Coffee general

Shush user

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Later frog, too early 4 me.

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Right, now you may speak.

What about tea?

This is a thread for manly drinks, user.

Take something better, user.

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This is the best meme

this but no talkie okie?

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Guys I don't get hyped up from caffeine much anymore even though I went months without it and just started again. Used to be doing like a pot a day and would get really bad headaches on the weekends if I didn't consume any. Maybe this cut has reduced my energy more than I expected idk. Anyways I had half a pot before the gym and did a couple PRs.

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try smoking to replace it for a while then do it again the true stimulant redpill is cycling them

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Based vikingposter

I've been dipping on and off for a year and a half, like twice a day when I've got a can. Seems like it's actually pretty good before lifting although I wouldn't do it before for cardio.

I think the boost from coffee started wearing out as a result of my first year of college where I'd have like 5 espresso shots in a single drink plus additional caffeine and vyvanse. Also drank like more than a pot a day for several months when I was a server to make the people more tolerable. I think I've had way too many all nighters that I've tried to make up for with caffeine, or else maybe I've gotten more resistant to it over time.

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shhh no gassing until i had me coffee

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based coffeeposters

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based based coffeeposters

I take two caffeine pills in the morning while coffe brews.

Coffee is life.

>at parents
>dad made some coffee
>put a bit of that hazelnut creamer in
>it has a weird metal taste
>don't care.

this makes no sense, the other person can't see the cup's contents, how can I tell when I can or can't speak?


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>can't grind beans because it will wake up roommate
>can't quietly ask them to get out of bed because I haven't had my first sip

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based based based coffeposters

hand grind master race

Redpill me on coffee

Shhhh, no talkie.

What's your brand?

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1 cup 30 minutes before a workout for a boost.

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Well my brand is not major dick

Uh.... no sweetie not yet *tap tap*

I take pre workout already because I'm a low-cal person

>awaken suddenly by a presence looming over me
>room is illuminated by pale moonlight coming from the window
>curtains blowing
>in the corner a cloaked figure holding a scythe
>a bone chilling whispering voice
>"dost thou have any fin-"
>No sweetie, coffee first, then the cold embrace of death

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based death-defying coffeeposter

Your loss queer.

*cracks open obnoxious lid*
*obnoxious slurp*
>sits down at your table
>let me tell you about my investments in the swedish stock market
>i own a tesla

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I don't know why but I'm losing my sides with these pics. KEK


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>tfw morning ceasefire

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I imagine that the only thing coffee helped with during trench warfare was the amount / speed that you could shit yourself. It's not like it was possible to get a good sleep anyway and artillery barages were probably better at keeping you awake than coffee anyway

Coffee is life.

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>drinking the liquid Jew

when and how did this meme start?

r9k a month or two ago, I think?

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Old /ck/ meme.

here you go sweetie.
now shhh.....

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