Going to prison to get jacked as shit

What do you think Jow Forums? i know its a bit radical but why wouldnt you take a shortcut. I think that 1-2 years of prison should do wonders for our bodies. After you get out you can maintain it in for the long run. It is proved that while being in prison surrounded by other man raises your hormonal T levels and maintains it high. Survival instincts are taking over as your body is trying not to get raped by other bigger man. Its a high testosterone environment, your diet is pretty much shit but the body adapts and still grows. There is also the woman bonus, obviously when they see you and hear that you were in prison the pussy gets instantly wet, woman love convicts. So the question is why not? 1-2 years or prison for muscle and pussy for lifetime sound like a good deal to me.

Also what crime should you commit for a 1-2 years prison sentence.

Attached: kali-muscle-in-prison.jpg (768x511, 70K)

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I'd prefer not to convert to Islam

For your sake I hope this is a joke

You are retarded.
And you will get either raped or shanked with a screw.

Attached: Señor Hilter.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>So the question is why not? 1-2 years or prison for muscle and pussy for lifetime sound like a good deal to me.
I don't want to wear a plug in my anus for the rest of my life, how is that for a reason?

Been there, done that. Jail is full of mentally unstable twinks with no ambition and the occasional meathead. 1/10 would not recommend

What there to joke about? Its a radical shortcut and yes there are some risks.

Kill a nigger

Do high reps of body weight exercises.
Get used to do them for 7 days non stop.
You can get better food if you weren't a lazy bitch who didn't wan't to work.
Good luck never seen such bitches in prison.
I hope you get your legs broken there.

Attached: MariacVillalba029.jpg (1080x1349, 122K)

>It is proved that
> woman love convicts

citation needed

Lol please be a joke. Women stay away from convicts. Employers stay away from convicts. What happens to your gains when you leave?

>responding to the most obvious b8 thread
summer sure is here

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How is it a bait thread, you retard

Not to mention you'd get a chance to catch up on some reading.

kill yourself

>Women stay away from convicts


that ass is incredible

Assuming you’re in America, the vast majority of prisons have no free weights and your access to plentiful bodybuilding food will be minimal if you don’t have plenty of outside support.

I built a decent physique over a few years in prison but nothing like I did when I got out and got back into free weights and proper diet.

If you really want a shortcut, you could make 2 years of prison progress with a cycle or two of test and a half-assed workout routine.

Yeah there is also a big difference what country you live in. Image going to a Swedish prison. I mean its a fucking hotel.

>that ass is fat

no user

that ass is INCREDIBLE

Attached: 1403267568565.gif (533x300, 2.29M)

Those aren't the kinds of women you want to be with. The ones you want stay away.

If these are the reasons for you to go into jail, then you are probably not the right guy to do this.