How the fuck do i keep myself from getting bored from running? It's fucking horrible.
Pic somewhat related. Apparently an instagram thot managed to run half a marathon with those fucking tits on her frame, so i suppose i should be able to do it as well.
I'm not sure I had the same problem which is why I stopped running. I'm glad to have contributed a lot of help.
Benjamin Rogers
Running is for nerfs, it's all about sprints.
Brandon Torres
Can you give me her instagram please
Jose Jackson
Antonella Kahlo. Her nudes actually look really good for their size.
Owen Davis
Been running as cardio for years, it fucking sucks. I do plyometrics from P90X and Insanity for cardio. Funny enough, doing those two and sprints will make you better at running than just running ever will.
Brandon Phillips
Got any running schemes for those? I dont really have any experience with either
Jackson Bailey
god damn Imagine tring to fun with those fun bags fucj me, no wonder they get fat and go from tit cow to slam pig.
Running is boring. And stupid. Of course you should be bored of running. You should be doing full-body cardio.
Brayden Cox
Thanks. The face could be better though.
Parker James
If you feel bored then you aren't running hard enough, pussy
Jayden Nguyen
Because the internet has catalogued every molecule of the human psyche
Anthony Lopez
Learn a sport.
Lincoln Cooper
Go run a half marathon at a decent pace (anything under 6:00/mile) and tell me if you still feel 'bored' lmao
Lincoln Scott
Can't have it all
Aaron Hill
I only run on treadmills because the inconsistency of the rural area where I live kills me within minutes, but here are some ideas: >listen to some audio books/podcasts >go to an area/park where joggers usually go and high five anyone who comes from your opposite direction >run with a friend
Get cheap bluetooth headphones and listen to music.
Or use the Nike Run Club app. They have mini running podcasts where they talk about stuff but also motivate you and play music. Bill Nye was telling me about science and shit during my run earlier
Imagine this fucking cunt She gets EVERYTHING she WANTS in her life Everything No work required Literally this because they will NEVER have any other value
Xavier Brooks
the only girls who want to fuck me have no tits
Nolan Richardson
A ha-mo is nothing senpai
Jace Flores
For most people it is, actually.
Jonathan Roberts
who is this?
Cooper Martinez
>the only girls who want to fuck me have no tits iktf bro
Nathan Richardson
I need source for my burger
Jeremiah Collins
Have some goals. When I ran my first 50 miler I thought I was going to be bored out of my mind and I brought my iPod loaded with music and podcasts, but I never had to use it. I ran for 9 hours and still never got bored
Robert Clark
mat.i on instagram. She's 16 tho, so no jacking it unless that's legal in your state/country.
Nathan Allen
What are you talking about!?!? I'm a dairy farmer. My only interests are in beefy beef burgers and heavy duty milk trucks
Gabriel Long
milk for the milk god, user
Dominic Walker
>okcupid shows new like notification >oh boy >click likes icon >it always shows the "people you've liked" tab first, so I stupidly think a woman with more than b-cups liked my profile >click the actual "people who like you" tab >sea of landwhales and flat chested 39 year olds >whoa a chick that might actually be fuckable >look at her profile >yet another single mom why won't okc just let me block all women with children
>How the fuck do i keep myself from getting bored from running? It's fucking horrible. 100 air squats (ie. bodyweight squats with no weight) = 1 km running, aerobic-wise.
So, do 300 every day. Or maybe 500, but that is pretty fucking hard (wrestlers do it).
Its 2018, we are phasing out statements like this due to their political/legal connotations.
Evan Jones
>Estupro is a crime existing across Mexico, as well as in other Latin American jurisdictions. Although the definitions vary by state, it is usually defined as sexual conduct with a child who has reached the minimum age of consent but is under 18 (16 or 17 in some states) when the consent of the child is obtained by seduction and/or deceit. For instance the law of Aguascalientes reads: "El estupro consiste en realizar cópula con persona mayor de doce y menor de dieciséis años de edad, obteniendo su consentimiento por medio de seducción o engaño."
as long as you fuck her without seducing her, it's all right
Are you lazy? Or do you have a short attention span?
Run *with* other people. Then it won't be so boring to you, snowflake.
Or maybe you can just work on your personal discipline.
