Post Chad Careers

I'll start, engineering.

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Chad works as a model not as a nerdy engineer, let alone anything related with computers or even worse, videogames.
Also not Jow Forums related.

Chad works as a corporate vice president or something doing nothing but white collar crime schemes

I'm in school to be an engineer, there are some chads here. They're the type of chad that are super nice to everyone from the hottest stacys to the wierdest spergs.

Construction sales.
I bullshit with old men and try to sell electoral board’s our architect’s plans to put on their plot of land.
Mainly it looks like this:
1)be super bro-y to a bunch of old fucks I don’t know
2) take them golfing or to dinner or some shit
3) casually ask them about their budget constraints
4) check my shit and make sure our proposal is in the good range
5) laugh and bullshit with them for a bit
6) hand them our proposal
7) close the sale in a few weeks as the buy cycle winds down
8) celebrate

Fucking love my job

The only answer here is business or pro athlete. Chad's fraternity brother's dad hooks him up with an upper management position after graduation. All Chad does is shoot the shit with potential clients and his superior looks and social skills end up getting them to sign contracts.

The virgin:
A job

The chad:
NEET bucks

Investment banker due to WASP-y nepotism rather than merit is pretty chad

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Crop dusting, going 300kmh 6-10 feet off the ground goes alright. Pic a 1700hp beast, better power to weight ratio than a spitfire.

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>hillbilly shit

Shut up faggot, country chads exist.

t. hillbilly

t. Dyel who has never worked a hard day in his life

>making a living by bullshitting People
You're a bitch with a bitch job

Yeah anything related to planes is chad.

those are not Chads

these are Chads

Nah, they have all the archtypical chad traits, like height and looks, except they're also skilled at math and physics

Business-centric founder in a startup
Owner of a car dealership
Commercial plane pilot
Private plane seller
Ad agencies
Corporate executive
Personal trainer
Golfer bro

Note that not all people in these roles are Chads. It's just where you'll find Chads.


Correct me, but most of consultants I've seen are experienced people aka old out-of-shape ones, or worse, single mothers.

>Owner of a car dealership
Somehow it made me think of jewish used car salesmen. Never see Chads there to be honest, even for exotic/luxury cars market.


This whole thread is going in my cringe complimation

Consults around here (europoor) are usually strong, rich, good looking at valued.

Literally anything that is a product of nepotism and never having to actually put in a hard day's work in your life

real estate
investment banking
working on the board of daddy's company

Also don't try to rationalise autistic engineers as chads, everyone knows it's the sweatiest neckbeard profession there is

I'm actually worried that I'll have to hide my muscles when I apply for developer jobs. HR will find it toxically masculine and the beta interviewer will find me intimidating. There is also probably something subconscious in other developers that says guys who lift can't program.

you're not so muscular that someone will find it remarkable under a work shirt and a jacket

if you walk into an interview flexing in a singlet you deserve not to get the job

Tbh you a nerd senpai

Can confirm
I'm a courier and meet literally everyone from all walks of life. Realtor is a big one/ title companies etc. Every single guy is 6'4 210lbs and looks like a male model. I don't understand.
Pt is very on point too especially if it's some meme boot camp shit
Will disagree on lawyer

Also the Stacy only ever works as the financial consultant for dental offices or does (((something))) on Capitol hill. It's strange. If you ever walk into the legislative building of your city you will immediately notice how it looks more like a brothel. Probably just is.


>do med school
>smash high drive med school thots
>start your own clinic
>be your own boss
>work from like 10-3
>still make $300K or more per year
>never have to work on call or after hours
>overwhelming majority of your patients don't have life threatening conditions so no stress of accidentally killing people
>literally give eyesight to the blind

Are you a salt miner?

This, am a pilot. Women fucking love it and it's a fun high paying job.

>Corporate aviation
>Get a job with one of the big airlines
>Wear nice suits
>Figure out how to make your hub safer and more efficient
>Get paid good money
>Get free flights

>thinking this is chad

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top kek

Why is it that every autist is an engineer

The reality is both of the choices in your pic are dull as fuck. No "Chad" would choose an office job, most people with that personality can't stand in one place for too long. Also programming is the gayest onions-est job on Earth

Do a lot of girls in med school have crazy sex drives? I dated this girl that was aiming to be a neurologist and she was absolutely mind-blowing in bed, pun intended.

I met an Aussie Chad in Japan, dude was a pilot making mad money and only working a few days per week transporting cargo around Asia, spent the rest of his time in hostels backpacking, lifting, and partying.

engineering is for retards that made bad choices in life aka me
real chads take some business thing

good luck being a non-autistic engineer

Fuck qts tied with handcuffs on your taxes

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