bitch but atleast its proof ive come from somewhere to get somewhere
Today, I will remind them
>white people
real gyms cost real money.
Fucking post YOUR body faggot i did now its your turn
We dont have signs like that at my pf. I even grunt and they dont care cuz im like actually sincerely exhausted im not just grunting to grunt. Likewise the only sound you ahould make if youre making intentional sound is an angry hiss
This is what I imagine super weenie hut jr's to be
What the fuck
you don't have to eat that shit you know. And it's easy to ignore the signs
Why the fuck would you take your shirt off at a gym unless you want impetago
That's staged as shit , dude.
I go to PF. Work with the cables a lot and the free weights. There's rarely a machine that is worth the maximum effort, unless you're just trying to say burn out some reps on the bicep machine. The free weights are really all you need to deal with.
>tfw you arent strong enough to crush a baby with your bare hands
are bagels bad? I have one most mornings with any shit except a little cream cheese
No you need carbs and calories to gain strength just count them and its that simple. Likewise theres really good alternatives like farmers cheese which is like between cottage cheese and cream cheese put some black pepper on it and BAM probiotic carb heavy casien fueled breakfast thats fun to eat
Planet Fitness is a perfectly acceptable gym. It's the cheapest around and has 90% of what you'd get in any other gym.
who gives a fuck, just don't eat it, yikes
>hey man, would you mind spotting me for this set? Thanks!
How normal people lift.
>use smith machine for a year
>people tell me it would fuck me up
>move places and gym has barbell and no smith machine
>takes me 2 weeks to get back to strength with smith machine
>carry on as usual
It really doesn't effect you too much
Grats on your lmao1pl8 squat
it does and your lifts are shit
They say bagel but they mean donut.