Cameron Watson
note how most of the people complaining about this stuff online are white knighting males or sex repulsed feminists. cishet women like rough stuff far more than you might realize. a chick would complain about the wording, but she would see though the words to the actual sentiment being expressed, which is "I am so attracted to that girl that I would commit crimes". something that women find attractive! see this:
wait, so... which categories are women viewing less? those seem to be the most popular tags / genres to men as well. are men just more diversified, searching for hundreds of tags while women are stuck in a top 10 of normietags?
Adam Gutierrez
They might like Chad "raping" them (read as: dominating in bed without asking for consent). They don't fantasize about some fat ugly incel raping them.
Easton Wood
>They don't fantasize about some fat ugly incel raping them. So, 99.9% of Jow Forums?
Also nice quints
Jaxson Ortiz
user, the women who go to sites like pornhub aren't the average woman. They tend to be the kind that go for the same reason that men go to pornhub. Naked bitches. The rest, the vanishing few, tend to go to BE a naked bitch on the site.
The rest of that is just stuff that the so called lesbians and just sexually frustrated chicks who're looking to pop one off or be fapped/shlicked over watch. Interesting how the lesbians and bi chicks and few normal chicks that tend to go to those sites are heavily into rough het sex, men jacking off, being gangbanged and giant dicks.
Aaron Johnson
Of course they like rough sex, but a good percentage of you fucktards don't know the difference between rough sex and rape. You should make it a goal to figure it out before you get in legal trouble. You attitude of assuming women understand your intentions will get you in big trouble. I guarantee most actual rapists think the exact same thing.
You will probably ignore what I'm saying and keep thinking the way you do, but you really shouldn't. Give some time to thinking it over please, for your own safety.
That looks like the patty melt from Whataburger my brother.
William Miller
Never assume that just because you find something hot, your sex partner will too. Don't assume it's ok to rape it just because some graph or person on Jow Forums told you it's ok.
Some women do not have a submission fetish Some women do not like chads Some women do not like men.
Never just assume "she will like it" because you like it. Ask her first. That's all you have to do. And if the answer is "yes", take control and be as aggressive and rough as you like.
That's just good practice.
Mason Smith
wanna fuck?
Alexander Gonzalez
okay, buddy, I think it's time to go back now.
Jacob Flores
You never ask. You look for body language and cues. It kills the mood to ask.
Xavier Cruz
This can get you in legal trouble. Please don't do this, especially if you intend to have rough sex.
You can not always tell what a girl will be into by how she looks. Think about all the guys on Jow Forums that have weird twisted fetishes. Would most people be able to tell that by looking at them? Of course not. Women are the same way. Just looking at them isn't enough to know what they are into. Superimposing your fetishes onto them and disregarding their preferences is a misuse of power.
You wouldn't like it if someone bigger and stronger than you just assumed you were into a fetish that you were not into, and then forced it on you. Would you? No , of course not.
To assume your pleasure is more important than checking in to see if you are both on the same page, is a misuse of POWER. It's also a form of intimidation-and not in a hot way.
This is what people are talking about when they say that rape is more about power than it is sex.
Rape is a meme you can easily avoid by making sure you are not misusing power dynamics to your advantage.
To purposefully ignore this fact is to open yourself up to future legal trouble/tarnish your reputation. Always check in, in the long run it's the simpler thing to do.
Grayson Morales
Why is this faggot here?
Carson Price
I've been here since 2005, and I'm probably here for many of the same reasons you are here. I am just giving you advice, as one adult to another. Do with it what you will.
Nicholas Campbell
It doesn't really matter whether she finds it hot or not, that's the best part about a rape fetish.
>running is the same as squatting running is like 90% glutes and hams quads get very little activation
Aaron Morales
If you get a reputation as a rapist, no women will want to come near you. Even ones with "rape fetishes." It's gross and creepy to everyone, and even people with rape fetishes. You know why? Because rough sex is not the same thing as rape. I understand that this is a VERY hard concept for most of you to understand.
Chase Baker
Thank you for being a logical human being.
Adrian Perez
that is the best part tho
Jeremiah Green
>If you get a reputation as a rapist, no women will want to come near you That doesnt matter; you just get close to them instead.