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Thomas Richardson
Jack Stewart
Would it be worth it to buy and start reading SS even though I don't have the equipment yet? I'm currently saving up right now and I am nowhere near a good gym.
Ethan Baker
Whats my %bf please?
Andrew Reyes
a good one
are whole grains worthwhile while trying to bulk?
Colton Sullivan
>Squat rack, home gym
Are body weight rows a good precursor to pullups? Currently cant install a pullup bar.
Jackson Bailey
the normal thing is to dumbbell OHP less than you barbell OHP right?
Jaxson Torres
Jonathan Butler
i'm pretty overweight, but i'm going to start walking so I can pretend I have some semblance of cardio
problem is the only tennis shoes I have right now are on their way out
I realize I'd probably do fine replacing them with whatever, but if I wanted to get a good value on dedicated Jow Forums shoes is there anything recommended by the masses?
Zachary Cooper
>buying books
Hilarity aside, yes, of course it's worth it.
Liam Wilson
I've been dieting for just over a week now and I am extremely happy. Food is cheaper and I have way more energy. Only issue is gas buildup that never seems to go away unless I eat. I always enjoy the respite from my two meals a day, but with all the eggs and chicken the gas gets bad enough to interfere with sleep. Even if this is a totally normal thing that doesn't go away that's fine. I just want to know if you guys have any similar problems?
Jacob Campbell
yes, bodyweight rows are good if you cant manage a proper pull-up yet
yes. that's completely normal
Jose Perry
Is sleeping naked better than sleeping with underwear?
Luke Morgan
No. You constantly have to move your legs to adjust your balls and dick correctly so they don't get under your legs or between them. It's annoying.
Jason Martinez
Whole grains are high in zinc, right? Does that mean that a person could reasonably expect to cure their zinc deficiency if they switched all of the processed grains in their diet to whole grains?
Oliver Davis
Give me an example of a routine where you hit every muscle group 3 times a week?
Logan Hughes
Idk about 3 times a week, but this one I really like
Xavier Walker
It's heaven but you got to get used to it.
Carson Barnes
This is my current but everyone says i need to hit my muscles three times a week and this one only gets twice
Bentley Nelson
Is "BRAP" the act of the sniff or the sound of the fart?
Isaiah Parker
Yeah, I'm assuming you're a beginner yeah?
A program like Ivysaur is good because you're maximizing the noob gains by hitting multiple muscle groups everyday using compound lifts
Ayden Rogers
Surely drinking Monster is a just a meme? I see threads posted so often I don't know if it's ironic shitposting or not
Alexander Richardson
it's a meme, dont do it user
Liam Rivera
Then how could this meme last for so long? Majority of the forced meme bullshit lasts around a month or so but just about every day I see SIPS GENERAL
Juan Murphy
getting a sharp sort of feeling but not really painful in my serratus doing OHP, should I decrease the weight, or power through it?
Zachary Fisher
no i'm not a beginner
Jacob Rogers
I don't know user, I can guarantee it's a load of bollocks though
Alexander Morris
Does it matter whether I use a curl bar for OHP or a standard barbell?
Adrian Cruz
Is Reg Park's 5x5 a good beginner routine?
Juan Peterson
No but most curl bars dont go past 100-120lbs so you'll need to swap to a barbell eventually. Also nobody asked but its OK to use the squat rack to OHP
Easton Williams
yes. check volafile dot org Jow Forumsfit for it. also pick up practical programming.
anything is good iifym and cico. don't fall for "clean" it's a meme
three good options for calisthenics:
1) convict conditioning. ignore his routines, just do all 6 exercises each session, 3-4x/week, at whatever progression you can manage
2) rcaf 5bx. follow the instructions, do daily.
