How you holding up Jow Forums?

How you holding up Jow Forums?

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I'm not sure why I'm still living day to day

It doesn't hurt, it just feels hollow

But on the plus side, about to hit 2 PL DL as a DYEL so nice

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Idk if it'll help you. But cardio helped my depression a lot more than weights did. Add in some cardio days and see if it does anything.

>lifting will help cure your sadness
Only if you do cardio too. Sometimes I wish a drunk driver would hit me so I could die ready.

Moving to another state if i get this job
My oneitis for the last 7 years is finally acting like she wants me and she can barely handle me leaving. And i feel like I'm abandoning friends that need me.
But i have to go. And the money is good. It's just like... Why now?

Been fasting for 60 hours so far. Thought it'd be harder than this. Feeling kinda good

>leaving dorm to go to gym
>elevator door opens
>dude is in there with his parents
>get in
>his Dad says "hello"
>have ear buds in so not sure if he said it or if it's part of the song
>say "hello" back
>nobody responds
>his Mom looks confused and it's dead silent
>start wondering if he ever said "hello" at all
>maybe I just thought he said it
>start questioning my sanity
>can feel them staring at me
>elevator opens on bottom floor and I literally run to the front doors and sprint to the gym
I can't describe how uncomfortable that felt. I'm 99% sure he said hello but it's really fucking weird, like those guys didn't know me, who the fuck stays silent after saying hello to someone they don't know. What the hell is wrong with boomers.

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She cut me off
We hadn't been talking the past few days, we usually have consistent talks. Nothing happened, nothing was out of the ordinary
Few nights ago she sent me a text saying: "The rate at which I get tired of people is unhealthy"
I responded saying what people and got no response
Did any of it mean anything? She made me feel so good, and was beneficial to me, but was it all just bullshit?
Fuck, thinking back on some of the times hurts, the conversations we had were good, actually had substance. I don't know where to go from here, I'm alone again

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24 in a month holy fuck how time flies it's unreal

Starting the SS routine on Monday wish me luck, first time ever lifting (read the book already, watched lots of vids on proper form and safety), been doing cardio and calisthenics the last two months and have dropped 20lbs, 5'11 at 195lbs currently, and am on track to have lost most of my body fat by the end of August (strict calorie counting) if I stick to it, which barring an injury I definitely will. The nice thing is that my diet isn't really a diet and just the food I eat normally which is healthy so it isn't a lifestyle change.

So, I'll be doing SS M/W/F, and HIIT T/TH, I am pretty dedicated and literally have nothing else going on in my life besides work so I need something that gets me out of my place.

Essentially the exercise makes me feel great for a bit until I realize my social interaction has diminished greatly this past two years and that sucks.

Business travel coming up
I travel every few months

I'm still fat
I have to meet some clients in two weeks. Flying out to NYC

Not sure where it all went wrong
I'm not an introvert

>haven't had a gf in 2 years
>diet has gone to shit so my lifts have stagnated
>work is stressing me the fuck out for the past 2 months
>shit just keeps fucking breaking
>going to hike to the top of a mountain on monday

I guess it could be worse but jesus these last 2 months have been hell.

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Looking for a new job.
Training progression has stalled.
Alone as ever.
Want to die.
My only enjoyment in life is the gym. I don’t even like playing video games any more.

Weight loss is going good and I've got some good stuff coming up in the Fall. Can't wait to quit my job soon. I could be making better social gains and doing more with my summer, but overall feel pretty good and I'm not drinking much anymore so that's good.

still hate myself for my fuck ups in the past being a detriment to people, but otherwise, not too bad.

I wanted to make fun of you, but I just can't because I have felt the awkward wrath of the boomer as well. You were in the right just by saying a basic "hello" people like that disturb me greatly.

