This is now considered abuse? what the fuck

This is now considered abuse? what the fuck

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While it's not abuse per se, it has a faint scent of an abusive relationship (skewed power dynamics where one party suffers needlessly)

It's called a whore knowingly dating an autist and then complaining about it.

How is forbidding your girlfriend from having male friends and speak in public places not abuse you massive autist?

The part with "That's going to stop" should have been a red flag.

wow, it sure does smell like fish in here

1, 2 and 4 are abusive. How the fuck is 5 abuse though? Also whats the context?

weak bait, roastie

It's not nearly as abusive as just straight wife beating and not letting her leave the house but that doesn't make it okay.

How's you like some roastie telling you to never talk to any other women, or no vidya after 5pm. If you don't want to be a cucked basedboy feminized for a roasties convenience surely you understand why a woman would want to be able to do her basic roastie stuff without a man controlling her.

Those are abusive behaviours. If it were me I don't think I could live like that. All my friends are males so I would essentially not be allowed to have social contact with anyone other than my partner.
Also, who the hell gets buzzed off wine with dinner? I don't see the point of forbidding it. A small amount of wine is actually somewhat good for you.

letting them have male friends is fucked up

Nice arguments retards. You're probably the same people that wonder why no woman wants to be near them. If a girl told you're forbidden to have female friends or talk in public you would flip your shit.
What kind of autist forbids someone from talking in public?

God I wish I had a femanon in the palm of my hands like this. I wonder how many essays she's written about how he controlled her. I wonder if he reads her delicious tears while he's working the next girl

It isn't abuse. He didn't shout at her, hurt her, or threaten her in any way. He just set extremely strict ground rules which she was free to follow or walk away from at any time. Sure any relationship with rules like that is going to turn out to be shitty, but she willingly put up with it because of how prominent he was in the industry.

thing is she could just tell him to fuck off, and he'd probably be like okay
>my bf asked me to do X
>i didnt want to but I did it anyway
>thats abuse

She's fucking dumb. We already know this. We're discussing if this is abuse or not aren't we?
If you consent to do something because someone is manipulative that's still abuse.

>If a girl told you're forbidden to have female friends or talk in public you would flip your shit.

Yeah, I'd hate to lose all of my many, many friends, and being able to talk in public, which I of course do frequently, is essential to my lifestyle!

Dumb roastie

If he doesn't act aggressive or anything I'd hardly call that abuse.

uh, no
if you consent, it's automatically not abuse. she wanted to be in a relationship with him, so she agreed to his conditions.

>All my friends are males
Anyone got that textual image of the girl with 100 hotdogs in her mouth?

What industry? Is there some context we're not made aware of here that you know?

Probably referring to Chris Hardwick, although to be honest I know nothing whatsoever about him.

I have no clue who that even is, glad he hardwicked this slut though

Saying "this needs to stop" as in enjoying a glass of wine seems pretty bad to me.
If you consent under coercion it's not consent

Sigh. I'm a khv. I have 3 male friends that I've known for over 8 years. Men and women can and do have platonic relationships.

Sure it's rude and "controlling", but he never forced her to stop. He just told her to. And she did. The fault's on her, not him. He doesn't want a girlfriend who drinks. Also, how did he coerce her? In what way did he threaten her or force her to bend to his will? She could have walked away at any time, and in fact did.

Are you trying to make out that he raped her or something?

Abuse in and of itself isn't illegal, she got btfo. Deal with it

My problem is how the definition of abuse keeps on expanding and expanding until any aspect of a relationship that, in hindsight, or to an uninvolved third party, is viewed in an uncomfortable way automatically becomes "abuse".

But whores love alpha males

3 is kind of reasonable. The rest are, while not abusive, unreasonable demands for a relationship. It would be a good idea for her to not continue dating this man.

If he didn't hold a gun to her head and force her to consent there was no coercion.
Setting conditions for a relationship is not coercion. She is not entitled to a relationship with that man.

If the tables flipped and a girl demanded the same from me, I wouldn't date her.
The guy she describes sounds boring as fuck. Secure, but very boring. I suppose loyalty and trust are a thing of the past as the more you trust and the more freedom you give a partner, the greater the chance of them cheating on you.