3) us army calisthenics and running. fm 7-22, follow the basic training schedule outline.
use an athletic-oriented program. do the fucking cleans. if it's a real athletic-oriented program, it WILL have olympic lifts or variants in it. fucking do them. snatches are magic for boxers. don't waste time on isolation movements and don't worry about your fucking arms or calves or individual body parts like a faggot bodybuilder, compound lifts only, in/out and spend most of your training time on fighting skills.
a program like lyle mcdonald's generic bulking routine. it's a 4x/week upper/lower split.
three choices.
1) just fucking man up and lift and diet and do some cardio and make the most of what you are
2) take some responsibility for what you REALLY want to do and just fucking /fraud/ already
3) be a pussy and doctor-shop until you get your precious legal script
get some inexpensive walkers from walmart or similar. dr scholl's brand etc. that'll be fine for walking or jogging.
for lifting, get a pair of chuck taylor's or a cheap knockoff. any canvas lace-up oxford with flat minimalist rubber soles, boating shoes, skater sneaks, etc., all will do.
starting strength. or literally any 3x/week canned full-body plan including bfs or any olympic weightlifting or powerlifting routine.
barbell for ohp. curl bar is for faggot bends aka curls. also ok for french press and skullcrushers.
Brandon Murphy
Can anyone tell me how long would it take me to go from skinnyfat to fit?
5'3''(lol) 138.89lbs
Going monday-friday to the gym with a personal trainer for around 2 to 3 hours each day
3 days i do muscle excersices while 2 i do strickly cardio.
Also she gave me a diet wich i'm following strickly, stopped drinking alcohol and soda and eating fried stuff.
its been about a month, and i know i wont see results for a while but i want someone to take a guess taking in account my height and weight.
Camden Bailey
What's a good upper-body bodyweight routine to train with a broken ankle? I want to minimize how much I atrophy while I heal.
Xavier Gomez
if she knows what she's doing with the diet then you should be seeing at least a pound a week and up to 2lbs a week of fat loss on the scale. 5x/week total with 3x strength and 2x cardio is a good basic layout. hopefully your strength training is mostly compound movements (squat or leg press, chest press, etc) and works the full body each time. you should be seeing significant performance improvement in terms of power output or duration on your cardio by now and should be stronger in terms of the weight you can use for your lifts.
if all that is happening so far with this trainer, then keep working with her. make at least a 3-month commitment if it's going as i described, then re-evaluate.
if it's not going as i described, have a talk with her about expectations. you and her should be tracking and measuring progress and reviewing it every couple of weeks or every month.
any good upper/lower split will do. just do the upper. lyle mcdonald's generic bulking routine. use machine isolation to train the legs with stuff that you can do, and train the healthy leg at the very least. get your protein, take calcium supplementation, do no try to lose weight as a calorie deficit is a healing deficit.
Elijah Allen
Anyone here has gone through Gyno surgery? If so, can you post before/after pics? How long did it take for your doctor to allow you to work out again?
I'm thinking on getting it, I just don't know whether I should lose more weight or not before I do.
Eli Lopez
Thanks, user.
You pretty much described my weekly routine,and just like you said over this first moth i've seen a huge improvement in both strenght and perfomance.
Angel Ortiz
What can I honestly expect to gain from working chest every day? I know it’s not reccomended, but will I at least gain enough muscle there to get rid of mantits?
I’ve been lifting for 8 months now, and while there’s definitely been overall progress, I’m tired of waiting for chest results.
So to reiterate, what can I expect to happen by working chest every single day?
Adrian Thomas
I don't have any pictures since I'm on my phone but I went roughly from where you are (5'5" 150lbs) to not hating myself in about 4 months of 3 days a week lifting (5x5 strength) with a 2 days of light jogging (30 minutes) - I also walked my dog every day for an hour. My diet wasn't anything special, mostly CICO focused on protein -> fats -> carbs with plenty of vegetables. Not Jow Forums by any means but chub has gone and I look a lot tighter in general, not Jow Forums by any means though.
Luis Murphy
the more i lift, the more i wish i was a qt grill. how do i stop being a faggot?