Pretty good for the most part but I'm in a bit of a pickle. This girl is trying to fuck but I'm pretty sure she's got a boyfriend of some sort. Should I just fuck her? It's been a long ass time since I've gotten puss

That's actually a hilarious story
Call up a friend and share it with them

Right? It was the complete silence after I replied that got me too, like if he had a question or something that'd be normal, but it was just a fucking "hello" and then dead silence. I feel like a lot of fathers come to college campuses to relive their glory days a lot. Like they will come to pick their kid up and then keep talking about what a time they had in college. This guy gave off that vibe really hard, I think he expected some sort of "sup bro" kind of reply and maybe my very unenthusiastic and confused "hello" took him off guard. The boomers just keep coming here too, yesterday I saw this wrinkly old dude run into a game of volleyball with a bunch of 20-25 year olds. It's really sad and I'm sick of it. College isn't that great, like there isn't anything to see here gramps, just a bunch of confused 18-22 year olds who have no idea what the fuck they're doing. It's not like it's some sort of secret fun resort that you age out of.

Bad. Just fucking bad.
I turn 30 tomorrow and I have nobody in my life that is going to celebrate with me. On top of that, I've been cockblocked on the housing market for the past three months with constant prices raising and bidding wars. I've gone above asking price with no closing four houses and still lost the homes to other people. I ended up meeting one of the people that beat me too and it fucking sucked. A family of six vs just me for the same place, with my realtor telling me if it's just me, I don't really need a large place anyways.
Just fucking thanks, Roger. Fuck Iowa. And fuck whatever is wrong with me for my inability to have friends and family.

I'm poor and tfwnogf but I have a really comfy minimum wage job and absolutely love my life. Friend got married today, going to church tomorrow. Life is good, brehs.

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I have a supportive family who would help with me anything, more money than I know what to do with, and yet I feel like I want to kill myself most days because iv fucked over my friends/personal relationships. In fact iv had no personal relationships, none of them got off the ground and im 24 already.

I dont know why I didnt try harder through school/uni to socialize. Something about my personality doesn't click with people, moreso than the average person. I literally have no one outside of family who would tolerate me.

Iv also started work in a job that is completely unsatisfying and unenjoyable. I lose 5 days of my life a week, I basically just wake up on a Saturday, rest, have Sunday doing chores, then wake up on the next Saturday wondering where the last week went and what happened during it.

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I'm down 15 lbs from a month ago. Plus I threw on 10 more lbs on my bench today. Breddy gud.

Things are looking good

Pretty sucky.

>Week before last I was doing squats and fucked by groin and back up.
>My form must have been off as I didn't use more weight than normal.
>So I took all week off last week and I'm hoping to start again this week.
>My crock pot broke so a lot of good meals are gone
>Air unit died yesterday and couldnt' sleep in 80+ temps (hopefully just the breaker though)
>On top of that, it's rained here almost every day for the past month
>Lawn is high, can't get out cause the rain
>All my friends have gfs
>I have no one
>Work has been extra hectic lately
>Can't even take a day off
>I'm so ready to give up

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Even if they didn't say hello and you just said hello they would be the autistic ones for looking at you.

Still lonely as fuck.

Bro if you could send me like 5k that would be cool

>extremely qt colleague in different department
>every time this happens I get infatuated and start dreaming of life together
>spent time imagining her in a wedding dress
>saw her arranging her hair and lost myself imagining her casually tying up her hair in the morning living together
>pretending to have no interest whatsoever is my go-to coping strategy when this happens, to appear as normal as possible so I don't lose the job
>every social interaction these days kind of just boils down to loading up the right things and facial expressions so people think I'm normal and smile and talk at me

I read an article about things you can do to boost your immunity. One of them was frequently having sex and another was loving yourself and having good self-esteem.

On the plus side I am getting better at lifting heavy things up and down, and dumbbell incline bench also really helps with my sore shoulder for some reason.