You know it's true most the time though.

How comes?

>If a girl told you're forbidden to have female friends or talk in public you would flip your shit.
I actually wouldn't "flip my shit". Forbid is a harsh word that she's interpreting in an unflattering way the conversations they had that lead to arguments to make him look worse. Females do that, why do you think he told her to shut the fuck up in public? There are times where I don't want to talk about certain things around some people. It's reasonable for him to ask her to not talk about that sort of stuff. You're kind of an asshole if you go around telling everyone everything. There are lots of things people like to keep private. Just because you're an attention whore doesn't mean you should try to make your man ashamed for communicating with you by putting ALL of it on blast to anyone that would listen. Some of us are actually grown ups, with real world things going on, like jobs. Some of the things we say are considered confidential like business information. Obviously you don't understand the first thing about being a professional or why it'd be bad to share certain things. You should consider yourself lucky to have a guy that will just tell you to shut up and act in your traditional role if you're not intelligent enough to figure out why men do what they do. Why don't you shut the fuck up and find a boyfriend who has a kitchen for you to do some women work in, brainlet.

She dated him because he was pretty big in the industry, he dated her because she was attractive. Not much room for romance there.

So because you're a retard that wouldn't be affected by a woman forbidding you from having friends you wouldn't mind it? What kind of punny faggot are you?
>The fault's on her, not him
She's a weak retard and he's a manipulative insecure faggot. Both are on the fault.
>Are you trying to make out that he raped her or something?
Where did I imply anything similar? Rape is not the only form of abuse.
I'm not implying what she says it's true. It might be hugely exaggerated. I know a lot of people, specially women do it.
The only thing that I'm saying is that what is written there, either if it's true or not it's abuse, and OP is an autist.

>she should've told him to fuck off

she literally talks about this in the essay:
>And I made the choice to accept his controlling behavior, as he'd just left his long-term girlfriend and I assumed that he was going through some serious emotional discomfort. This was a huge mistake.

Not the guy you are talking to but

at least 3 of these are pretty textbook definitions of an abusive relationship and your own personal definition of abuse doesnt really matter.

Is she stupid for entering(!!) a relationship with a guy who shows abusive tendencies? Yes.
Does she therefore give consent to being abused? No.
Not running away after you were raped is not an indicator that you were not raped. Abusive relationships are a bit more compicated than "just break up" .
You also dont need physical violence or the threat of it to abuse someone.

The Cambridge Dict says "...bad or cruel treatment of a person..." which fits this pretty clearly.

Again: yes, she is fucking stupid. Lots of women are, they rather be with the retard that beats her than with the "nice guy" that flips her the fedora.
She accepted being abused, but doesn't that make the guy an abuser and the act "abuse"? If I wanted to die and I consented someone killing me wouldn't that make him a killer?

I'd show you what actual abuse is, you foul whore.

Yeah, and the reason why she made those assumptions (in order to downplay his shitty behaviour) is because he was famous. It's a meaningless statement.

I don't think so since I'm a male and could probably beat your insecure faggot ass.

Ah, I see. It's a whole different world from my own, and it makes sense that a guy in a leading position in any industry extends his work ethics onto his personal life and wants to control everything that involves himself.
Then again, she can just decide to fuck off too. It's her choice what she puts up with. With him being like that, I wouldn't be surprised if she cheated on him with some smooth talking romantic guy as she'd be starved for some affection.

Mostly because I didn't meet anyone outside of my very small social circle and nobody ever showed any romantic interest in me outside of online relationships. I was pretty set on avoiding relationships through school anyway since I never saw any end well, and I wanted to mature first.

Domestic Abuse, Spusal Abuse, Child Abuse and Animal Abuse are literally criminal offenses in the United States.

If him giving orders to her is abuse, which I might be willing to accept, then what is her staying and obeying those orders? At what point does she have absolutely no personal agency whatsoever?