Luke Morris
What's some good, cheap vegetables I can easily add into my diet? Preferably ones that can be frozen and don't taste like shit. Right now I'm pretty much just eating spinach, cauliflower and broccoli with asparagus occasionally.
Wyatt Brown
You can expect losses not gains. pic related. lmk if you are actually retarded and don't understand it.
Elijah Bell
ok then you've got a good trainer. worth committing to for a few months and then re-evaluate.
in terms of total time, no one knows. a lot depends on you (genetics, how hard you work, etc) and what you think "making it" or Jow Forums implies. i will say that your little belly pooch is probably at least 10lbs of fat right there, and usually it'll be 3 months to have visually noticeable muscle mass gain (and a lot depends on your own level of body dysmorphia which is why progress discussions are important).
Alexander Baker
I'm considering getting a bike for my own good. My city is quite flat and the uni-home path is 4km long. I'm 1,78 104kg and my main concern is sweating like a goddamn retard even for fatty standards. Any workaounds for that?
Plus any purchasing bikeguides are appreciated.
Andrew Lee
I appreciate the advice but I need a bodyweight routine. I can't do a general free-weight routine because that requires moving weights around and I can't safely carry weights with just the one leg. I also don't really have anyone who can help me move the weights around.
Isaiah Barnes
Jason Russell
Awesome,thanks for your input.
When i say Jow Forums i mean actually looking like i'm excersicing 5 days a week,you know, getting rid of my belly and double chin and showing some muscle.
I'ts not making it, i have a long way to get to that, but it will keep me motivated seeing my body change for the better.
I'm a little less anxious about all this thanks to you.
Jace Anderson
Assuming you stick at it, I would say you could easily get there in 5 months.
Thomas Wright
I currently go to the gym every other day for a couple hours a day, I typically work full body every day, so all the big lifts like bench and deadlifts etc. As well as accessory lifts every day.
Would it be more efficient to split a day to center around a single main lift? Thanks
Jaxon Baker
a couple of hours might be pushing it and hindering your recovery
are your lifts improving?
squats and bench might be ok to do each day, but you're going to struggle doing deadlifts so often. You also may not want to do bench and OHP on the same day if you're going heavy, just to avoid fatiguing your shoulders too much.
Levi Barnes
They're improving at a decent rate I think, how quickly should I be pushing up my weight at a 8 rep 4 set config?
So it would make more sense to do bench and squat on one day and deadlifts and ohp on another?
Elijah Peterson
How fast is too fast to lose weight while in a minicut?
Im 5'8" 170lb male and Im doing a minicut in the middle of my leanbulk.
In 11 days I lost 2.1kg (4.6lbs). That makes 0.138kg/day, and my target was 0.064kg/day (which is about one pound a week, since my deficit is 500kcal)
Im pretty aware that we first lose some water due the glycogen depletion and shit, but Im afraid it is taking too long. Even if I disconsider the first tree days I still get a pretty accentuated curve, waaaay more than it should, and Im afraid I could start losing muscle due to that.
Pic related is my weight during this time.
Im cutting at 1595kcal.
Opinions, Jow Forums ?
Jeremiah Martin
Depends on if you are a novice/intermediate/advanced lifter etc. I'm assuming you still can't 1/2/3/4 so should be doing full body 2-3x a week.
Wyatt Nguyen
Don't worry about it until you see a pattern over several weeks that is coupled with strength loss. 5 lbs is a big shit and skipping breakfast. I can change my weight by 10lbs in a day relatively easily. I've cut 20lbs in 24 hours before. Water weight is lying to you. Use the mirror not the scale and don't look for trends in anything under a 4 week period.
Julian Collins
bump. genuine query here, not trolling.
