Write a single sentence and from it we will try to guess each others Iq

Write a single sentence and from it we will try to guess each others Iq.
I watch math videos for fun.

Attached: da.jpg (413x310, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I watch math videos for fun.

I flunked out of college as a theater major, I'm back in community college now though studying biology and doing really well actually so I can say with some certainty that pee is stored in the balls.

I watch rick and morty

They who care about IQ have nothing else, or very little, to show for it, not even the results of their IQ.

Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors.

I don't know what to say here, but Jow Forums is a giant heap of garbage that makes me wanna kill myself more than I already want to.

>They who care about IQ have nothing else, or very little, to show for it, not even the results of their IQ.


A single sentence.

I lov yeetin and hittin dem folks aha lit, wipin also savage yes !!

240 iq, sd 15. You're the smartest organism in the universe

all traps are feminine. some traps have penises. some penises are feminine.

t. 100+ with nothing to show for it

>A single sentence.

Brainlets and "I f*cking love science XXXDDD" people say this shit.


Attached: 1529115138718-b.jpg (506x667, 42K)

I make origami polyhedra out of business cards in my spare time.



Too good for iq tests you are the messiah
Thank you, user

Attached: 1454559490969.jpg (400x400, 81K)

I applied to Ivy League universities and didn't get accepted to any of them because I'm white and non-Jewish.

Ire in enigma yields a ravel in divine

beep beep beep im a sheep

>I put a bunch of random words that are not usually used in everyday life together to sound smart

The woman on the television right now has really big breasts.

The Singularity is near, an intelligence explosion is approaching, and with sufficient AI alignment, humanity may be on the verge of achieving virtual immortality.

Attached: singularity1.jpg (2250x858, 402K)

110 to 120

Your attempt at making a joke about pee being stored in the balls even though you're studying biology in community college falls flat because any person that has ever drank a bottle of water know that their balls don't get as heavy as a bottle of water thus it is common knowledge pee is not stored in the balls. Your Iq can not be higher than 90.

I dropped out of high school.

kimi no kuchibiru kara koboredasu kotoba ni naritai

The Sexual Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I would say my main area if interest and only hobbie is literature yet I've only read about 25 books in my entire life and can spend months without touching a book.

All on my own, I wondered into an unknown world where I found I piece of the dream I'd been searching for

Eradicate humanity.


Also, origigigignawekikaka umboko weke!!!!! thanks

IQ : virgin

>my main area if interest

IQ: 90

I just get high all day and listen to fashwave

>tfw I'm 55 and 137 at the same time

I already know im a brainlet who can barely form proper syntax

I want to die origanism

oh and 4

The word "horoi," or "boundaries," applies to both geometrical lines and the definitions of terms in Euclid, since both breadthless length and the limits of a definition serve the same function: dividing that which is something from that which is not that thing, and in doing so, granting us the power to point and say, "that."

Perceptive, at the very least.

Yes. You are a brainlet.


You're an idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about. Current ML is still gradient descent on a bunch of parameters and it hasn't changed much in 20+ years, and we still know very little about why and how it works.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

That's 3 sentences user we can't get an accurate reading on your brain

I hate working and I like partying

I take online IQ tests everyday and consistently score 140+


I bet you can't guess what I'm thinking of.



Attached: d65.gif (680x499, 1.64M)

Not gonna lie, I snickered.

You don't want to die. You want attention. Usually if you want something and have the means to attain it you get it.

IQ: female.

You're a big fat faggot

Want big fuck with girl

my dick can experience the 5th dimension but not my balls

thats not a sentence desu

the reality of change or movement (in the Aristotelian sense) necessarily requires the existence of a first immobile motor, because it is impossible to be founded in an infinite series of initiators of the movement.

I play chess for >3 hours a day

>unmoved mover

My psychiatrist gave me an IQ test before treating
my attention disorder and I scored 143.

I unironically like indie/underground electronic music like Celldweller and Blue Stahli, almost always beg to differ and have a strong tendency to look at everything from different perspectives, and am a generalist irl (I tend to be Jack of All Trades), and also like being Devil's Advocate.

Too bad your attention disorder makes you effectively a mediocre 120 IQ pleb lmao btfo largely

We must apprehend and liquidate the stranglehold which the perfidious judeans hold over the Western Hemisphere.

I haven't shit myself in weeks

The last sentence was the one sentence. the top was a reply to a poster as is implicated by the space between the writings and the reply to the poster being directly below his post number.

