name one thing that you find wrong with pic related
protip: you can't
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name one thing that you find wrong with pic related
protip: you can't
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spikes insulin the same as regular coke
which makes you more vascular for competition. you lose.
>implying that's a bad thing
it has 0 calories.
If it spiked insulin without insulin being present it'd be creating chemical energy from nowhere.
It spikes insulin when you next consume sugar at a greater rate than if you weren't to drink it at all.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you actually retarded?
>Insulin spikes when you consume sugar but not when you consume coke zero
>hmm it must be the coke zero, not the sugar just consumed
they won't easily fit inside your ass
its carbonated so it still ruins your teeth and stomach , retard.
im addicted to it
Coke Zero does not exist anymore.
You pay the same price for Zero as you do for Diet, regular, or any other Coca-Cola brands and flavors.
literally the same thing with a new, awful name
>carbonated WATER
We need water to live.
Isn't it Zero Sugar?
I got a few coupons for free 20oz bottles when it was released, didn't like it. Was able to get regular instead.
no sugar
Turns out synthetic sweeters kill your gut flora
You might as well not eat anything if you drink this stuff, it prevents the digestion of nutrients so you just pass it out.
Which is probably why the more you drink the more you need to eat to feel satisfied, your body cant consume the vitamins and minerals you need because you dont have the flora to digest it so you binge on more and more food to try and squeeze what little nutrients you have out of the dense food you eat.
The fat and carbs however can be broken down and absorbed, so while you starve yourself of nutrients you gouge yourself on calories.
unlimited muscle growth without even lifting
What... where on earth did you pull this mom science from.
No, it’s different and tastes gross.
it doesn't "kill" your gut flora, it promotes potentially undesirable gut flora in rats. For it to make it to your intestines without getting broken down by your stomach acids you'd have to chug a 2L a few times per day
why in the past year is everyone talking about gut flora like they know intimately what it is and how it works. shut the fuck up you stupid asshole.
Tastes like shit
I drink it with my alcohol because it's """"better"""" than regular coke
>tips fedora
artificial sweetened mixers get you drunk faster
That's a plus in my books
>alcohol kills gains
>beer is full of estrogen
If I need less alcohol to be drunk, than it's healthier(and cheaper)
it actually doesn't have 0cal tho
in America, legally if a product is under 4kcal, it can be rounded down to 0. but in other parts of the world it's ~2kcal a can.
not even worth thinking about
they reformulated Coke Zero and the result is "Coke No Sugar"
it tastes the same as regular coke, but without the calories.
Australia was a test market and straight up rejected it because we all liked Zero better. but Coke finally convinced retailers to phase out Zero and replace with No Sugar
oh for sure it's a 'who gives a fuck' amout. more of a funfact
im australian and i didnt even know it changed until an awkward exchange ordering zero at maccas
you're not alone. it was out for like 6 months and nobody really noticed until it started replacing Zero, then people complained
It’s been the pop-science trend for a while now