Brandon Jones
no, you don't "need a bodyweight routine." use the fucking MACHINES at the gym for movements. instead of barbell bench press, chest press machine. etc. or lyle mcdonald's basic machine workout with only the uppers and what you can do with the good leg.
seriously "body weight" you gonna do pushups in the four-point rest holding weight on your broken ankle/cast, or are you gonna do them holding your broke leg up in the air and balancing on the one good foot? yeah you can do dips and pullups and stuff and single-leg stuff if you're homegym and don't have access to a regular gym with machines.
scroll up itt for bodyweight routine suggestions.
buy canned on sale or frozen in bulk. corn, green beans, etc. they do a big bag of mixed veggies in the frozen section. if you don't know what you like, buy some random bags of cheap stuff to try.
Jordan Moore
I can't stand corn, I wish I enjoyed it. I'll look into frozen green beans, thanks bud.
Elijah Anderson
I've been taking these for a year now. Took them for two months, then resting for one.
However, I had to give them up for around 4 months because of meds.
But when I tried to take them again, it made my whole body feel like shit throughout the day.
Is it because of the yohimbine? The caffeine? Did I develop some kind of allergy towards it...?
Samuel Young
Julian Wilson
Anyone know a good program for maintaining lifts in a cut?
Austin Jackson
The same thing you are doing already, unless you are advanced (you aren't).
James Torres
I do SS when I cut hard cuz it's all you need
T. 1100 total
Joshua Lewis
Like pre, you need to work back up to your dose when you take shit like this
Camden Ross
What does 1/2/3/4 mean? I always see numbers like this in a similar sequence on fit
Christopher Morris
Take an AI and stop masturbating to porn.
Your heightened hormones have amplified fetishes.
You may have to take a week or 2 off rubbin the ole chub.
Camden Cruz
I can cut 10 lbs in a week and not have any strength loss.
Kayden Sanders
If I'm fit and well endowed, would a shirtless pic of me in a bathing suit with a bulge be beneficial on Tinder?
Wyatt Martinez
If you train chest disproportionately to the rest of your body, you'll exacerbate your problem later.
Train full body every day and see what happens. Then you'll know what you would be doing to your chest
Joseph Jones
Any tips on the right way to rub one out? I use the twist and jerk method but then my tip gets sore. I'm in dire straits- someone please reccomend me a J/O program.
Mason Foster
Anons who post here claim its 2 weeks out the gym
Plates on OHP/Bench/skwat/deads
Cooper Morris
The only way to know is to ask a stranger that's not on Jow Forums
Studies have found that an unbiased 3rd party is always more likely to pick more appealing pictures of you
Jason Thomas
Thanks mate
Cooper Morgan
Yes, but don't make it obvious. Find some excuse to go to the beach / lake / pool with some friends and take a picture with one other guy, preferably smaller than you. Flex a little bit, but again, you need to look relaxed. If you're actually in shape you shouldn't need to flex very hard to look big.
Lincoln Price
Trolling acknowledged and laughed off
If you're working out, it doesn't matter.
Get the cheapest speed bike you can
David Lopez
I have high connecting outer quads like pic related the insert being 2.5 inches above the top of my knee. Should I just smoke myself and restart with new genetics?
Joshua Ramirez
That's literally the only muscle women care about
Hudson Sanders
I'll start with half the dose then.
Thanks brother!
Isaac Morgan
So Jow Forums I'm in a bit of a pickle. This chick that I've known for a while is on my dick again and clearly wants to fuck but I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend. Should I just fuck her, it's been a long ass time since I've gotten some puss. But I kinda feel bad about it. Thoughts?
Logan Mitchell
Which one of these should I buy for my home gym? I'm not a richfag but I may have up to €50-€200 spare at the end of the month to start slowly building up my collection over the coming years.
Jacob Torres
Oly clip ones. If you plan on having a home gym you can just use the smaller plates from bench for your dumbbells.
Aiden Martinez
I know, all I want is to pull off ranger panties.
Josiah Long
Don't do it user. Have some fucking morals and go find some other poontang. She's clearly a trainwreck if she's trying to actively cheat with you. Don't get involved with her whirlwind of shit because it'll come back to haunt you. Not worth it bud.
Benjamin Moore
I didn't go the gym for like a month, went 3 days ago just chest...