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two things man.

moms sick and i feel fucking useless because im stationed so far away from my family. im feeling so much sadness i just want to cry but it just wont come out. im putting in the dates i have saved to go right away in june. ive been feeling on edge every day at work, i really have to go back home.

then this stupid shit:

last september to february i hooked up with this girl, a friend of my bros gf at the same time when this shit happened too. she dated one of my brothers friends too, and i knew nothing about that i had no idea. i became a catalyst of a shitstorm of her drama that i never asked be a part of.

as im looking back now my intuition is telling me that she came at me because she probably heard this bad news through my bros gf. i enjoyed being with her either way, the sex and just being desired. i never had anything serious at all and it felt really nice.

she's fallen really hard, but i cant be bothered about her shit or anyone elses right now. im not with her and my focal point is to be with my family above everything. it's too overwhelming for me but im staying strong for our entire sake. its not a time to be ruminating i really really have to be back right now.

I survived a shitty upbringing
>domestic violence and divorce
>aggressor (turbocunt mother) wins in family court because pussy
>beaten and berated daily
>forced to live in squalor (conditions that should have landed my mother in jail had anyone actually cared). hoarder levels of literal trash complete with mice, cockroaches. no a/c, no heat, no hot water. house regularly flooded - mildew and mold everywhere
>medically neglected to the point where i have permanent damage
>raised obese from elementary school age
>dick butchered when i was an infant
>suicidal starting in 2nd grade
>father moved to another state, apparently had a successful life. never saw him more than twice a year. obviously didnt bother to try to remove me from hell. skipped my college graduation
it's been about ten years since i cut ties completely with everyone in my "family". i have a good career, i got Jow Forums and loose skin surgery. from most angles, life is objectively good, but i'm lonely and so bitter and angry and unable to form or sustain romantic relationships or even friendships really. i'm inching closer to checking out every day.

My gf and I both said "I love you" for the first time tonight. I have a lot of emotions going through me right now.

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you americans are so pathetic, as if 3 words change anything

I don't know how the rest of America reacts to it. I just know that due to past traumas, hearing it said genuinely to me gave me some feels.

>know that i am weird, as evidences by being a 26 year old friendless khv
>can also easily make people laugh, no idea if its at me or because of me but regardless
>problem is that i'm weird and have ADD, know that im probably mean/annoying
>get along decently well with coworkers, they sometimes invite me to outings but otherwise don't even think enough of me to ask my phone number
>if i ever try to intentionally un-ADD myself and remain quiet, i get asked if im sick or feeling okay and why im so serious instead of my usual joking self
>nothing i do will make me normal
>my normal self turns people away
>intentionally keep my life hidden from people, give short/ambiguous/joke/complete lie answers when people ask any details about my life, even something as simple as my birthday, because i dont want them to know any details about my autistic shut-in life or how old i am because of how humiliated i am
>people say "wow user that explains everything about you" when i tell them im an only child

my life is over, why cant i die.

have feelings for a girl
>16 (legal here)
>2.5 hours away
>gorgeous as fuck, looks 18
she makes me call her after work to talk (i finish late), im the only person she sends snaps too apart from her streaks with her friends, she has even started setting alarms so if i dont call her she can talk
but when we have things going on and im not talking, i feel sad and lonely
ive tried finding another more convenient girl but nothing compares to her
the thing that hurts is she makes me happy as fuck and gives me meaning when we talk, but i know it wont work out

I'm happy for you user, but just keep this in mind: save some of your love for other things. Don't make your girl feel like she's the only thing in your life, it will kill her attraction to you.

Dude all those red flags are just standard 16yo shit. Don't pander to her, if she's getting up your back tell her to stop it. She'll do the teenager thing and get upset but she'll be right

Thanks for the reminder bro. I'm not too worried about that, because of my career the current issue is more making sure she gets enough of my time, not that she doesn't take too much of it.

what red flags? i enjoy talking to her

>Don't pander to her, if she's getting up your back tell her to stop it.
what does that mean

Fucked up a job trial today, they said I was working to slow and that I was to jumpy. Doubt I'll get the job.
Plus side I've lost 10kg in the last month and a half.
Can we lift away past trauma guys?

>Get rejected by oneitis
>go out and lose virginity to super qt
>duper qt really likes me
>she really likes me
>act like a cunt because I'm still upset about rejection
>she stops being interested in me

I miss them both. I fucking hate how I sabotage my life every day

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