Is Simply Sara Kitchen the best youtube channel for bulking food?

What do you think Jow Forums?

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Mirin her arms, whats her routine?


today I'm gonna show you how to make my easy CHEESY baked potatoes

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*licks lips* HEY Y'ALL.. HEY Y'ALL SARA HERE!

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Jesus Christ. How can someone be so out of breath by just talking?

top fucking audible kek

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she seems so sweet and authentic, I kinda feel bad for her appearance.

She's a real salt of the Earth girl, she doesn't deserve the mean comments really, but it's the Internet I guess. If she looked good I would marry her so fucking hard her ancestors would attend the wedding.

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based /ck/ crossposter

God, she's living proof that food addiction is just as detrimental as a heroin or meth addiction; she could be one minute away from every major organ failing and she'd still shove cheese sauce in butter down her throat

this is america

fuckin hell

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She makes a good point


>pleasure of living
The pleasure is living is ballooning up to the point where you can't walk 5 feet without having to stop and catch your breath as opposed to staying fit so you have energy to go out and do shit

Whoooooo boy.

She sometimes has to stop talking mid sentence to catch some breaths from her raspirator. Also she wears that thing when she is filming her husband. So much for living life to da fullest

It brings a tear of joy to know that she and people who are as delusional as her will die very young.

If she really wanted to "enjoy life the most" with her hedonistic eating habits, it would still need a counter balance (a fasting schedule etc. to counterbalance all the new fat tissue forming) for her not to die very young. It's totally doable if you want to life your life only by maximising pleasure gained, she is just very bad at it. Every right/freedom needs a counterbalancing responsibility for it to be sustainable.

Also, surely "pleasures of living" isn't just shitty American food?