Welcome back, and welcome newcomers, it's time for the comfiest thread in town, /Nightfeel/! Forget about the world, come on down and delay the sunrise with us!
What is the nightfeel? It is the feeling of serenity that comes with staying up late and forgetting your daily obligations.
General thread, the only prerequisite is that it be dark outside in your timezone.
This Tiny Desk Concert is maximum lonely comfy, but after checking out more recent pieces it looks like the magic has been lost. youtube.com/watch?v=evBgLWQwAFA
hey user, its me from the other night! I made that music streaming server I talked about and a thread for people to contribute music suggestions. comfyradio.blogspot.com
I have to admit I was primarily ripping stuff off the radio stations I link to in the OP... Does your radio station run 24/7? Is it always playing music?
Chase Richardson
I am at around 4 hrs of music rn but I've been getting a lot of support for it. I'm ripping stuff from youtube too lel
Hell yeah, so you're building content and it will eventually become a 24h deal? I'd be more than happy to donate some music.
this guy posted music that's feels music. I dunno how comfy, though... it makes me feel like crying I dunno. Comfy music for me doesn't evoke strong emotion, it relaxes. That'd be my definition. At any rate thought you might be interested.
Instrumental acoustic guitar cover of "Something So Right" by Paul Simon. Paul Simon's a gold mine for comfy if you can find instrumentals.
Ethan Bennett
The server is running 24/7 from my computer but its on a loop. Do you think you could add the link to my site to the OP next time you make it? thx for the song btw
Eli Green
nightfeel? okay then, here are some night shots i took
i actually love to photograph stuff at night, you can be completly for yourself, with no one around. Taking pictures is a calming experience and also satisfying at the same time
Be more than happy to. A homebrew r9k music server's the perfect addition to the nightfeel.
What you're saying makes sense.
Jason Ramirez
Damn this one is great too. Looks like an album cover
Colton Robinson
These are gorgeous. Don't stop.
Adrian Reyes
damn didn't expected that some people actually looked at them, well i have many many more, but these are mostly my night shots (which are related to the thread). some of them were taken during the same night, since i had to ride my bike home (while being heavy drunken) for around 10km. The heavy falling snow on the midnight streets caused such an unbelieveable calm atmosphere, which is why i had to take all these pics (this one included)
These are brilliant user. Very nice work. Some of them capture a strange lonely feeling.
Christopher Bailey
This plus the Aurora tinydesk link is beautiful...
Aaron Morales
Thank you very much anons, It's always wonderful to hesr that some people, who are around the planet just like your work. You might be seeing different stuff from me in other threads, but i don't want to disturb the lonely / melancholic feelings of this thread with some random landscape shots. Sadly fascinating how ones lonely state of mind is being replicated and presented in the creative outcome