Zyzz Appreciation Thread



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>roid monkey
>overrated physique desu
>died when he was 22 but looked 32
>died overdosing like the piece of shit he is

Back to misc with your gay reps, faggot

Zyzzfags are probably the cringiest faggots on Earth. Instead of being inspired to be the best version of themselves they can be, they choose to be cheap knockoffs.

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Never gonna make it


Actually cringed at the vid and the comments trying to hype it up as le epic trollz le classic zjizz

"I already have a head" is a 1/10 level of banter after being an insecure spazz "how big am I compared to other guys". Legit cringe

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u mad?

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>there are people on this board who still worship a faggot who roided himself to death

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u mad mirin merlin

Post your body.

Does anyone have those screenshots of him roasting thirsty chicks on FB?

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>writing a wall of text at a thot to show how much you don't care
>le alpha

Zjizz was total fucking cringe jfc. Literally 13 year old level mindset

Post your body.

Tell us how non-cringy you were at 18 mate.

and u think your alpha looking tough in public not speaking to a single soul because you think it makes you look more alpha lmao bro get a life

The entire convo itself is totally unremarkable. What makes it cringe is him thinking it's epic trollz and The comments agreeing

Why can't Zyzzfags take criticism?

>projecting this hard to try and cope your way into thinking zjizz wasn't a massive insecure beta

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>posts a screenshot of him hating on a thot
>many other screenshots of the same thing

An alpha wouldn't waste time writing a wall of text to someone he doesn't care about, idiot

He is the most overrated "celebrity" of all time

Is this your first day on 4chins m8?

>calling someone genetic trash and being unworthy of them is not putting them down

Can zjizzers possibly cope more? Just admit your idol is a druggie insecure beta fraud

You must be an amerimutt to be this assblasted by a bit of piss taking.

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>being this jelly of someone because they have bigger muskles than you


How does one get oblique striations like that (besides tren)

>An alpha wouldn't waste time writing a wall of text to someone he doesn't care about
>proceeds to do exactly that repeatedly

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We're all going to fuarking make it brao.

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Same fagging this hard

Hehe loooool

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Yep. Once I researched him the mystique fell apart. Rip tho.

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he liked men more.

>no mention of test, tren, deca, clen, t3 or DNP