Tfw no qt contrapoints gf

>tfw no qt contrapoints gf

Why even live?

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I wish more SJWs were like her.


25x more likely to commit suicide?
Yeah I wish they were more like her too

People who have depression are much more likely to commit suicide as well.
I guess that means you should dismiss people like Jordan Peterson...

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>tfw no qt new left youtuber gf

Why keep on living?

I do, Peterson is a civnat pseudointellectual

You probably don't even know what a chromosome is or how it functions nor the difference between biological sex and gender identity.

But hey, whatever to fit in with your Jow Forums buddies ;)

>I wish more SJWs were like her.

What? Retarded? They all already are.

I do want me some Tabby catgirl manpussy

Well, they're in luck, cuz contra doesn't know either

Contrapoints unironically believes in feminine penises, just putting that out there

>difference between biological sex and gender identity

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Why? She doesn't even pass.

>the only person destiny has agreed with and had an amicable conversation with is some degenerate tranny


>he doesn't believe in feminine penises

That's the strangely hot thing about her. Normally I like my trannies to be very feminine but she doesn't look totally feminie which I find oddly appealing in her case.

She passes in my heart

She looks like a masculine cis woman if that makes sense

This guy is a total waste of oxygen.

This makes no sense at all. He looks like a guy who's taken a lot of estrogen and wears a lot of make-up and costumes.

Which is what a masculine cis woman looks like

God I wish it did porn


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Times have changed grandpa
You're like those old guys that said being gay was a choice, you're way of thinking is outdated

if being gay isn't a choice then how has natural selection not eliminated homos yet?

Same reason stupidity hasn't been eliminated by natural selection
Some shit just naturally happens regardless

Sex isn't complicated. Stupid people can easily sire children. Homosexual men(presumably) cannot bear to have sex with women, however.

If you are implying that there has been homosexual men in the past and they simply decided to marry women in order to fit in, then doesn;t that imply that gay rights will eventually lead to the extinction of homosexuals. (assuming gay dads don't use artificial wombs)

Homosexuality are natures way of trying to compensate for overpopulation, the reason there are so many homos now compared to the past is because there are so many more humans cause more gay men to be born

No, because I don't believe every human is entirely straight, everyone has homosexual leanings
With this two parents could easily create more gay kids even if every gay human never had children themselves

Is Contra even gay? iirc, he/she/it still bangs women even as a tranny.

so being gay is a choice then

No, I dont see how you got that from my post
It is a natural occurrence in sexual orientation, not a choice

contra is bisexual.

>every human is not entirely straight
>everyone has homosexuals leanings

"leanings" sort of implies a conscious choice to avoid 100% homoness

What you're saying is that people occasionally have a mutation that produces ultra gay kids who will never sire children then? Why is this mutation so prevalent all of a sudden?

I'd fuck her in the ass while jordan Bee Peterson uses his big toe yank off Sam Harris's retarded ape ears.

Contra said in a video "I'm not attracted to dudes...yet."
Although that was a while ago so I don't know if thats changed

>Why is this mutation so prevalent all of a sudden?


Contral is AGP, in denial, incarnate

We're not anywhere near overpopulated, lel, At least white people aren't

Its not really sudden, people have always been gay (See ancient Greece)
Its just that with religious persecution of gays and other threats against them, it wasn't until very recently that people could safely be openly gay

>while jordan Bee Peterson uses his big toe yank off Sam Harris's retarded ape ears
Is this really necessary?

She's a hon, I like how she presents the material/topics in her video but I don't think Contra will ever pass for a real woman.
Use one pronoun, ya dingus. If you don't think Contra is trans, address Contra as a he. If you think Contra is actually trans, address Contra as a she.

XY -> HE There I made it easy.

Contra is a typical leftist retard who thinks anyone opposed to massive demographic shift is secretly a fascist who needs to be deplatformed and excised from society, fuck her
and yeah I'll use her stupid fucking pronouns

How about i call tzim whatever the fuck i feel like?

Look at his gay ass ape ears. Why do people take this guy seriously


But no one cares because he's got a pair of big ass dumbodongles protruding from his head.

Like a fag.

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>tfw no nazi uniform qt contrapoints gf

Why keep breathing?

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One day i'll commision Shadman to draw these two.

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>tfw don't have my own helicopter
>why even live?

It's funny because they secretly want to bang

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He is a bit of a smug dick tbqh.

I find it funny how after Contra made a video on him Hbomberguy made a video shitting on Golden One

I think someones a bit jelly

Whatever, calling a trans person by their biological pronouns isn't violence anyway.
That's why I said that I like how she presents her topics, not the topics themselves.
But I don't understand why you'd use a fictional Tumblr Genderspecial neopronoun to describe a Transsexual, but okay.

Contra is now the official r9k mascot

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Honestly that would be the best for the white race if those two banged

and filmed it.

I heard Contra dropped out of uni to escape rape charges and has a history of being sexually aggressive online.

Why do trannies keep having this backstory?

Where'd you hear that? Also sauce?

Check the drama site named after either a fruit or a small bird.

Why FtMs so much better MtFs?

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She dropped out of her PhD because she didn't want to do it anymore and because she didn't like academia. made a video about it

Never heard of rape charges. Sounds like some nonsense far-right people would make up.

Because they actually pass and have dysphoria, instead of just acting on fetishes


fuck dude you just made me grab the coconut oil.

please be true.

She's not cute tho
How low is Jow Forums's standards?
Why do lefty/pol/ shills keep getting on here to shill hormones and tranny shit?