>How's you like some roastie telling you to never talk to any other women, or no vidya after 5pm

I'd ignore those rules or dump her. Vidya is my hobby, but it's not like girls talk to me anyway so she's safe on the first one, but the fact she even has to mention it or think I -am- talking to other girls will make me ignore it. If she keeps persisting I'd tell her to get lost. Like this dumb bitch should be doing to someone she's clearly not happy being around.

Yeah, this guy is clearly isolating her from her friends and possible escape routes while micromanaging her life and acting like a prick. I wouldn't stand for this shit.

>don't let your gf have close male friends
>she cheats on you anyway
This makes it look like he wasn't strict ENOUGH.

So a personal choice essentially. I see.

A lot of those seem like abuse. I'm a little triggered about the not talking in public thing, that's just an introvert feel that comes and gos I hope chicks don't consider it a red flag.

She's probably lying. Never trust a woman they will even lie to themselves to keep the lie stronger. I don't believe any of what she said except maybe number 4.

How is that abuse? As long as it's mutually practiced I see no issue? "My best friend happens to be a guy." What? Your partner should be your best friend. That's why you got together because you two matched so perfectly.. Unless this is a sham normie relationship that came to be out of the necessity of sex or looks appeal? In which case lolOLLOLOLlolol

>If a girl told you're forbidden to have female friends
That would be hot. Jealousy is attractive to me. How do I get a gf like that? We can be our only friends. That would be the best.

fuck my pussy with a rake mom

>so I would essentially not be allowed to have social contact with anyone other than my partner
Is that a problem? Sounds like a good deal to me. If you really love each other why would you need anyone else? Oh yeah, I forgot that roasties are incapable of love.

So she's fucking stupid and can't recognize a bad situation when she sees one? So this #MeToo crap is just dumb whores asking society to be their stand-in father's for them? Is that it?

t. schitzofag
the dude shows clear signs of paranoia
i used to be like this too
would never take pictures and was very frightened of talking in public

>Male friends
Yeah no, fuck right off. Those guys are NEVER just friends, they're orbiters, hanger ons and other trash she has accumulated over time. Keeping them around says a lot about her. Gotta keep that option B. in her backhand in case stuff ever goes south. Fuck that.

As I said it's probable that she did. I'm not defending her. I'm just saying than forbidding your gf from going out, having friends and talk in public is abuse.
>How do I get a gf like that?
I've only met one of those when I was 15 and she was 17. She had a bf and both of them forbid each other from having friends and talking to new people and all that shit. She grew out of that kind of shit with the time.

No, she made a calculation. She was dating Chris Hardwick, who is a pretty popular comedian, and she was an "actress, cosplayer, and model." She was probably hoping that dating him would help her career.

How is it paranoia if he was right? She did end up cheating on him. He wasn't strict enough and should have monitored her more closely.

sounds like she had a muslim boyfriend

>male best friend

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Trying to cut people off from their friends is the biggest red flag for abuse desu, I wouldn't date a girl who did that. And a lot of these requirements seem really petty, he's micromanaging her life. Something like 3 or even 5 might be okay in isolation (if you're a massive shyfag) but put together with the rest he's clearly abusive.

And why should I feel sorry for her then?

Not particularly. She was able to say "no" and walk away at any point. If she told told me me sleeping with other girls on the side would have to stop, would that be controlling and abusive? Heck no. It's her telling me what she expects from her partner, whether one accepts this is up to them. Don't accept it and then bitch about it later. Also, people who overindulgence in various narcotics tend to downplay it. Getting black out drunk and throwing up on his parents lawn becomes "a glass of wine".

The very concept of monogamy is rooted in abuse and appropriation of womens sexual bargaining power. The more people wake up to this, the better. Im not surprised low-status men would have such a vested interest in perpetuating an abusive system though.

>I'm just saying than forbidding your gf from going out, having friends and talk in public is abuse.
Only if you actually threaten them if you just say that is your rules to date you and she agrees it isn't abuse it is just a shitty relationship for most people.

