
>he doesn't eat raw meat
>he doesn't eat rotten meat
>he doesn't stare directly at the sun
>he doesn't think cancer is helpful
>he doesn't think the earth is flat
>he doesn't laugh between every sentence

Why are you not in contact with nature?
If only you ate healthy you would have more gains.

Attached: hehe.jpg (900x900, 76K)

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He really thinks that cancer is helpful?

hehe xD

lmao haha


is this dude nuts?

Yes he does: youtube.com/watch?v=ktQ4xwMwzQk

Attached: hohoho.jpg (902x906, 154K)


no, momma says happiness is rays of sunshine that come down when you're feeling blue. that's why you should look directly into the sun, to be the most happy hehe

Hehe, yeah. Stabbed his classmates, molested a 15 year old, got committed involuntarily to a psychiatric hospital, eats rotten meat, thinks the sun is a source of calories, thinks water is bad for you, etc. Hehe

source on him stabbing a classmate and molesting a 15 year old?

Bump while I find everything


he doesn't eat nuts because nuts are anti-nootrients,hehe

He admits to molesting her.


Here is the story of him stabbing 4 kids, contains circumstantial proof but it's pretty tight. A kid by his exact name from his exact town the same age as he was during the time frame spergs out and knives his classmates.

:( ....hehe

Can't stop laughing at this simple ass post. What the fuck is wrong with me? hehe


The fact that this man exists mindfucked me so hard. I thought I knew something after reading books about genocide but holy shit.


Grain slaves and goyboys keep getting BTFO'd by the raw meat eating Chad.

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>draws him not bald
Also I'm pretty sure he works out. He has mentioned it before.


based hehe posters

Make way for

Attached: Skinny.png (961x639, 634K)


You can't spell nutrient without nut.
That can't be a coincidence.

well the truth, in cacer cells lie the answer to immortality!
A cancer cell never dies!

dubs wills it soooo hehe


that's not how you spell nootrient hehe

just looked at youtube.com/watch?v=weRKlBGszhY a bit

why doesnt he just cook it wtf

Why would he?

because he is risking himself with bacteria and disease by eating it raw

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Being vegan for a while does things for your brain probbaly


Based hehe poster

No he’s meats, hehehe

Fuck now i'm laughing like a retard too. At least my jew pills are working

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What is it with Sweden and autism? The northern you go the more you are in danger?

He's from Latvia.

His mental illness is because he was a vegan long time ago, being vegan fucked his brain.

No, he was mentally ill well before then.

>possess somewhat common Europe hairline
>also have high testosterone and a larger forehead
>hurr durr you're
You don't understand, this guy has had that hairline since birth, hair has never been lost.

And you seriously think a guy who has spent all of 2018 traveling has the time to hit the gym 3 times a week? He stopped working out a long time ago, now he just plays freesbe for fun.

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Can't tell if ironically a dick rider or not

Nah, I don't get brainwashed and change my whole eating habits based on what YouTubers eat and do (see: the whole vegan movement).

I'm of European background and this guy just eats lots of the foods that my grandparents and even parents grew up culturally eating. He can be radical with some of his other ideas but raw meat dishes are no meme.

>my whole eating habits based on what YouTubers eat and do
Kek. Top irony

Oh, are you making the claim that meat eaters are influenced by the internet in the same proportion that vegans are have been influenced by the internet? Fucking lol.

Don't even reply, I'm not gonna bother debating some retard who eats a diet lacking 12 essential brain nutrients. You're literally disabled mentally at this point and incapable of holding an intellectually honest conversation.

>the paranoia
>the strawmanning

he's right though, even if he is strawmanning alittle bit.

>he's right though
Simply proclaiming being right isn't the same as being right though


i lav to play frisbee hehe...

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