Let's settle it once and for all: what's the best diet for white people to get ripped?
Let's settle it once and for all: what's the best diet for white people to get ripped?
paper lol
low calorie intake
Hypertrophy workout
do this till ripped.
Red meat
Salmon 3x a week
Rice, potato's, oats
Variety of fruits and vegetables for micronutes
Lower carbs when cutting
Always keep meat and fruits/veges for protein, fats, and micronutrients
It depends on the region you live in.
Southern and northern Europeans should have a different diet.
Just get a balanced diet ffs.
tldr: 0.40g of protein pear meal per kilogram of bodyweight every 3 hours is optimal.
primal diet
Blasting tren
> southern euro
> white
your post is... uh... problematic
Fuck off Jow Forums
Black sperm
Vegan high carb high fat during bulking
vegan low carb low fat high protons during cutting
ARE NOT white
/his/ here, the Spanish literally invented white people, so fuck off back to Jow Forums.
B-but /leftypol/ told me its a 20th century american creation
eat less or don't eat at all it's that fucking easy (if you're overweight). Meet your protein requirements (~1g per lb of bodyweight) while eating at a caloric deficit to maintain your strength.
They were muslimed way too hard too. Get the fuck out to your board.
I assume you're talking sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.
Volume has been shown to increase lean body mass less than high intensity (heavy) training.
Stop spreading lies
And for diet it's whatever your body ate the most growing up +fiber and extra protein. Your body adjusts to what it knows.
Who's white then? Argentina?
Haven't loled like that in awhile.
Someone with pale skin=white.
This is the most Jewish post I've seen here in a long time
>If we turn them against each other maybe we can destroy them
Fuck off back to your containment boards
gironda style, very low carb, all animal meat, fats and proteins
i think the homie charles poliquin even said white people just cant fucking do carbs
Keep your micronutrients and hormone levels in check, eat enough calories, consume carbs to lower your cortisol levels, lift and have coitus to increase testosterone and provide enough fats and aminoacids for your body to produce enzymes and muscle protein.
I am 100% white and I am doing fine. Might be because I am still young.
>be user
>46, haven't left his basement in 3 months, trying to get the most white out of his skin
>see country whose latitude is below 60°
>"h-hehe, they receive more immigrants than the north pole, they must be so black hehehe"
>proceed to share his newfound logic to a mongolian basket-weaving website
>Let's settle it once and for all: what's the best diet for white people to get ripped?
whatever your ancestors ate(talking about few centuries not before christ)
I'm from a fishing village like my fathers so it's basically the mediterranean diet with less nuts and emphasis on wild fresh fish wish usually goes with boiled/roasted potatoes and salad, boiled veggies too. fat source comes from the olive oil and the fatty fish, can even throw in there a boiled egg wish is goat with boiled fish
does he even lift? lol
Spaniards are north african sand niggers at best. BUT this is not so fuck off, racist asshole.
That guy literally doesn't lift but he looks more jacked than most of you faggy gymbros.
daily remember
- Red Meat
- Eggs
- Fish
- Green Vegetables
- Potatoes
- Water
- Black Coffee
- Vodka and Whiskey
Nothing else.
Going vack to low carb. Is glucose tablets good for pre cardio or workout
No dairy, high carb, high alcohol conent refresher drinks
Practically all the leanest and healthiest populations get 90% of their daily calories from rice or noodles
t. brainlet who fell for SS
>Calling these cockroaches white
>Volume has been shown to increase lean body mass less than high intensity (heavy) training.
You should be doing both, brainlet.
unironically the Mediterranean diet limit the carb and go proteinmaxx
kys poltard