ITT times you where close to rape someone
ITT times you where close to rape someone
What happened, user? Something you need to get off your chest?
I wish Chris-chan had raped Megan Slutner.
respond user, I was raped 4 years ago so I really want to know close to what wasgoing through his head at the time.
Props for not actually doing the forcey funtime tho
story time
did he suck ur tits
>me 16
>Alone in a classroom with my hot latin teacher
>last class in school
>she just gave me an unfair grade
>there is a key on her desk
I was actally really close almost went for the keys
I was watching my little cousin and she mooned me. I had a bare loli ass staring me right in the face and I did nothing.
Resentment against society and existence as a whole. No longer finding value in accepting society when it has rejected you at every turn.
unus ad decem,
qualem pulchritudinem habebat rhetor linguae latinae tuae?
I have a D-
as close as i have ever come
>in highschool
>girl sitting next to me mainly because its two per seat and her friends are right informant of my seat
>5/10 thicc bitch (half dominican half indian)
>only girl to be even half bit kind to me and ignore the constant stream of spegatti that comes out my mouth whenever I talk
>never fall for the "she might love me" meme and know shes just friendly
>one day she apparently worked a long day before coming to school and fell asleep basically a free period so no one cared
>told her friends she was going to sleep so they busied themselves talking to each other and the friends in front of them
>everyone doing their own thing
>eventually notice how cute she is
>eventually notice how large her breasts are
>eventually realize I could very easily grab and hold one of those hanging forbidden fruits
>daydream about grabbing them waking her up and having her blackmail me into her sex slave in exchange for not telling about the molestation
>feel guilt that I thought about actually molesting one of the first girls to not scorn me in years
>spend rest of the class switching between watching her sleep, imagining having her as a gf and reading
>wake her up at end of class
I don't get the key thing? Lock the door and rape her?
I have never been close to rape, what the fuck op.
I don't even understand how you can have a boner when the girl is screaming and fighting back. Actually scratch that, I bet for some folks the girl screaming and fighting is the reason that they have an erection...
caesar pluto hon hon hon jupiter republic italian baguette
Almost stared at my optometrist for more than 5 seconds.
no lad he roofied me and locked me in his house
you probably should have put out before desu
or stopped leading him on
abi, barbare sceleste!
Thank you for replying, I really do appreciate it.
Are you genuinely being rejected or is part of it imagined? Only asking because I think people dislike me and it's literally just in my mind.
Awful as it sounds, have you tried dating apps at all?
As someone on the 'other side' of rape, I think it could've helped my rapist somewhat if he'd just talked to a professional about his anger & dissociation issues.
Probably worth the investment anyway,
Take care user.
I'd been his girlfriend for 2 years and a pretty regular fuck before then.
If a woman decides it's rape. It is.
Even if she changes her mind later. Get that?
>pretty regular
yawn roasty lies
>Be me, sperg STEM student in college
>Skinny asian qt girl invites me to her all female dorm to do a project
>Room is really small, no place to sit except her bed
>She is wearing pantyhose and feminine skirt
>Get a raging boner, never been so hard in my life
>Debate whether to make a move on her or to escalate things
>But am a virgin, and don't understand women
>Aware that she is dating a beta and there are too many feminists on campus
>Decide that it's too risky
>Sit awkwardly together on her bed for another 2 hours, waiting for erection to go away
I am retarded.
>Junior year
>Felt okay enough with myself to go to a house party
>Drinking and smoking, did a little of each
>Girl at the party, 6/10, ended up blacking out in the bathroom upstairs
>Only people who were upstairs we're also blacked out.
>Anybody worse than me would have had the chance
Kind of regret not doing anything, but I would have regretted doing something more.