Have any of you ever done any type of sex work? Like porn, prostitution, stripping etc.
Have any of you ever done any type of sex work? Like porn, prostitution, stripping etc
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does mastrubating furiously for 15 years count?
I actually do volunteer sex work for charity. I go to random massage places and seduce the women into having sex with me. Once I’m satisfied I like to give them some money to help them out, usually for school or to send to relatives back home.
I don’t think of myself as a hero but just an ordinary guy loving his life to the fullest
Does showing my balls to anyone that would look in Yahoo messenger since the age of 13 count?
I hooked up via tinder with an aspiring porn actress (feminist porn lol) and did a couple pov videos while we fuck. She never paid me what she promised.
Did I got Harvested?
Had an ex that I'd do cam shows with a few years ago. Made some pretty good money because neither of us had many limits.
Who are all the porn people who have posted on Jow Forums?
>Dick Bush (director)
>Lena Paul
>Mercedes Carrera
>Bailey Jay
>Jenna Jameson
>a bunch of camgirls I don't know
>Mercedes Cameilla
Could she not have used Mercedes Bendz?
I am a wizard.
Give me spells and stats
there's a trip in /fraud/ that does gay porn
Male or female?
Jenny Nicholson porn parody when?
Lvl 2 wizard with very low mana and no spells.
this made my night kek.
No. I'm not an irrevocably broken person, so no.
I haven't done any WORK or SEX. 24 years old.
I tried to get into the porn industry with an ex (easier as a male to get started as a couple). It took a ton of persuading as she was a pretty wholesome girl. We got a few shoots and a company contacted us. They wanted the girl and me provided I did some g4p. I noped out. She persued it. I broke up with her quickly after that.
>mfw I just fapped to her anal gangbang scene
Had gay sex in a gay sauna for free
Not really "sex work" but I nude model for art classes a few nights a month. Easy cash money.
Send pics please or even a name
She was never wholesome to begin with if she stooped to such a level.
no, but i wanna be a producer in the future
porn makes serious cash
post likes this give me that shit gut feeling at how low people stoop or how much of a cuck people like this are
I almost got into it- was banging what looked like a former crack whore, she said she'd been clean for a while. She said her friends would pay for sex from me, and she'd hook me up...but I thought she was so gross that I didn't want to bang her friends for money.
I'd say the odds are on your side.
Go ahead and fulfill your destiny.
I'd like to write scripts for pornography scenes is there a viable career for this?
You have to be a Jew to get into the industry, user.
My uncle would make me, his daughter and son play naked in the room. He would record it.
He would tell us what to do, how to do it.
Then finish on his daughter.
That went on when I was 7 for a year.
Then we moved away.
I should try to find my cousin online.
See if she's into incest and being molested like I am now.
Actually yes! MtF here
picture is from the set
Cool story user, hope you find your cousins and have a happy ending.
How does it feel knowing you will never have a milf slob on your knob like corn on the cob like jordi has?
Is thst from the wonder woman trans porn?
Yes it is
Im a warehouse lead.
It is pretty comfy and pays fine.
Post body
Do you ever do scenes with cis women?
Hell no. Transbiens are the aids of the trans community. I'm only interested in men.
Male it's bimbo. He did gay porn before now he does straight bdsm
Do the trans and regular communities interact at all (including crossover crews and directors and such)? Have you fucked ChristianX? Is it harder toget wood when you're MtF?
Trans people are always fucking degenerate fetishist faggots. It's not 'oh I just wanna be a girl and do girly stuff' at all it's almost always a sexual perversion that got out of hand. Fucking disgusting. Only good thing is that so many of you retards realise you're never gonna be happy and kill yourself in massive numbers.
>it's almost always a sexual perversion that got out of hand.
Yeah I'm not even a sexual person. I couldn't give a shit less about sex in any way shape or form. Nice try though
> you're never gonna be happy
I actually love my life fully. Got my own house, car, I'm in the best shape of my life, I'm in a long term relationship, and have a supporting family. I'm sorry your life is terrible & in such a bad place that you would automatically assume someone who isn't perfect, like you, would automatically have a terrible life. Hang in there buddy
I have no idea who ChristianX is, but I'm in a long term relationship. We've been seeing each other for 2 years.
