Did you have any girl bullies user?

Did you have any girl bullies user?

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I had a few during school.
I ignored them just like I have ignored anything including my own life.

Sadly no

I did, but they usually just did the whole lie and say shit about me routine and had their Chad boyfriends beat me up.

Greentext stories please. Go into details.

There was this slut girl that would call me names
So I started a rumour that she had chlamydia and she got really depressed over it

There isn't really much to say. If you can think of anything a girl can say to ruin someone's character she probably said it.

>would always leave school for dinner
>a bunch of girls who hated me from the beginning hated me would always say shit when I was away
>"I'm so scared of user, he follows me home and is always staring at me" or some variation
>everyone treats their words as gospel
>get jumped by her boyfriend and other guys coming home from school
>school has no power to stop bullying and does nothing
>girls keep saying lies about me
>her lackeys start putting things like dog shit in my school bag
>get jumped again by more guys from the school
>hit one across the face with a rock
>I get expelled

No,but a girl in college told me she would have bullied me if we went to the same high school, to which I replied 'I probably would have enjoyed it.'. She just looked at my with a puzzled look.

important reminder for some deluded robots: girls don't bully you because they like you, they bully you for the same reason any male bully would bully you
Nagatoro is a nice fantasy but it's not reality, and you'll probably end up just getting beaten up by their boyfriends or getting rumors spread about you behind your back

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>>I get expelled

more bulli greentexts please

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"user hit Chad with a rock" quickly became "user attacked Chad and his friends in an attack with a metal bar" and all of Chad's friends could confirm that. The school thought I had a bad reputation as being an unsociable pervert thanks to a certain group of girls, so what I had to say didn't matter.
I got kicked out, the school didn't have to get the Police involved and they resolved a bullying issue.
The next school I got sent to was a nice place.

I'm sorry that happened to you user
What did you mean when you say you left school for dinner? Do you mean lunch?

so what your saying user is that I should be the one to bully them?

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Yeah I had one.

>new to this high school
>junior year
>every time I would stumble across one girl she had something to say
>knew nothing of me
>would mock my eyes calling them creepy or ACDC jacket always something
>her friends would get annoyed about her talking so much shit so often
>goes on until graduation
>get job at restaurant
>she happens to eat here
>tells manager I was rude even though she was in different section
>happened two more times
>told to stop harassing or ban
>see her in public now
>mocks me about something even though its six years later

I dont get it.

>Do you mean lunch?
Yes. Dinner and lunch are the same thing where I live and we prefer to use dinner.
Thanks m8. It only happened for one year before I got booted out and everything was great at the new school (minus the compulsory anger management courses they made me do). The only rumour that passed over to the new school about me is that I knocked someone out with a bar, which they thought was funny so all turned out well in the end

what did you do to her?

We never talked. It originated from first day I went to that school.

yeah but they were ugly an annoying and i shut that shit down quick

I went to an all-boys school, so no

Yes, my little sister and her friends bully me all the time.

oh my god greentext it

They just call me nasty names and make fun of me when they come over after school (they're 13 and I'm 24). They don't respect me either.

yes, two
luckily, they sat right across from me - together
i threw my chair at them
needless to say, they stopped

What names do they call you? How do they make fun of you? And are they good looking?

Things related to my appearance and being NEET, I did get my own back one time by hiding in a bush shooting the mouthy one with a BB gun.

i remember my bully well

> girl trys to start shit 1st fucking day of y12
> just transferred so no friends
> "omg user's so creepy he just stares at everyone and never makes a sound"
> get confronted by chads cause one slut claimed i raped her
> fucking snap i can't deal with this shit anymore
> exam stress was fucking me bigtime since i was a B student and wanted to get into medicine
> beat their asses since i was 6'4 and took tae-kwon-do classes
> sent 1 to the hospital with a fractured skull and another ran away after i kicked his mates teeth out.
> "omg user's such a thug"
> i get expelled but parents sue because self defense and add false rape charges for girl
> get $100,000 and free "counseling" because school's filled with cameras
> get congratulated by dad for beating some inbreeds and their slut
> bitch makes my life hell for 7 months in any way she could
> i find her skank ass on the last day and beat her unconscious
> i thought i caused her an abortion the way she bitched about it to a mutual friend

the only female bully i had tought me to stand up for myself and that beating people is fun

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I had girls who would come up to me to either grope/hug me or pretend that they wanted to be my girlfriend, usually on a dare.

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well done

>morbidly obese black girl that called me a heifer and slammed me into walls
>Stacys threw balls of paper in my hair and acted like they didn't so I'd rage
>Stacys hid my clothes and put water on them so I'd have to wear wet clothes or gym clothes to class
>Mexican girl would pretend to be nice to me to copy my science homework then bully me immediately after it was turned in
>cheerleader girl got mad at me for looking at her wrong and followed me around screaming "BAH BAH BAH" with her friends until I made the vice principal make her stop
>psycho that pretended to be my friend and lied about a terminal illness then told everyone I was a crazy lesbian obsessed with her when I found out she was lying so nobody believed me
I was "that kid" and graduated with no friends. My only regret is not killing them all.

> user hit Chad with a rock" quickly became user attacked Chad and his friends in an attack with a metal bar
my fucking sides

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Honestly, she just sounds crazy. Not meme crazy, but actually mentally ill crazy. Feel good that she probably has a disgusting living space or very bad interpersonal relationships.