Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at 2.10.26 AM.png (658x655, 647K)
I'm trying to improve myself
Oliver Cruz
Aiden Morales
body like an anime villain. nice.
Leo Reyes
no chest
Justin Morgan
Asher Martinez
I seriosuly hope you smash pussy with a body like that, and if you don't get on it right now, those are some 99% genetics right there
Literally Ubermensch
Matthew Smith
Your abs remind me of a waffle maker. you look good, op, just need some pecs
Liam Murphy
>t. traplet
Ryder Mitchell
>what are different poses that accentuate different muscles
Cooper Martinez
You look like your 6 foot +, what's your height OP?
Oliver Garcia
T-Pose on em
Chase Mitchell
to the person that asked my height, I'm actually just under 6 foot. I'm 5 foot 10 - 170 lbs
Ayden Kelly
Put mass on and you will look like a pro physique competitor
Ethan White
Damn that's actually optimal height with your genes and insertions, don't stop working out dude, you could honestly make money off of your body through instagram and/or bodybuilding
Seriously, you're very very lucky
Grayson Powell
Try hard faggot abs
Tyler Stewart
cope more faggorino
Jordan Thomas
Yeah, people would give up so much to have genetics this fucking good, it's kinda retarded
Just incase you don't believe us you got
Very wide shoulders
Perfectly symmetrical abdominal 8 pack
As well as what looks like good lat insertions
You prbably have a two finger bicep insertion but arms aren't to important in terms of genes
Your chest isn't bad either, just needs some size and you'll be boyond chillin
am also jelly
Connor Jones
Thanks for all the compliments! To the person that said I have no chest - trust me, I'm working on it! and to the person who posted with a christian bale photo - Thank you! And desu I'm super self conscious about myself because I think people will think I'm a dickhead if I ever have my shirt off, even when hiking or at a pool or some shit like that
Noah Walker
Dude if you got it show it off
We have't seen your face but you could pull 7/10s girls with a body like this, be confident, or actually just try a little and you'll see results very easily
also, limit your time on boards like these because they tend to really warp your wrold view, hang out with normal people and girls will come your way no time
Adrian Fisher
>pull 7/10s
Dude has to take his shirt off and most single women and some not single ones will fucking lose it
Ayden Wright
Whats your workout, OP?
Easton Powell
I'd use my the bottom of my shirt to wipe my mouth and show off my abs
Whatever it takes to show em in public without being to obvious about it
If I were partying though I'd literally take off my shirt and be a complete stud
Nathan Sanchez
I feel you on the not going on these boards a lot, and I don't. I just discovered this site and it's my second post! And I definitely bang chicks, have a legit friend group, lots of hobbies, and socialize with people I don't know. I've just been in too many situations where I'd be with new friends at a rooftop party or something and I'd take off my shirt to get a quick tan and facilitate vitamin D production. Then, like a switch has been flipped, some of the guys start acting alpha male towards me, some of them ask me what my workout routine is and what I eat and all this crap, some of the girls instantly think I'm a douche, some of the girls instantly want to have sex (and that's not my type of woman haha). So now I just keep my clothes on even if it's hot as fuck and super humid. But the gym is super fun!
Noah Evans
Whats your ab routine?
I need some sort of abs and a sucked in stomach in 3 weeks.
Any tips?
Leo Miller
Mirin potential.
Do lots of incline bench/dips and hit biceps/triceps more.
Caleb Reyes
Yep I fucking knew,literally only came here to see the dude commenting about everyone's traps and who doesn't lift
Adam Jenkins
more chest
Jaxson Hall
eat something