What's a good program where I don't have to deadlift and focuses mostly on upper body.
Carter Bailey
I've been intermittent fasting, just had 4 waffles and a protein shake like 5 hours ago after a 20hr fast. Should I continue?
165lbs 164cm
Jackson Rivera
starting strength
Gavin Morris
I've been drinking all night and I've had some coke so I can't sleep. Is doing a 4k run a good idea?
Isaiah Richardson
Wyatt Hill
do your fucking deadlifts
Benjamin James
man she's really pretty
i should talk to girls more
Nathan Ramirez
under 15,. above 10, probably 13%
probably not, "processed" vs "Whole" is kind of a meme, they actually have similar levels of nutrients, but more importantly grains contain "anti-nutrients" like phytic acid, which binds to minerals like zinc during digestion, limiting their absorption. I reccomend getting zinc from non grains, a good one is Hemp Seeds, they have a fuck load of zinc and dont contain Phytic acid.
sound of farting
losing more than 1% total lbs is bad, so try limiting it to 1.5lbs a week at max
sure, food is food right, if its total calories youre looking for you could drink olive oil if you wanted to
ease into it, add one more chest day, and start periodizing, do more volume(intensity, reps, eccentrics etc)
perhaps you have some body dysmorphia and should talk to someone about it? or maybe its just you wanting the attention that a cute girl would receive, youll get that attention, as long as you lift.
Dominic Baker
Do stronglifts, replace deadlift with whatever pulling movement you want
Grayson Collins
Do I need to add isolations to stronglifts? And is the progress of +2.5 kg per session too much for rows and OHP?
Also I've noticed that when I bench, I'm lowering more on one side than the other, I think its an elbow thing. Does anyone have any advice on what to concentrate on elbow wise for the bench?
Cooper Hernandez
isolation and accessories are good, thew longer you lift the more accesories youll need to add, compound lifts are great, but there are certain muscles that just dont get the same level of activation unless you isolate them, (curls, rear delts, neck, traps etc)
that progress will come to and end soon, adding 5 pounds to ohp will get you to around 80 pounds and then youll stall
try benching with dumbbells, itll work out any small imbalances
Austin Myers
Is there anything more alpha than 3x3 deads?
Cooper Nelson
So my next door neighbor is a middle aged Asian lady. We first met shortly after I moved into my townhouse. She said she was quick to welcome me because I’m surprisingly the only one around that’s close to her age, even though we have a 21 year age gap. I’m 23 and she’s 44.
After a few months of casually hanging out, usually at one of our homes we started drinking some alcohol. She’s sort of a lightweight. I decided to take advantage of the situation when she started getting ditzy and feel her up and kiss her.
She didn’t try to stop until I took out my cock and had her feel it. She just laughed and kept saying No. No. Too young, in her broken English. She took a few more shots and I got braver and started stripping her a bit. I popped her tits out and sucked and ate her pussy after I removed her panties. She fell asleep after she came.
This happened about two weeks ago. Ever since, we still hang out and she texts me normally, but she never brought up that night. Should I bring it up on another occasion or test the waters and see if she’s actually into me? What I do? Tried making a thread on Jow Forums but they have no experience with women and I get that non ascii whatever crap.
Easton Rogers
shes still talking to you? she remembers, and even if somehow she doesnt, you ate her fuggin pussy, go eat it again, come on son. go deep inside already whats the matter with u
Carter Barnes
Why would you bring that up?
"So,about that liked me eating your pussy?"
Just drink something with her again and see how the situation evolves?
Juan Butler
can I grow my chest doing pushups with plates on my back?
Cameron Scott
i guess so, never heard of that, but why not?
try dips too
Ryder Ortiz
thanks, my shoulders are pretty injury prone so I don't have many pressing exercises to choose from that don't cause irritation
Juan Edwards
can you still make progress on compounds while cutting?
Andrew Rogers
Can I still do close grip bench, goblin squats and standing tricep extension with Olympic clip dumbbells?