I'm glad it wasn't Gordon Ramsay

I'm glad it wasn't Gordon Ramsay.

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It should've been guy fieri, then at least we could've, adequate some memes

That's because Gordon isn't literally paying for his wife to cuck him with 2 ripped MMA dudes all over social media for the world to see.

That guy's bright and witty, but he strikes me as a little bit of a petty jerk. Gordon is a total asshole, but at least he's sincere. Somehow I find him likeable and endearing. Idk though. These men are complete strangers to me. Who knows what they are really like as friends and family members.

Gordon Ramsay's meanness seems like a persona more than anything. In kitchen nightmares he stops yelling at people when he realizes being nicer will save their business.

We just need to wait. He'll die in some spectacular fashion and it'll be great.

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I've actually heard that Guy is a really nice down to earth guy who's cool to be around. He's just really cliche and "cringy."

Gordon is an interesting case, he's an asshole in the kitchen (heard this from somebody I know who was a chef in one of his restaurants) and on TV but I've also heard that he's a nice enough guy out of the kitchen. I think the attitude we see is mostly down to him being a French-trained chef, their whole philosophy on kitchen staffs is that they should be like a military unit and the head chef should act like a drill sergeant.

>Gordon is a total asshole, but at least he's sincere.
Just watch Kitchen Nightmares UK and that's pretty much him irl.

You think Ariane had to hear these dudes plowing her mommy? Or did she think that was just more BJJ practice?

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This is my old-ass husband, and this is my pussy. Come and get it boyyys

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Hashtag GANGBANG! lol

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Some pretty decent grass there.

Right? They kept the lawn up pretty nice.

Also, "Ayyy, fuck you you old cuck."

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Why u mad white boi? Go cook us a steak or sum sheeit.

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What originally happened to make you say that

>traveled the world
>ate good food
>fame and fortune
>lots of good friends
>still kills himself
Anthony Bourdain had everything I wanted in life, but he still ended up killing himself. He even left behind his fucking daughter whom he claimed to be his entire world

If none of those things can make a person happy what the fuck can

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I think I suddenly understand why Anthony killed himself.

fuggin kek

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Shit tons of drugs. That's what he did and why nothing else compared.

>"Mommy? Did Daddy kill himself because you let all those men cum inside you on his dime?"
>"No, honey. Daddy was always gone because he didn't love us. Now smile for the camera."


Try not getting cucked for the entire world to see.

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That is his ex-wife. He was with some new girl much younger than him. But she also cucked him.

He had never finalized the divorce with Ottavia. I guarantee you the new bitch was his way of trying to fill the void, and yeah, she cucked him, too.

It's cool that you can green text but he was the one who killed himself not her.

>"That's right, sweetie. Daddy didn't love you, or he would have stayed alive."

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Why are jewish men so obsessed with cuckoldry?

You think Anthony was IN on it? Please.

Oh shit, I thought that was his daughter, not his wife. Losing a girl who looked like that and watching her run around cavorting with the #gangbang chad brigade might be even MORE of a reason to kys.

>Ottavia joins BJJ club
>lots of physical contact with young, fit dudes
>Anthony is always traveling
>Ottavia starts taking dick after dick after dick and posting about it publicly
>even has "practice" at her house
>Anthony gets sick of it and they split
>2 years pass, during which time Anthony can't bring himself to finalize the divorce
>Anthony dates some new girl to prove to himself (and Ottavia) that he's still attractive and has still got it
>she cucks him with Hugo Clement while he's shooting his show in France
>Anthony kills himself 2 weeks later
It's honestly transparent as hell. The reporter who shot pics of his new gf with Hugo pulled the pics after Anthony's death. I can't imagine what resources and pressure are going towards burying the whole thing.

pic is Anthony

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Honestly Bourdain was a disgusting piece of shit and deserved death much earlier for his years of being a faggot drug user