Because #metoo and all that garbage. They're all scum, and her writing that article is just revenge because he blackballed her career after she left him (she left him by kissing a man and jumping straight into a relationship with him, prior to breaking up with her "abusive" boyfriend).

i ment about the talking and picture thing
not wanting your girl to have overly close friends is far from paranoid

>people asking you to provide something in exchange for what you provide is abuse
You know I'm starting to understand why these feminists are usually all socialists.

>male best friend
>having tons of guy friends
Take it from a guy who is not a robot at all, she is fucking one of them or more, or at the very least keeping a couple on the backburner for when she wants to bang them.

Been there a thousand times lol, but every dumb cunt in this thread will deny it.

Because having any demands, standards, expectations and such is horrible if a guy does it. Even if he states it from the get go, the girl knows what she's getting into and agrees to it. You see girls need to be free to do whatever they want, in any situation, without any consequences. All while they are allowed to have an entire list of demands and rules for you they can alter and add to at any point without ever letting you know.

Despite this being a relative recent occurence, despite it having tanked female mental health and happiness, despite it being one of the most disastrous things humans have tried out.

>she consented
>he shouldna done that she's just a girl
lol no

The woman is Chloe Dykstra. She got her start as a cosplayer. That pretty much tells you everything about her.

That is an essential question of most abuse cases actually.
From outside perspective like family and friends it looks pretty easy to walk away, but when you are stuck in the relationship it can become so manipulative or destructive that the victim itself does not even perceive it as abuse. At that time the victim gets increasingly dependent and gives up personal rights.

To be honest, we dont know enough about this case to say she could have walked away or not, especially not considering we only have 5 short sentences from one side which strongly indicate abuse, but how they were really handled isnt even mentioned.

PS: some answers here are pretty fucking stupid and I hope are shitposts

Being this low-test. Youch. "Trying to cut your girlfriend from going out at night with her male (((best))) friend is abusive." The fact that he isn't her best friend is abuse against him. And furthermore her need to spend time with other guys just goes to show that she isn't worth any of his time.

How can she see 3. and continue dating the guy

surely that would be a red flag for controling

It's here faut t b h

Not sure who that is to be honest, I just come here for memes but e-celeb trash are always losers like that. Probably dumb as a stump too lol

4/10 bait. Monogamy was a mostly female invention. Where a guy HAD to commit to get laid. It forced him to stick around after the fact rather than dancing off into the sunshine to pursue the next girl. It was also women who demanded it be done away with and who ever since have been as unhappy and had as many mental health problems as never before. Because chasing the hot guys doesn't mean the hot guys want them beyond some easy lay when they're drunk and nothing better is around. Which really, really, really hurt womens mental health, self esteem etc.

Are you interested in every single female you know and will know in real life? Do you really think every male is automatically attracted to your gf and talks to her just to fuck her? If you do you're just as insecure and paranoid as OPs guy.
Normies have female friends and they don't want to fuck them all. Normies have girlfriends and also female friends and don't want to fuck them.
>She was able to say "no" and walk away at any point.
Except she was a weak bitch and wasn't able to say no. That doesn't make the guy's act less abusive.
>If she told told me me sleeping with other girls on the side would have to stop, would that be controlling and abusive? Heck no.
Because enjoying wine is the same as breaking your partner's confidence by sleeping with another woman? I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be a drinker either but if she was I wouldn't date her in the first place. Dating someone with traits you dislike only to try to change them later is disgusting. It's like if a girl dated me knowing that I play a lot of videogames and after that tried to forbid me doing that. That would be abusive and she would be a massive retard for doing that.
>Only if you actually threaten them if you just say that is your rules to date you and she agrees it isn't abuse it is just a shitty relationship for most people.
I agree. If you set that rule and she agrees then she can't complain. If you don't se that rule but make it after being already in a relationship it's abuse.
I'm not taking gender into consideration here. If a woman manipulates a man it's still abuse. OPs case just seems to be the other way around.

>but when you are stuck in the relationship it can become so manipulative or destructive that the victim itself does not even perceive it as abuse.
In what way? Unless there is something we haven't been told like an actual threat from him it can't be abuse. Just because someone has strong feelings for someone that they shouldn't does not mean that person is abusing them. Abuse is a very specific thing and should not be generalized to any negative parts of a relationship.

