AlphaDestiny General /ADG/

sigh, it looks like Eric has fallen to the jew side. But don't worry #teamalpha, /ourguy/ is still BTFO his haters. (((bugenhagen))) has made a big mistake.
How is everyone's neck training going?
Essential links.

Attached: alphadestiny.jpg (480x480, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the jew manipulated him it's ok it happens to all of us

Please be honest, have you made the /JBG/ too?

give me a rundown on this drama plz

subscriberlet channels tried to take down THEalphaDestiny and failed

>implying Jonnie the Jew would even dare pull that shit on his daddy

>implying the jew has any sense of respect for goyims

Look at alphadestiny the guy was promoting the shit out of him and the jew got the whole gay oddlifts community against him using his pet mutt

ye but JJ is obviously in love with Eric. What you have to understand is that "Sticky" Ricky Delthagen-DeLaBugez is no mere mortal, and certainly not a mutt. He has transcended man's subservience towards the Dairyland Shylocks of the world and is now beyond those petty squabbles.

what happened in his clarification video i can't be bothered to waste 30 mins??

why is he called ricky now?

OK user's here's the deal. Look at this video of his shitty 585 sumo. The bar is slipping out of his hands majorly, even with straps.

Now look at the faked Double Overhand. He is pulling 585 PLUS chains.

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wrestling persona

Alex please go

To whom this may concern,
I am Alexander Leonidas, creator of the AlphaDestiny YouTube channel
(150,000 subscribers), CEO of, and author of various books.
It has come to my attention that several members on this website are
involved in a slander campaign surrounding my name/brand. Numerous lies
have been propagated to damage my credibility, and much illegal activity
has occurred which has not only breached my privacy but also cost me
thousands of dollars.
I write this message people continue to illegally download and share my
work on this thread. These same individuals slandered my name, released
private information not known to the public, and are uploading my
copyrighted books with cyberstalkers and frauds.
The rules of this website clearly state “You agree to not use the
Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive,
hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains
adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others,
risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise
violates any laws.” The thread I referenced has unquestionably broken
all of these rules and violates many laws.
Since there are numerous cases of copyright infringement, illegal
activity, privacy breaching, slander, and approximately 12,000$ USD of
damages, there are only two options moving forward.
1) The entire thread gets deleted immediately

2) I pursue legal action (Where I have 100% undeniable evidence and a
very strong case)
Thank you.
-Alexander Leonidas

Attached: 1513625531929.jpg (503x478, 73K)

>(150,000 subscribers)

quit using hook grip to lie to blahino you friccen manlet REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>CEO of

Attached: ad.jpg (1280x720, 32K)

Not stronk enough is the mutt, dumbass. Are you even informed?

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Alex from alphadestiny? I thought not. It's not a story the DYELs would tell you. It's a Jow Forums legend. Alex was a Destined Alpha of the Odd Lifts, so bold and so bad he could use the internet to influence YouTube viewers to subscribe to channels… He had such a knowledge of alpha influence that he could even keep the channels he cared about from dying. The Alpha Destiny is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his subscribers, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice called him out in his sleep. Ironic. He could save other YouTubers from death, but not himself.

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I really like alex posting

god this dude makes it so clear he's a fucking child. He has no idea how the real world works. Who the fuck can take him serious other than 15-17 year olds??

You are trying too hard, Alec. All of that is easily disprovable.

Attached: NotMuttEnough.png (1024x731, 629K)

You know what, I totally think you're right, I think it's probably the same douchebag making both generals. This is pathetic, attention seeking behavior. What's next, /bhg/? Bugenhagen Generals?

Both of these things are still ridiculously strong

incel rage and buffoonery

Please tell me this is made up shit, please

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Can't wait for those retards to get btfo

Have you noticed when someone makes a joke at Alex's expense he gets defensive? When people make jokes at Blaha's expensive he laughs along with them. Which guy would you rather get shitfaced with?

The guy that has any sort of self respect, so not blaha.

This. Can someone more experienced tell me how impressive a 585 plus chains hook grip jefferson actually is? Because it sounds Crazy strong grip wise. Tbh hope he posts a vid proving it and absolutely burns the bridges

Would you rather be friends with a loyal guy who has a great understanding of the world, who you can depend on to always have your best interests at heart, who you can chill out and banter with and lift heavy together. Or would you rather be friends with a mentally-unstable, un-charismatic dweeblet who is also a pretend mercenary who thinks he's GI Joe? Only a moron would be friends with Bloho over Alex.

why does his right side looks bigger than his left

asymmetric bones which in turn gives him asymmetric muscles.

jew with a failed channel tries to drama whore for views by inventing controversy and complaining about it

Attached: lolfag.jpg (772x534, 104K)

anyway to fix this ? I have this issue

what type of person goes out of their way to start fights and division for their own personal gain, and then complains about the drama that they themselves have caused?

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I dunno man but something tells me it’s somehow connected to the strange symbol on his shirt...

more like dyelland strength lmao

he's been training for 15 years and just called out Alan Thrall for being "weak" after 10 years

Alan deadlifted 600lbs recently, I don't think i've ever seen this kike do a single deadlift

he could totally deadlift 700+, he's done a 585 romanian

it's not like his jeffersons and hack lifts indicate a 550 pull at best

I also recall him calling Thrall "fat" or "out of shape" lmao how fucking delusional can this dyel redditress drama queen be?