Any person with an iq above 100 would've figured that out.


Modern interpretations of Darwin, in conjunction with the fallout from discovering the "transforming principle," have created an oppressive and narrow-minded biology that willfully ignores all nuance and subtlety in favor of dogma.

American standardized IQ: 130
Globally standardized: 75

I was rejected after a job interview with Walmart.

I jack off at least once a day.

If I have to shoot through a crowd of people to defend myself, it's a self-defense situation

Anyone with an IQ above 110 would know that it doesn't matter if the extra sentences were a reply to someone else, or an introduction, or a preface, or an aside. They were extra sentences that came from the same mind, and so bias the rater so they can no longer objectively use the one sentence measure.

Such a pitiful misunderstanding of rules. I tip my fedora sympathetically in your direction.

>forcibly engaging in activities that have a reputation of attracting intellectuals will make me more intelligent.

You are average and there's nothing you can do about it.

Your IQ will stay 100 forever.

We had reversed the polarity, and to my horror, he wasn't safe in a cage that the lightning couldn't enter, but instead trapped in a cage that the lightning couldn't escape.

Overqualified genius spotted


IQ: 87

French is bullshit

I have no reason to live but also no desire to kill myself.

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I'm straight but I still like men.

Can't even think of his own sentence. Inspired by young adult escapist fiction. 105.

High IQ patrician who can generate a deceptively simple sentence with multiple possible layers and perspectives.

>doesn't know about extragenetic inheritance
>hasn't read the work of Margulis
>doesn't know what niche creation is
>doesn't know what epigentics is
>hasn't actually read Darwin, just about his work secondhand
>probably thinks that Lamarck was just flat-out wrong on every level

>tfw no qt mensa gf

The rules don't state you can't reply to other posters while at the same time posting your one sentence. If you can point out where they do in the op i will concede.

...is that from a book? Because I seriously was just recounting one of my biggest fuckups.

Such low IQ. What's the point of restricting to just one sentence if you can have ten paragraphs above and below it?

Anyone's judgment would be influenced by that content. Your interpretation of the spirit of the rules only makes sense if you assume OP wanted to engage in any even more pointless exercise than what he was suggesting on the surface.

My true passion is physics although I'm a computer science major.

Faith in humanity is just another religion.


I seek out music I don't like because I enjoy the feeling of superiority I get when listening to it.

This awful song by an angsty teenager is my greatest find:

160 IQ. Will go on to program the (promotional website for the) greatest rick and morty game of all time.

I'm an atheist, a race realist, and an ethnonationalist.

You're really stupid

You didn't do what i asked you to do friend.

Show me where in the op it says i can't reply to other posters while at the same time posting my one sentence.

I know your IQ is very low but it's not low enough that you can't be expected to comprehend simple requests.

My upper-middle-class white parents paid to send me to a good university, and now I have a boring job writing embedded software for tractors.

Touch me pee pee aaaaaahahahhahaha oh oh aah yeeeet mofuggin

Everyone knows the Jews are just the scapegoats used by the Celtoid sub-race

Attached: Happy Celtoid.jpg (250x248, 7K)

I only hate the Jews because I am not one.

>run on sentence

Doomed to be a codemonkey that reads pop-sci in his spare time.



>3 sentences

Me likey rub peepee

Anime is actually great, everyone that says they only like anime unironically or that it's dumb is a huge faggot.



I destroyed the foundations on which you asked me to do that. It is painful to me how low IQ you are, but I shouldn't get angry because it's not your fault.

For it is not only the only duty of men to strive on chaos, but the first thing avaible and the last one remaining, thus it was written on Hermes's tab "ORDO AB CHAO", now an obscure origin of the philosophical epistemology of the meaning of choice and free will that we've seen develop in the academia in the last 500 years.

105 to 115

95, and also agreeable

Either 75 or 7,500,000,000 infinity




-4, better luck next time shiksa limp wrist fag

100 to 110

-gorillion, pee is stored in a thot's mouth (jk 100 to 105)


85, same as a negro ;)

100 to 110, le pretentious faggut though


666 infinite of evil


I read physics till 3am in the morning with a smile on my face every time i learn something new for fun :)

Low IQ post by a Low IQ person. 80.

You probably think that you're just shitposting and are not being serious. Your posts can betray your intelligence.

If you are a NEET it doesn't matter what your IQ is, it's like bragging about how big your dick is when you're a KHV, it'll never be of use to anyone so what's the point?