>Is it harder toget wood when you're MtF?
Eh... Not really. Only thing is I'm not a sexual person, like, at all. I can be aroused one moment & 3 seconds later I'm thinking about cleaning the house. I do think a lot of trans people are faking it & do it as a sexual thing, but I'm not one of them. Problem is the deviants are vocal so everyone thinks, "Well that's trans people. Sexual deviants". Most of us just live a normal life
You sure are defensive. I'd legitimately bet real money on you secretly being attracted to them & you being overly aggressive towards them as a defense mechanism. The fact your mind automatically goes to sex when thinking about trans people backs that up as well. You're definitely attracted to them & just don't want to admit it.
I sucked a few dicks when I was in the Navy. Lots of guys in the military are total faggots and I used the money toward a down payment on my house.
yeah but the pay probably wouldn't be too good if you're considering doing it full-time
>I have no idea who ChristianX is
oh boy you're in for a ride
He's a huge porn meme who's banned from regular porn for being a major scumbag and HIV POSITIVE. THAT IS NOT A JOKE. He preys on trans girls looking for independent porn shoots.
The guy who wrote this clearly has major issues, but his condemnation of Christian is justified:
How to spot someone overcompensating for their attraction to transgirls 101
i want to eat ur ass like a chinese buffet
Cute slippery slope.
1. Nobody was saying you are "scared" of trans people.
2. The fact your instant reason for going to it was "fucking" proves me right.
You are "scared" of trans people because you want to fuck them. Have fun with that
Yeah I did some g4p went by Chuck Basher
>inb4 newfags (you) me
When and where was this?
i’m actually not that user you people were saying secretly is attracted to trannies because he expresses disdain for them lol. You do know it’s more likely that that user just actually legitimately dislikes trans people without secretly being attracted to them right? As for the image I used, it’s the same concept and i’m sure you understand what I was getting at.
Thats the job equivalent of an unpaid internship bud. You basically just got experience to put on your resume
i sucked cock and took it up my ass a few times for 100€ a pop
Are you the boyfriend of Sasha Grey who got her into porn?
>that pic
I mean....
Post it fag
I may go back to cam girlin in some months. Not really that thirsty for money tho, I just wanna move from my mother's house
Wait, the dude that fucks all the trannies actually has a qt wife and daughter? Wtf?
Not that user, but how the dislike is expressed speaks volumes about the person expressing it.
>gays are an affront to decent society
ur mom gay
Oh yeah got me there haha. The old he hates something so he must actually like it thing. Ever thought about the fact i may have no problem with guys wanting to legitimately be a girl because they feel they are? My issue is that with normalization of it today so many of these people delude themselves into thinking it's okay to just change sexes because to them it's all a kink and they feel more desired as a girl. That's just wrong. The disproportionate amount of transgirls working in porn and prostitution is a clear example of the fact that many of these people are only in it for the sexual deviancy.
>transgirls are not sexual deviants, the loud minority give us a bad name
>works in porn
Yeah point proven.
Imagine being so insecure with your sexuality that you spend over an hour every day of your life arguing with people online about what you are attracted to
You're just going to trigger him into giving long winded qualifications about how he totally doesn't want to suck a feminine penis.
>i may have no problem with guys wanting to legitimately be a girl because they feel they are
We all know you do. It's because it makes you insecure with your sexuality because you are attracted to them. If you weren't actually attracted to them you'd have no problem with it because it would have zero effect on your life. You care because it effects your life. That's how things work, sweet heart. People care about things that effect them.
That's what we've all been saying from the start. You have a problem with it because it effects you because you're attracted to them & that makes you feel insecure. I don't think you realize how obvious you're being. If you want people to not realize you're attracted to them, stop caring.
Not him but I remember it. The date was whatever listed on that timestamp and it was either on /b/ or Jow Forums.
It was Jow Forums, actually.
My guess would be it happened on 11-19-16 on Jow Forums
user, do not try to fight degeneracy on the internet. I've learned that it's a waste of time. Take the fight to your surroundings. Redpill your family and friends on the consequence of all this degeneracy and make them hate it.
Let the snowflakes live their dream for now. Hitler will be back.