I wish I could be kid again. To be 14 once again, play Diablo 2 after school, mommy would make me sandwiches with warm milk. I would talk to my internet friends via AOL, listen to Linkin Park and be happy.
Fuck being an adult.
I wish I could be kid again. To be 14 once again, play Diablo 2 after school, mommy would make me sandwiches with warm milk. I would talk to my internet friends via AOL, listen to Linkin Park and be happy.
Fuck being an adult.
Being independent rules all feels. Also Linking Park is shit.
which is
>waking up at 6
>making your own food
>going to work for 8 hours slaving your life away
>coming back @4PM
>making dinner
>doing laundry
>having 3 hours of free time out of 24 hours day
>usually you're too tired to do anything else besides mindlessly watching TV or playing stupid FPS games
fuck you
I would seriously trade my soul to the Devil if he could bring me back to 2003 again.
What tyype of kid were you robots?
Fuck dude I wish I could go at 6 and come back at 4
I go to work at 7 and come back home at 7
Im not even well paid fucking hell barely enough to cover living expenses and the minor luxury like eating out or a videogame once a month
I really miss being a kid
I could never understand why people freak out when teenagers die. They literally experienced the best of life. Everything ahead of them was just misery and worries. I wish I died as a teenager.
A teenager has accomplished nothing in life, except being an entitled brat.
jesus christ
what do you do, where you at, USA?
I'd consider killing myself lol
My 20s were shit
My 30s were awesome
42 now and I'm having a blast
why's that? explain your life
what do I do guys
I want to be kid again ;_;
>you will never wake up at 6am on saturday to farm sojs or soj equivalents ever again
>warcraft 3
>diablo 2
>runescape classic
>cs 1.6
>vanilla wow
how could my adult life ever reach such levels of enjoyment
>explain your life
kek, I lost my tea all over my screen
Ok, I'll give you a little glimpse.
>17 high school, robot, no gf, no friends, no fucking internet
>18 join the Navy, had no idea what else to do
>18-28 trying to survive the Navy as an autis and ADD tard
>feels bad man
>think about suicide a lot
>26 did a job for a guy and he liked me for some reason, idk why
>man teaches me some shit and tell me to read a bunch of books and gives me a list
>he's good to me but not nice, hard ass but like a good dad
>read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
>mfw, no one told me this shit before
>start to make friends but fuck it up a bunch
>get gf, complete shit show wish I was still a virgin
>use navy acquired skills to get job in the real world
>start making 42k a year
>two more gfs, still not Disney but not complete shit either
>get promoted some, now make 95k a year
>meet girl, make friends lots of lols, like the best sister you can have
>feels good man
>gf splits
>fem friend says she's gone
>She wants to be my gf
>date for 6 months get married
>have kid, daughter
>feels good man
Life is far from perfect
Still autis and ADD but it's a good life now
>mfw people look back fondly at their childhood
man my life has been shit from the start and all i see when i look back at my past i see brief moments of relief from the unending storm of shit
I replaced the video gaming with going to raves. Even that is getting old now
do you think you can just do 1 thing forever and it won't get old?
even Kobe Bryant got tired of basketball and that his life and paying him millions of dollars.
didnt you at least enjoy vidya?
being adult sucks dicks
How old are you now, user?
Orginal post robot.
I also used to play diablo 2 all day, did you use d2jsp? I got so my many friends from back then.
>linking park
Play Path Of Diablo, fucking greatest shit ever created. Everything that was "Wrong" with diablo after Bliz patched and nerfed and changed so much is now fixed with ease. If you are a toxic piece of shit don't play it though, you'll be banned for being a faggot
poe is shit and everyone knows it
Third world country, and very young so my work options arent many
I think about killing myself every day, but at least its only 5 days a week and not 6 or even 7, so im grateful for that
core gen Y here, born in 1990 although I remember later gen Y stuff a lot better.
"42 now" origanelelo
You don't remember things well before you were 10? Holy hell your memory is bad.
I remember things sure, but I could only really enjoy video games from 10 or so on.
Path Of Diablo is not that shitty game path of exile
I only miss the times when I was 3-6
I don't think I ever was so full of hope and dreams as back then, amazed of technology and finding math fun, but nearly everything seemed so interesting
After that I only remember being abused by my teacher, exploited by my sister, losing all of my friends and finally depression spreading at a fast rate
how many people play it
hows the pvp scene
are there hacks, bots, or anything to make it unfair?
i think about my youth all the time and i'm only 22. sounds a bit cliche saying this but, those were the days. got up to all sorts of mischeif in the endless summers from harassing the park warden to pulling stupid stunts hurting ourselves for footage. it was a blast, now i'm stuck in endless summers wasting away behind a flickering monitor wondering where my life went. bit sad really, but thats life i suppose
Since you're 22 (on the "cusp" of two eras), I'm curious. If someone held a gun up to your head and forced to choose Late Y or Early Z, which would you choose?
late Y without a doubt, mainly because of the fact that extreme sports was still broadcasted on tv, just as well you had jackass and all that, was one of my main influences as a kid. another reason, despite not being too long ago in comparison life was a lot easier back then, and alot cheaper too. had none of what we have now in terms of internet culture, and of course old BBS sites still had a decent amount of activity
I'll rush you for forge