Is Jow Forums dying?

I'm not a regular.
I just come here sometimes.
I just noticed that the highest reply count thread is only 169.
I used to see threads reaching 300-400 replies by 90-110 IP's.
Did something happen or is it just random?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nah trap threads and racebait gets 300+ every time

It's been dying for almost two years

I don't see that. There are only 2 threads that are almost close to 200.

I guess, but I checked in 3 weeks ago and it seemed like it was thriving.
Now it feels weird and empty.

Is this a bad thing? Jow Forums can only get comfier if there's less people everywhere. I like slow boards.

Fair enough, but dying boards feel sluggish and cold.

it's been dead, always has felt empty and slow. nothing to talk about but no gf and bbc bait for newfags. fuck this shit.

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youre not looking at the right threads
the only threads that get 100+ replies anymore are orbiting internet underageb& threads and "fembot here" threads

>huuur why dis board slow on sunday night???!

Fucking this.
Just use the filter. Ignore all the spam, only reply to the good threads.

Jow Forums is dead kind of. It used to be fun but now it's just full of anger people who don't know how to have a conversation.

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Yeah, I can see that.
It does feel like there's probably 500-800 active users on Jow Forums.
I imagine there was a couple thousand active users before.

The "good threads" have around 30 replies and 4 posters on them.
I don't know, it feels cold.

bunch of underages, bitter retards and simply moronic people rage on every board that has any popularity: /b/, Jow Forums, /v/, /soc/, Jow Forums that makes this place dead as fuck

Then why is it that everyone is constantly freaking out about normies invading? i've been here for a decade, and the culture has definitely changed a lot. It's actually less of a hivemind that it used to be. Which is good and bad. People have more arguments and disagreements, but people also have forgotten a lot the culture of the site. If anything, less users should be a welcomed change. This site was way better when it was "muh sekrit club".

that's because there's too many people replying to spam and bait threads. People don't use the filter, and they don't know how to sage either. A lot of these problems could be fixed if people could help themselves. You can't rely on the mods.

That probably pushes a lot of new users away.
Also, the strict culture on probably reduces numbers on Jow Forums.
If you're new, you get shunned for not knowing Jow Forums's 4 year old memes.
That pushes them away too.
If this continues, Jow Forums wil probably die with its "culture".

Pic related, it's your imagination.

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very originally this, when Jow Forums had little publicity it was very niche for anime retards and vidya gods. now it's (an overstatement) normie haven.

>that gigantic fucking spike in 2018

You can tell the exact moment when canadian van man blabbed about Jow Forums/incels to social media.

does sage no longer work?

at some point sage stopped being visible in the email field

the incel meme a month or 2 ago was a dark fucking time holy shit.

>If you're new, you get shunned for not knowing Jow Forums's 4 year old memes.
Too bad. You shouldn't be posting at all for at least a year or two. When I first came here I only lurked for years. I wasn't a legal adult at the time, but I also saw how people were treated if they acted retarded. They used to say constantly "Lurk moar, faggot". Now its a fucking free for all of underageb&.
sage works, but people are too retarded to use it.

It's just that the archive can't track it anymore because it isn't visible. People also use it less because they can't use it as a downboat anymore.

I'm not complaining I'm just saying if you want more users you gotta make it snappy. Not wait a year or two just to understand some shit memes.

I died the day it was deleted
Since then it's just whatever leftover robots are left, shills being shills, or normalfags

I don't want new users who understand nothing.

No, r9k is the same degenerate place it always was.

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