best method to cut about 20bbs as quick as possible
Help me fit
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What's your Snapchat I can help you easier on there
The only cut you need is my circumcised cock
Exercise and be at a caloric deficit of 500 calories or less per day. If you're strict about it, you'll drop 20lbs in 10-12 weeks.
Stay exactly the way you are, you chubby temptress
Stimerex Es. Four tabs a day. Must drink a ton of water a day.
DNP. It can be a bit slow starting out, so you might have to take twice as much a day. Start with 1 gram twice daily, see how you feel, then work up from there.
please stick a banana between your breasts. this is a new method to judge bodyfat so we can help
stop up your cellular hydrogen ion exchange and cook from the inside
Don't eat till you're 20lbs lighter
You need to drop about 50 lbs
This. Make sure you drink the absolute minimum amount of water possible to reduce bloating, and combine it with cardio.
>I am OP and I'm a guy.
This has to be bait.
If the work involved doesn't appeal to you then don't bother asking in the first place. What I told you is the most reliable and healthy fat loss method.
>16 day nofap
Benis pls stop
this cow makes you horny??
Stop eating fat hog. You can lose it in 2-3 weeks on a fast
pls sit on me
Just made me hard its disgusting I caught myself staring at a brabhog at gym yesterday it sucks
Milk truck arived boys
Literally shaped like a fertility goddess statue. It SHOULD make you horny if you aren't a low T little boy.
Height? If you're 5'10" i'll pay for your flight from brapistan to LONDON so you can sit on my face
omg post moar pics bb
>Muh fertility goddess
kys yourself if youre attracted to this fat bitch
W H O is the slampig!?
ur a faggot
You need some hardcore sex to cut 20lbs, a few gangbanges would do miracles for you, no joke. Try doing gangbanges every other day for a few weeks, 3 sets of 5 dudes should suffice, but if you feel up to it then push it to 10 dudes depends on your motivation. Also try not to use black guys, it would be too much for you as a beginner. White guys only, dont forget to drink all the dick juice as its the the cornerstone of your healthy diet. You should burn quite a lot of calories with doing 5 guys at once, dont forget your ass. Mix it up with a double anal drill team its an excellent exercise. Well good luck and dont forget to show us the results.
Horrible, horrible post
Cut off your leg
TOP TITS, i shall do another rep for you today m'lady
Be my gf, honestly I would take you to the gym everyday and then wear you out when we get back home.
Stop eating and start drinking saltwater
>Start with 1 gram twice daily, see how you feel, then work up from there.
user, don't kill the poor girl
Show bobs cloth off
>tfw no obese gf with god tier fat distribution
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
fasting, its ramadan anyway.
Shit the fuck up brownboy
don't gain OR lose any weight this is what peak performance looks like
This is what happens when you have fit fingers.
drop your kik ill teach ya how to lose 29 lbs ez
>reverse image search
>no matches
what's this guy's name again?
>Local obese woman spontaneously combusts while at line in Cinnabon, authorities baffled
Benadryl Kilamanjaro
1) watch this
2) Go see the /fast/ general to learn more.
>t. Lost 80 lbs in 3 months and have kept it off for almost a year.