Women and souboys

2 years of meme lifts

15 years of training

and he looks like that

It's because he weighs 230+lbs. If he cut you would see the muscularity much more, not that you can't already, he looks like a monster.

waiting on that 600lb deadlift he calls "weak"

they're not slipping out.. lmao. what are you even talking about

how mad was the person who made this picture?

im guessing their credit card was rejected when he tried to buy the book, and then they got a virus from downloading the torrent

umm bro he only does fun lifts like safety squat bar high box squats with chains from pins. he could do a 700 deadlift easily, but deadlifts are not fun to him

Finally someone shits on this faggot.

i just wish i didn't sound like a fucking retard, my voice sounds even WORSE on that shitty inbuilt mic

Post body.

Attached: fit novel.jpg (220x360, 20K)

what are you fucking gay?

it'll be my 10k subs special

>On page 2 of the thread my copyrighted program Naturally Enhanced was
illegally shared. Priced at 47$ USD and accumulating 158 downloads, this
amounts to 7426$ USD of lost sales. On page 8, my other copyrighted book
The Alpha Diet was shared. Priced at 19.95$ USD and amassing 200
downloads, this amounts to 3990$ USD. In total, 11,416$ USD was lost.

That's hilarious. He thinks every single one who downloads the archive online was going to buy his book. The reality is he probably lost a grand total of zero dollars.

Pretty spot in on. I'd also add that his riding of Eric's coattails is fucking pathetic.

spot on about him not gaining subscribers after the Nether exposed vid blew up because of his shit unlikable personality

thanks, i too lack a personality. my gf dumped me recently becasue of it. :^(


Only acceptable answer is not being friends with any.

Any other /alphabros/ eagerly waiting on based Alex to shit on Bugez, JJ and Alec with his 585 DOH? He'll post it any minute now.... Right Bros?

Alex swore on the honor of his mother's head. He doesn't need to post a video.

Pretty good but there are a few vids of Eric and JJ lifting together at Eric’s place. If I had to guess JJ and Eric were probably acquaintances when they both lived in Wisconsin but JJ mistakenly thought they were BFFs

>He doesn't need to post a video.
But he said he would in that very post

What the fuck why do they hate each other

You are lying.

I hate JJ. Dude needs to improve his videos a and stop making training videos of his weak shit (unless he actually can improve his lifts) andstop making retarded quality vlogs with his poverty camera.

Even though AlphaDestiny is not as strong as what he says, his content is unique in that he presents himself as the virgin dude turned bearmode guy that discusses various fitness topics and try to help out his sub base. In a sense, he's like an uninteintionally funny and less attractive Zyzz, at least in how he presents his message. Basically, it's that "We all can make it brahs". Like it or not, his image is unique and very relatable unlike most fitness youtubers out there. Also, the quality of his recording equipment is pretty decent compared to dairys cucked android camera shit. I hate AlphaDestiny (not as much as Dairy), but the guy's got a following for a reason.

JJ went to Eric's place twice, that makes Eric his best friend

most people speak to JJ once and never speak to him again

Do they hate each other? I just thought that JJ had a man crush on bugez and bugez didn’t really care.

Any time JJ refers to Eric
>My buddy Eric Bugenhagen
>My dear friend Eric Bugenhagen
>My good pal Eric

In Eric's vid today shitting on Alpha destiny
>"And John, who I know, made a video critiquing Alex.."

I would feel bad if dairy wasn't such a cunt


Ngl I've always taken alex to be a spastic loser and how he handled this whole thing won me over a lot. but jesus fucking christ what the fuck is this pic.

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the smugness of proving your bullies are huge faggots

It means ‘sit down be humble’


Eric is honestly a moron for even thinking Alex could have hook grip 600 with those small hands and short fingers when there was no sign that Alex ever trained hook grip

kinda feel bad for manletdestiny

he's almost good looking, almost has hair, and is almot not a manlet


Attached: fuckinghorrifying.jpg (243x349, 21K)

and you almost lift enough to be impressive

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he cute

So if I'm a handlet I shouldn't bother with hook grip?

Goddamn his face annoys me

Whats a good pin jefferson pull with straps? No one knows or cares

You're right, but this was more so a conversation about grip strength, which is it's own quirky sport.

A 605 lb DOH pull is extremely good, and this likely means that Alex *would* be an elite grip athlete... if the sport had weight classes, height standards, or hand size classes or something. But they don't, so he'd easily be outclassed by a larger man. Either way, it's impressive for some recreational gym rat.

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Thank fuck. Now all obscure youtubers shitting on Alex can fade away into obscurity. He's still cringe af but he BTFO'd them good.


Not to take away from his accomplishment, but the guy is a hard gymcel so I would be even more surprised if he COULDN’T pull this much lol

It's far above the average gym rat, but by no means elite for grip strength. 600+ from the floor would be getting into that range but even then, as you said, he'd be outclassed by a hell of a lot of people even without considering the gorilla-size freaks who can DOH 500 on an axle.

I hope this will be the beginnings of Punished Alex - a man denied his grip. He should transition into demon status by constantly talking shit on those other channels in his vids, grow a ponytail and never interview a smaller channel ever again.

That is not a real deadlift

Trips of pure unadulterated BTFO



Did Alan Thrall talk shit about Alex?!

only a matter of time before that clown gets a bicep tear

I never doubted Alex. You can tell he is genuine in his speech. Plus his advice helped me immensely. Fuck all these faggots not liking Alex. He literally did nothing wrong.

Post your body.

Give it a try and see. You will need lots of chalk. As a handlet I find I can pull some heavy reps hook grip but mixed feels a lot stronger. The trick for hook grip is during the setup to internally rotate your hands, hook your thumb lengthwise across the bar instead of around it, and get your middle finger as far over the thumb as possible. It takes a few seconds to set up especially for a handlet and that's the main reason I was pretty doubtful that Alex was hook grip pulling those reps

no, but barbell medicine did, which he is apart of