>at local pool trying to get tan on and get mires from qt3.14s
>Midwest college town so 90% whites 10% other
>group of Somalians being loud, yelling nigga this nigga that bruh bruh bruh
>white people being civilized just trying to tan, hang with their family’s, and using manners
>and blacks wonder why everyone hates them
Why are blacks so uncivilized
The learn how to act from what our media shows them.
Agree, fuck niggers
African american well educated people I have no problem tho
they are niggers. but u are a nigger in ur mind for wanting a tan.
next question.
we wuz
Wakakakakaanda forever
No, user, the behavior predated the media portrayal of the behavior. They are just like that.
>be me in sauna
>hispanic couple and two somalian dudebros are there
>somalian dudebros are talking loudly to each other. eventually they start talking about how they prefer dating white blonde girls the most and how much they dislike somalian girls
>somalian guys leave after some time of this. immediately after they left the hispanic couple calls them disgusting perverts who should stick to their own race. then they say they love America and Trump
>i just sit there in silence
White people look at least 1-1.5 points better with a tan it’s pretty insane
What does this have to do with fit
Welcome to Eternal September: Jow Forumstard Edition.
Somalians are the niggers of niggers.
the spaniards are right.
racemixing is disgusting.
especially with niggers.
You have an entire board dedicated to hating black people. Stay in it.
>Somalians at the pool
Does that staff make sure they shower first?
where do you live that there's so many somalians?
Probably because they are poor, and poor people often act like scum.
In Scotland its white 'neds'.
In New Zealand it's Pacific Islanders.
In Australia its abos.
Not that guy, but you don't have to browse Jow Forums to hate niggers. It's called life experience.
Ever wonder why people get more conservative as they get older. Look at how many young males are liberal beta cucktards. As they grow up and experience more, can guarantee that most will become more racist
I don't think abbos would be much of an issue if we didn't give them welfare.
It's just the dumb cunts are always drunk or high that makes them misbehave, and then their kids act like little shits because they lack parenting.
Houston, Texas
Hahaha beaners always try to gain white acceptance by espousing support for trump. I dont care if you like him, you need to get out. Am i rite?
Ding ding ding good guess
i used to live there, then moved to iowa, even more niggers here i cannot escape
That's what you get for being an entitled faggot and go to mankato