Read the full article above for all the details.

Anyway, in my view if you aren't actually threatened and base everything off ambiguous inferences then the only person to blame is you for getting into that mess. It doesn't matter how you "feel" about things, in the end you have to deal with facts.

>We need to value and love women
>Never judge them
>Nothing is ever their fault
>Muh empathy
Are you a roastie or a NiceGuyTM fedora tipper? Never quite sure, the latter always adopt a very female mindset when trying to blend in.

>If you don't se that rule but make it after being already in a relationship it's abuse.
No it isn't. Unless you set it without telling her and force her to follow it through threats. I also wouldn't include breaking up with someone if they don't follow the rules as a threat that is just stupid it implies once you are dating you are obligated to remain in a relationship.

>Where did I imply anything similar? Rape is not the only form of abuse.
By using words like "consent".

And here we get to the crux of the issue. He has done nothing illegal, but the word "abuse" is being slapped all over it so the lines can be blurred between this behavior and actual crimes.
>Domestic Abuse
i.e., physical assault within the household
>Spousal Abuse
i.e., physical assault of your spouse
>Child Abuse
i.e., neglect of a child under your care (she's not a child, and even if she was, forbidding her to do certain things would be normal parenting)
>Animal Abuse
i.e., physical abuse of an animal

(oversimplifying but these are the instances where the terms most apply, I only include this here because I have the feeling you're dishonest enough to say NO IF YOU DON'T GIVE AN ANIMAL FOOD THAT CAN BE ABUSE TOO)

You want him to be thrown in jail because he told her not to drink, merely because you can play word games and apply here term that appears in other laws?

this is what a hag sounds like before she ends up an old cat lady

>Trying to cut people off from their friends is the biggest red flag for abuse desu
Yup, that's what cults do to keep control over members.

This happened to me with an on-line "girlfriend". We "dated" for like 3 years and it was a hell of a toxic relationship. He would threaten to hurt herself and would demand me not spend time with anyone but her on weekends. I would usually make up that I had to study or go out with my family just so I could play games and stuff without having to chat with her all the time.
During all those 3 years I knew that wasn't okay but I thought it was pretty normal and all relationships were like that. Now that 6 years have passed and I look at it in retrospect I notice how disgusting that relationship was, if you can even call that a relationship.

>By using words like "consent".
Giving consent to someone to forbid you to have friends and stuff like that doesn't imply that a person wanting to forbid another person from having friends is abusive. Giving consent to that because you're stupid and the other person manipulative doesn't make the manipulative person less disgusting.
You could say they fit each other. I'm just saying that trying to forbid your partner from having friends is not right.

>To be honest, we dont know enough about this case to say she could have walked away or not
Yes we do. These are literally the worst things she can come up with, and they're only accusations, without any specifics of what he said or did. We only get her interpretation, or what she would like us to believe is her interpretation.

We can safely say he did fucking nothing, and was MAYBE a dick, according to her. So what? Date someone who isn't a dick. What are you trying to argue?

what if a girl did this?

Attached: imagen-yandere-simulator-0big.png (800x640, 62K)

No You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was too low in content (5.71% content).

Throughout my school years, yes. I've been searching recently and might've found somebody. I've been pursuing him for a couple of years but things are long distance.

If it gets to the point where you need to forbid certain friends I don't think it's ever going to work out. It's valid to get a woman to stop seeing men she's stringing along, men she might be interested in, and other beta orbiters, but if she has all that she's probably not worth the effort.

>I'm just saying that trying to forbid your partner from having friends is not right.
True but it shouldn't be punishable by law and really shouldn't affect either person's careers. It's fucking stupid how this #MeToo crap is bringing private relationship drama to the public eye and making it a public affair. I think the people who are behind this movement just like hearing drama and destroying people's lives. Ironically they are the manipulative ones engaging in borderline psychopathic behavior.

It's controlling behaviour

Abuse in and of itself isn't illegal, she got btfo. Deal with it

then why did you stay with him past the first weak ya dumb bitch