Yes, there are no benefits to becoming a man it's a lot harder of a life than being a woman so the people who do transition are not doing it for the social benefits

Theres no evidence for the claims, its just more Jow Forums nonsense

Our standards are rock bottem dude, many of us are so unwanted we'd even go against of sexuality just to find someone to cuddle with.

Why can't you commies fight for your people and nationalism while still being commies?
That's what Stalin did.

Hmm, he looked incel-ish.

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He use to be pretty darn handsome, really fucking shame there

I know you secretly like it. It's ok user, you like traps, we won't tell.

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nature just naturally knows to make more faggots and then like some sort of God, influences births to make more faggots
sure thing

Wasn't too bad at all,.

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He was chad as fuck. Pretty sure he's near 6ft too. All contra had to do was lift and he'd easily get a qt gf.

I think Contra said in a video that they're 6'2 actually

>he'd easily get a qt gf
you really think she had or has a problem getting a gf?? Or even if that is the issue at hand? you serious nigga?

>from qt to non-passing tranner

What a waste.
This is why I keep repressing :( Wish I had money for ffs

As a former Kiwifruit fanatic, don't take anything they say as true, they're just conspiracyfag dramacows with absolutely zero sense of self-awareness, they look at the absolute worst take of any statement and literally cannot at all detect irony or sarcasm. If you were targeted by Kiwifruit and said on twitter once "Man it's fun killing Nazis" with a screenshot of Wolfenstein 3D, they would use that as evidence that you're a vigilante that kills right-wing activists in real life.

I know Kiwifruit can be addictive as fuck (I had a very active account there) but once you step back and look at it, you can tell they're basically insane and there is only the tiniest grains of truth in whatever nonsense they come up with.

They're also all obnoxious as fuck right-wingers who hide behind the retard "Radical centrist" label. Nothing more obnoxious in the world people who hide their political beliefs because they're drowning in that "Having beliefs and ideals is for faggots" teenage mentality.

i'll watch its videos sometimes to try and understand the arguments of my opponents
holy fuck it's just a bunch of non-arguments
"uuuuuh mean words uuuuuh marginalized people uuuuh fucking racists" with stupid costumes and a stupid format.

retarded and gay and I hope it dies in agony, which is highly likely.


Minute 43:01 of this video:

This. The only tranny sjw I find intelligent.

foxdickers aren't fucking right-wingers, only that faggot null is right wing, and he's insane. the userbase is leftist as fuck, go check brianna wu's thread and see all the libs kvetching over how >he's not a true progressive

What a fucking waste. How did he develop the pseudo-girly voice then? Is that literally just forced?

I watched two Contrapoints videos, one was about "Identifying Fascists" - essentially it was just a how-to guide to call people you disagree with fascist. The next was about "systemic racism" and how blacks have been disadvantaged and that's why they are corrupt, anti-social and a complete failure as a culture. She ended that video by dipping her blood-soaked hand into a bowl of cotton balls, how inciteful

And this is what youtube is promoting to anyone who watches political vids. Goddamnit it's easy to be a leftist commentator

she keeps getting hotter t b h

A combination of practising to make it more feminine and the hormones

How the fuck did Jow Forums turn so left? All this pseudo intellectual communist propaganda from left youtubers talking about how capitalism is evil, there are infinity genders, and how a failed philosomeme degree alcoholic tranny that is on antidepressants is the "symbol of leftist intellectualism". Why not mention the failures of socialism like in British Leyland? The success of privatization like the transfer of TWA to private companies? Or how no, there is not infinity genders and no proof that "transqueer wolfkins" actually exist no matter how many life debilitating surgeries or pills you take? The fucking left is dying and gonna die in their SJW bullshit

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. TERFs and non-binary shenanigans are already fracturing shit in the left m8

Maybe if you actually took the time to understand what they are actually saying you would be here strawmanning them and looking like a complete fool?

By reading your post it's obvious you probably haven't even watched a single video of the youtubers you are talking about,

The left is doing a lot better than the right
The whole alt right and a retard like Spencer being the face of the right kind of tarnished the whole thing

*you wouldn't be here

Sometimes I do like cute traps and I am ashamed of it, but the keyword is cute.
He not cute.
He would be an ugly ass man, let alone woman or trap.

You have retards like Shawn, Contra, and Hbomerguy maintaining your politic and you have the gall to insult Dicky? C'mon man, they're all fucking jokes

>contra publishes "Why Capitalism is Evil" railing against the free market system
>Contra mentions several times being on antidepressants, drugs, drinks during videos, and talks about her alcoholism
>falls into the web of leftist youtubers like hbomberguy, Shaun, three arrows, and badmouseproductions that bombard my recommendations the second you even look at one of their videos
Yeah I am just a retard who doesn't know about contrapoints and her views

r9k is left. Face it or go back to Jow Forums where you and your brainlet friends belong

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Centrally planned economies have a fundamental flaw in that they cannot accurately ascertain demand ahead of time, leading to fluctuating supply, shortages and surpluses. This was the case throughout the Soviet Union's history, it's why Stalin chose to kill off millions of his own people, it's why Vietnam has never been stable politically since it left French rule, it's the fundamental flaw of socialist principles.

Capitalist market-based economic structures have self-correcting "invisible hand" machinations that ensure at the very least that supply is there for demand. Obviously capitalism has a problem with the nature of perpetually increasing the size of the economy, as well as with crony capitalism, but it's a far more secure economic foundation to build society upon than socialism. The people who advocate for socialism in my experience tend to do so for humanitarian reasons rather than practical ones

Not as much of a joke as the guy who shouted "Heil Trump" and did the nazi salute over and over

State of that nose, and chin or what I guess is supposed to be a chin